Umno is rotten to the core – it seems!

By P. Ramakrishnan
18th January 2013

The cat is out of the bag – at last! Tun Mahathir and all his cohorts from his era cannot plead ignorance or amnesia. It is out in the open how they cheated and stole elections to remain in power.

Shamelessly they plotted and subverted the democratic process in their greed to remain in power. What they did is tantamount to treason.

They stole our elections and cheated our voters. They made a mockery of our elections and the democratic process consciously and deliberately.

To think that this diabolical scheme was hatched by people from the Prime Minister’s Department, the Home Ministry, the National Registration Department, the Election Commission, etc. It clearly establishes the fact that there was massive official fraud to ensure the two thirds majority, win the election and fool the public that the Barisan Nasional came into power through legitimate means.

To think that two of the then PM’s closest confidantes – Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, Mahathir’s political secretary, and Megat Junid Megat Ayub, the deputy home minister under Mahathir – were actively involved in cheating and stealing elections exposes the very possibility that one can remain as prime minister in Malaysia not only for 22 years but forever! Continue reading “Umno is rotten to the core – it seems!”

The Ugly 1Malaysian Muslim Woman

By Mariam Mokhtar | January 18, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

Umno seems to have a lot of people who open their mouths and put their feet straight into them. That is why few will sympathise with Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, the president of Suara Wanita 1Malaysia (SW1M) who has gone into hiding and is attempting to restore her reputation after she delivered a knockout blow to Umno.

Perhaps, she deserves a tinge of sympathy for having an out-of-body experience; the moment she opened her mouth, all credibility left her body.

Incidentally, from where does SW1M get its funding? Is it the taxpayer or does the money come from abroad?

Incredibly, the other members of her little known organisation are just as blind, and do not think Sharifah’s behavior was appalling. Can anything be clearer?

It is Sharifah’s snobbery and aggression which the rakyat identifies with Umno. Her lack of humility prevented her from apologising for her poor conduct. She is too arrogant to admit that she was wrong and her decision to go into hiding because she says she is being “blackmailed”, shows her cowardice and guilt. Her decision to prolong the issue and not deal decisively and immediately with it, has made her look even more conceited.
Continue reading “The Ugly 1Malaysian Muslim Woman”

Orang Melayu perlu merdekakan jiwa dan minda

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 18, 2013

18 JAN — Kita sudah sampai ke penghujung penggal pilihanraya dan pemilihan itu akan diadakan dalam beberapa minggu sahaja lagi. Kali ini merupakan pilihanraya yang berkeadaan yang paling rumit dan mencabar bagi BN dan masa yang paling baik bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk menunjukkan mereka (PR) sebagai “coalition” alternatif yang akan menjadi pengganti kepada pemerintahan BN. Umno sudah dianggap terlalu usang oleh sebahagian besar rakyat negara ini.

Tanda yang paling jelas Umno itu usang ialah ketidak-mampuan untuk mengubah keadaan dan persepsi buruk rakyat terhadap parti itu dengan keseluruhan kepimpinannya. Banyak pihak telah mengkritik dan memberikan pandangan yang berbagai-bagai untuk memperbaiki parti itu tetapi Umno tetap dengan sikap dan perangai yang sama tanpa ada tanda-tanda untuk berubah kepada kebaikan.

Segala kesalahan moral dan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh Umno dan BN selama ini tetap terus berlaku dan rakyat sudah tiada pilihan selain dari melakukan yang drastik terhadap parti pemerintah itu. Betul lah kata setengah pendapat orang, keadaan ini adalah kehendak yang “natural” dan ianya berlaku kepada semua parti-parti dan pertubuhan siasah yang sudah lama dan usang dimana-mana.

Ahli-ahli serta penyokong-penyokong tegar Umno masih dalam sindrom penafian dan masih bertegas mengatakan Umno akan menang dan ada yang mengatakan yang parti itu akan mendapat sokongan 2/3 dalam Dewan Parlimen kali ini. Tetapi hakikatnya tindakan mereka hanyalah untuk menyedapkan hati mereka sahaja kerana keadaan sebenarnya adalah di sebaliknya. Continue reading “Orang Melayu perlu merdekakan jiwa dan minda”

83-Day Countdown to 13GE: Mahathir’s “Listen, Listen, Listen!” exhortation and the question – What is to be done when a former PM had committed treason when in power?

It was pure, pristine, undiluted Mahathirism – the perverted illogic, falsehood-coated assertions and brazen dishonesty.

Recently, the Sharifah-Bawani video clips made the “Listen, listen, listen!” diatribe infamous nationwide, but the real “Listen, listen, listen!” maestro is none other than Mahathir, who yesterday treated Malaysians to a classic “Listen, listen, listen” exposition, a decade after he stepped down as Prime Minister for 22 years but demonstrating he is still unequalled as an exponent of this black art.

Mahathir was responding to the revelations at the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants on Project IC (also known of Project M) and the “IC receipts-for-votes” and “citizenship-for-votes” scams in Sabah in the nineties, but he had overreached himself as for the first time in 14 years he had to admit to the existence of the nefarious and treasonous Project IC or Project M not only to subvert the electoral process but also the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia.

Mahathir had until yesterday strenuously denied the existence of Project IC or Project M since the public surfacing of the allegations about it in the Likas election petition in 1999, but yesterday, when pressed by the media if he was saying the Project IC was lawful, Mahathir said: “Yes, it is lawful.”

If the Project IC or Project M was lawful, giving ICs and citizenships to foreigners “within the law”, why was it necessary for Mahathir to deny it and to hide it from the people of Sabah and Malaysia for over a decade?

Furthermore, why was it necessary for Mahathir to try to defame Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, by claiming that the first Prime Minister had done worse by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsular Malaysia, asking: “Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong?” Continue reading “83-Day Countdown to 13GE: Mahathir’s “Listen, Listen, Listen!” exhortation and the question – What is to be done when a former PM had committed treason when in power?”

Pengiraan Detik 84 Hari ke PRU13: Mahathir patut selamanya tutup mulut sekiranya beliau tidak bersedia untuk secara sukarela tampil di hadapan RCIII Sabah untuk membersihkan tuduhan bahawa beliau adalah pengkhianat dengan memberikan Kad Pengenalan dan hak mengundi kepada pendatang asing semata-mata untuk mempertahankan kuasa politik UMNO

Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Azmin Ali telah memanggil mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pengkhianat negara berikutan pendedahan di Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja Pendatang Tanpa Izin (RCIII) berkenaan perancangan “kewarganegaraan untuk undian” di Sabah sekitar tahun sembilan puluhan.

Semalam, beberapa bekas pegawai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) memberitahu RCI di Kota Kinabalu bahawa mereka diarahkan bagi memudahcara pendatang tanpa izin untuk mengundi ketika 1990-an dan membantu menaikkan kerajaan negeri yang mesra BN.

Operasi ini termasuklah antaranya mengeluarkan resit kad pengenalan (KP) pengundi yang sememangnya wujud kepada pendatang tanpa izin untuk mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang tanpa izin yang tidak layak – juga dikenali sebagai Projek IC atau Projek M yang mana “M” bermaksud Mahathir.

Dua orang paling rapat dan orang kanan Mahathir ketika itu telah dilibatkan oleh saksi di hadapan RCI dalam penipuan kewarganegaraan-untuk-undian di Sabah – Megat Junid Megat Ayub, Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri Mahathir, yang juga Menteri Dalam Negeri serta Aziz Shamsuddin, setiausaha politik Mahathir. Megat Junid kemudiannya menjadi Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kepenggunaan sementara Aziz Shamsuddin kemudiannya menyertai Kabinet sebagai Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar Dan Wilayah. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 84 Hari ke PRU13: Mahathir patut selamanya tutup mulut sekiranya beliau tidak bersedia untuk secara sukarela tampil di hadapan RCIII Sabah untuk membersihkan tuduhan bahawa beliau adalah pengkhianat dengan memberikan Kad Pengenalan dan hak mengundi kepada pendatang asing semata-mata untuk mempertahankan kuasa politik UMNO”