Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor

Abdul Khalid Ibrahim
11:20AM Jan 5, 2013


2012 has been a productive year for the Selangor state government, and I along with other state leaders begin 2013 with the firm intent of redoubling our efforts to serve the rakyat.

It is saddening to see the deputy prime minister, on the other hand, begin the new year with low class politicking, stating that the people of Selangor have been fooled for four years under Pakatan Rakyat.

In reality, it is Barisan Nasional that has fooled the people of both Selangor and Malaysia for 55 years.

This article intends not to rely on rhetoric, but to provide conclusive evidence regarding the priority given by Pakatan Rakyat and the Selangor government to the welfare of the people as well as our commitment to the highest standards of good governance.

We are confident that comparable evidence cannot be shown by any state administered by BN, including in Selangor before 2008.

In terms of financial management and allocation of funds for welfare programmes, Selangor under Pakatan Rakyat by far outperforms any other Barisan Nasional state, as well as the federal government itself.

Financial management

When Pakatan Rakyat took over the Selangor state government in 2008, the state’s cash reserves totalled a mere RM760 million.

In a short four years, we have succeeded in increasing this reserve over three-fold, to RM2.5 billion today.

Was this a result of a decrease in spending or allocations?

Certainly not. In fact, the allocations for state sponsored welfare programmes have increased every single year.

This excess of funds was achieved not by spending less, but by eliminating the vast amounts of leakage and corruption that formerly ran rampant in Selangor.

We have taken strong measures to ensure that every sen that belongs to the rakyat is managed with uncompromising integrity and spent carefully for the good of all.

By abiding by these principles, we have ensured that the state’s abundant resources and income are shared equitably among all the people of Selangor, regardless of race, religion or political inclination.

Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES)

The Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) programmes reflect a core policy of Pakatan Rakyat which emphasises that all the state’s income and resources should be redistributed back to the rakyat, without any leakage, and without any inappropriate “profits” to interested parties.

The records that have been carefully kept regarding the MES programmes provide indisputable evidence of our commitment to the rakyat’s welfare.

The Pakatan Rakyat state government began the MES programmes as soon as it took over in 2008.

In that year, the MES allocation stood at RM73 million. This sum has risen every year: RM161 million in 2009, RM173 million in 2010, and RM 192 million in 2011.

Up to September, the allocation for 2012 stood at RM165 million; the total amount spent on the rakyat’s welfare via MES programmes in these four years is RM766 million.

Four programmes have been in existence since 2008: the provision of 20 cubic meters of water for free, the grant for students entering universities, (Hadiah Anak Masuk Universiti), the Senior Citizens Scheme (Skim Mesra Usia Emas), and the Children’s Education Fund (Tabung Pendidikan Anak-Anak).

Every year, new MES programmes are introduced. These programmes do not take the approach of the BN federal government, in which cash and goods are given out indiscriminately merely to buy votes.

Instead, at the core of the MES programmes is the concept of sustainable empowerment, in which recipients are provided with capital, training and assistance to ensure their own ability to independently face all manners of economic challenges without having to rely on anyone else.

The total number of MES recipients has also increased consistently since 2008: 1.10 million people in 2008, 1.19 million people in 2009, 1.25 million people in 2010, 1.30 million people in 2011 and 1.34 million people in 2012 (until September).

Detailed evidence regarding our commitment to the people’s welfare can be perused in the full MES report on its official website.

More focus on the rakyat, less politicking

The evidence above incontrovertibly demonstrates that the deputy prime minister’s comments are typical of Umno leaders who are so desperate that they are willing to make bare-faced lies to the people.

What did the deputy prime minister do as Johor menteri besar when monopolising contracts were given to Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary?

Why was it that the people of Johor had to endure some of the highest water tariffs in Malaysia?

At the federal level now, when will he stop dilly dallying on returning the water industry to the state government, as mapped out in the Water Services Industry Act 2006 – a process begun by the BN government themselves?

The deputy prime minister should think carefully before making accusations against the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Selangor.

The BN federal government tabled a deficit budget yet again in 2013.

Yet, there was still space in this deficit budget for unending election goodies, ahead of the approaching 13th general election. Worse yet, the total federal debt stands at a staggering RM500 billion.

In vast contrast, Selangor has boosted its cash reserve three-fold and tabled five successive balanced budgets, in which priority has always been given to long-term investments that will benefit present and future generations.

This reflects the principles of the Pakatan Rakyat state government which refuses to sacrifice the economic well-being of our children and grandchildren merely to win elections via suspect methods.

If indeed they are statesmen, we call upon those involved to stop throwing baseless accusations about and contest with honour. If the prime minister as Selangor Umno chairperson has failed to weaken the spirits of Selangor’s people, there is no reason for the deputy prime minister to try.


ABDUL KHALID IBRAHIM is Selangor menteri besar.


32 Replies to “Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor”

  1. After 13th GE, surely Selangor will have a new MB…Of course the new MB is a Selangorian…unlike Penang… gotta to import an outsider in other state despite having so many caliber leaders locally….what to do…nepotism punya pasal…

  2. Being the former chief de facto of PNB , Khalid got jealous of Syed Mokhtar , politic for Rakyat or personal vendetta . Pakat Pakat using him to fight his old master , but Rakyat will re instate back BN , n all the suckers from Pakat Pakat will run away

  3. Moo Hee Din’s role in the Stamford saga should have landed him in jail. Instead, mamakthir chose to move him to a federal post, where Moo has proven to be loyal and totally submissive. Like they say in BM, dia sudah makan kenyang.

  4. I am begining to believe that UMNO/BN actually BELIEVE the lies they tell. Its not just Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali that believes in the myth created such as Malay ‘special right’ in the constitution, Malays are disadvantaged by Islam, etc and other such myths but there are evidence to suggest that all the way to the PM, they believe their own lies.

    Khir Toyo, for example,that the ‘Allah’ word controversy and the “amanat Haji Hadi” issue would convince the Malays to vote for Umno suggest they believe the Malays are incapable of remembering their true identity being rational about religion and politics and will politicise everything in their religion.

    Muhiyiddin is on a relentless pounding lies after lies about Selangor as if Malay Selangorian, the most developed of them all, are incapable of noticing the obvious facts don’t match his statements..

    Then there is Mahathir – convinced that one term of Anwar-led govt would destroy the nation – when clearly it will take even more than one term to just met justice against him and his corrupt allies.

    They really believe their own lies..

  5. If Umno-BN do not resorts to telling lies….what do you expect them to do?
    ah yes….throw stones and eggs by their young members.
    hehhehehehe…cintanegera returns talking about import/export of LGE. He simply cannot comprehend Lim Guan Eng was elected by voters..not appear from nowhere to be an MB.
    Penang voters do not mind…why must he mind?
    According to cintanegrera’s logic…no Malaysians can move anywhere….stay put and be counted.
    Then chengho joined in to talk senseless stuff about Selangor M.Bersar.
    The idiots from BN have come in pairs again.,,,,double the fun for all to enjoy….hentam tetap hentam.

  6. As Selangor MB, why worry about Umno-BN lying? In Penang, LGE would be laughing if Gelakan-BN lies. Penangites even happier, store some more pop-corn and watch.

    When they lie, show facts to prove they lied… Penang DAP had caught Gelakan off-handed few times la… manyat malu lor, that’s why we called them Gelakan!

    Change the title la.. Khalid. Change it to “Umno-BN pls continue lying, we will prove! so you stay side-by-side with Utusan, icon of lies.” Ini macam baru siok!

  7. In the press, the BN leaders sound so confident yet the PM dares NOT CALL for the general election! [maybe the Zam guy would say, spending too much time on erection!] We all know they have done their own surveys, even their grssroot leaders have sighed away their hope in the kopitiams in the semiurban areas. Their only slim hope is to pull out their trick in the rural areas where the voters indeed have disproportinate voting power in term of number of voters in each Federal seat. People like Chengho or cintanegara know that they are repeating rot evrytime they are forced to pen samething here! Or maybe they don;t even know what they are talking about as far as economic issues and developments are concerned. We could hardly blame them; having stayed under the coconut shell this long!

  8. In the press, the BN leaders sound so confident yet the PM dares NOT CALL for the general election! [maybe the Zam guy would say, spending too much time on erection!] We all know they have done their own surveys, even their grssroot leaders have sighed away their hope in the kopitiams in the semiurban areas. Their only slim hope is to pull out their trick in the rural areas where the voters indeed have disproportinate voting power in term of number of voters in each Federal seat. People like Chengho or cintanegara know that they are repeating rot evrytime they are forced to pen samething here! Or maybe they don;t even know what they are talking about as far as economic issues and developments are concerned. We could hardly blame them; having stayed under the coconut shell this long!

  9. Despite BN’s scare tactics and attempts to fool the people, I don’t think the voters are going to be cowed or duped. We should vote for people who are honest, sincere and place the national interest above their personal interest rather than someone who only thinks of winning huge lucrative contracts, getting licenses/permits, timber concessions, AP etc for themselves, family members or cronies or engage in corrupt practices.

  10. We are rotting fast in our moral. What kind of cultural behavioral are we driving to the Malaysian youth. Cheating is fine. Lying is fine. Assaulting is fine. Bullying is fine. What kind of religions do we pray? Why not look at humanism for god sake? Be a human being and behave as one. Trust our higher spirit. Judgement day will come. Life is uncertain and death is certain.

  11. Every year AG reports show BIG blunder of procurement by Bumno government. How come still so even right now? Maths problem,chengho? Or is it the work of plunderer like you and cintanegara alike?

  12. Remember everyone know you are an idiot….that has no cure.
    Keep remembering all the things LEG is doing in Penang….not one in a hundred.
    At least he got “Leg”…u got no….. B….A…L….L….S.

  13. Yes ! absolutely the right approach to provide EVIDENCE vis-a-vis UMNO/bn’s HOODWINK Mad’tir’s patented trademark style.
    (spin,sandiwara,play dumb, 2deny-deny-deny—,lie,deceive,bohong,fork-togue, Mollyhood,beat brow spitting saliva rhetorics,swearing on holly book,prolong-prolong–eg.TBH’s case,seemingly bodohwi but cunning actually,smartalec/ar*e look,sendiri shiok ways,recalcitrant,playing senile-can’t remember,,, etc,etc,,,,)

    UMNO/bn’s greatest weakness “archilles heel” is they only have evidence/records of all mother of wrong doings which are aplenty over 50 past years. When confronted/get caught to produce evidence they’ll turn hysterical-the wayout. And each and everyone in same sinking sampan with dilemma of “pot calling the kettle black” situation (to blackmail,leverage,bargain), among them solely.
    UMNO/bn’s “janji ditepati of their continuous warlords wrong doing ways” must be ABU !!!
    Hence, talk evidence, evidence,evidence to them only.

  14. John , what are u trying to say , from 50 yrs ago to what is Malaysia today is great achievement . Democracy is alive that why we have this debate .in another country u do not enjoy this freedom , of cz u do not know that , since u do not travel much .

  15. I m for diversity with discipline democracy . When credit is due we should have no hesitation to give the credit . Not like u John , u close ur eye n mind to the rest of the world around u .
    May be too long in KL . Go west young man as what the song said .

  16. Once when u travel a lot , n live in other foreign country , u will appreciate what u have in Malaysia . Even in Singapore , they welcome u , but if u try something funny to their liking like the 30 Chinese bus drivers , they shanghai them immediately . U touch their politic out u go . I think Malaysia too liberal , lucky us .

  17. hi idiot… many countries have you traveled to?
    Name them!!
    Malaysia indeed is a paradise country….made ordinary and going down the drain by Umno b rouges and thieves.
    Did you get share from all the billions they stole??

  18. Ya, Bolehland too liberal;,,,,, until immgration records can be deleted for some people and all quieeettt…, compensation from Japan just vanished,diam,diam – must be in Mad’tir’s pocket…., now you can see illegals foreigners (all types) going around freely – oh, with welcome from ‘Chengho/Mad’tir….., etc, etc,etc,…
    For some or one, travelling round the world (now, this meant to be sarcastic (not that, you’d gone round (hv to point out here or you got BIG-HEADED and jump elsewhere,…) nor I give ,,,,,waste time ,ve to explain, explain,,,,or else you go bonkers again like “Mad’tir now Look West ” ) and collecting all ‘rubbish’ instead.
    Conclusion : waste of time.

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