92-Day Countdown to 13GE – Malaysia as “safest country in Southeast Asia” meaningless when Malaysians live in fear everyday of worsening crime

This is what a top Barisan Nasional mainstream media (BN MSM) editorial officer blogged yesterday:

“Why are these criminals still going about their merry way robbing and hurting people at traffic lights, at their homes and everywhere?

“Why are they still so bold?


“I’ll be honest — I am living in fear. My family is living in fear. And we are not the only ones.

“Not only residents of housing estates fear of being attacked anytime, anyday.

“People…people driving in their cars..people walking…

“You fear when you arrive at the gate of your home — if anyone has been following you or lying in wait.

“You are just so fearful. Continue reading “92-Day Countdown to 13GE – Malaysia as “safest country in Southeast Asia” meaningless when Malaysians live in fear everyday of worsening crime”

Desperation in December

by Rom Nain
Jan 6, 2013

Desperation evidently does strange things to God’s creatures, including some already-anxious Malaysian politicians and their minions. And nowhere has this been more obvious than during the recent month of December; a period often hyped as the season of cheer and plenty, but this time around coming across as the season of fear and stupidity.

At least for some.

If pushed for a time frame, I’d say it all began barely a week before Christmas. Perhaps inspired by a previously silent (though certainly not holy) night and the medically recommended seven hours of sleep, not one, but two prominent individuals came up in the mainstream media on Dec 20 with what they must have thought were brilliant suggestions.

The fact that they are both Malaysians linked to BN, however, made many doubt their brilliance. After all, the days of cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang went out the window with the ‘retirement’ of poor Pak Lah (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) and has largely been replaced, since late 2008 at least, by years of temberang.

In any case, on Dec 20, the media widely reported that Johan Jaafar, chairperson of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel (CCPP) had “proposed that all parties send their list of candidates contesting in the 13th general election for vetting by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)”. Continue reading “Desperation in December”

MCA’s irrelevance

— Jimmy Chua
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 08, 2013

JAN 8 — Really? On a day in which a good number of Malaysians were upset at the decree by the Selangor Sultan prohibiting non-Muslims from using the word “Allah”, the time warp Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) was engaging in nonsense.

Granted, the party is in a fight for its political life against DAP and can’t resist a point-scoring opportunity but surely, speaking up for non-Muslims is an important part of its remit. Surely, you show your relevance to Malaysians by speaking up on important issues.

No. It appears that the MCA of Chua Soi Lek and Liow Tiong Lai is incapable of anything substantial.

So, instead of making its position clear on the Sultan’s decree or at least adding some clarity to the issue, they chose to focus only on the DAP election fiasco. Continue reading “MCA’s irrelevance”