We don’t need Santa Claus

— Christopher Kannan
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 25, 2012

DEC 25 — The prime minister has not forgotten the Christians, and that is why we can now travel to Jerusalem.

Should I be grateful?

I tell you what. I would be really grateful if my leader shuts up Perkasa, Utusan and Umno types who bash Christians all year round.

I am still upset that the PM has not clobbered Ibrahim Ali or his ilk. The only consolation is some two-bit politician saying we all have to be tolerant and respect the majority of people. It makes us feel like children of a lesser god, and sometimes, being told we are “pendatang”, “kafir” and whatever that might not pass as an outright insult.

And then once a year, the PM comes around like Santa Claus and says that he has not forgotten Christians!

I do think the country will be better served if leaders protect minorities 24/7 365 days a year, not just on Christmas Day.

While some of us may want to travel to Jerusalem, I, for one, would settle for a neighbourhood church and an end to scaremongering about Christians in Utusan Malaysia.

No one can take away my rights or feel as charitable and jolly as Santa Claus to give me a present because I’ve been nice and not naughty.

Mr Prime Minister, you can be prime minister for all if you do it every moment you hold that office and if you protect everyone’s rights and shut up hate and racist speak.

Come election day, I’ll be your Santa and see if I give you my vote for being nice all year round instead of just on Christmas Day.


28 Replies to “We don’t need Santa Claus”

  1. I think all who read what Najib spoken at the Lutheran Church celebration will treat that speech… Najib is blowing hot air….sort of entertainment show like a look-a-like Jay Leno comical actor.
    Listen …enjoy and ignore.

  2. We do not need Santa. BUT, we do need to change this corrupt government.
    Bribery is getting full steam now. Ah cheap gor, is so sweet, just before GE 13. How to trust this guy, who was so silent when Ibrahim Ali was raging mad against all Malaysians except the Malays, and the Christians.
    So sorry Ah cheap gor. Too little, to late. We do not trust you.

    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya. GE 13 is coming. Let us all work very very hard. First to PR rally on 12th Jan., then to GE 13, then to Putrajaya.

    Change we must. Change we can. Change we will.

  3. ///The prime minister has not forgotten the Christians, and that is why we can now travel to Jerusalem.///

    GE13 is coming mah. That is why he has not forgotten the Christians. If there is no GE13, I wonder if Christians can travel to Jerusalem.

  4. Of Chengho wants “others” to be grateful even for a day’s propaganda. To people like Chengho such deed is acceptable though to all thinking people with average grey matter, this is condescending through such gesturing. Of course, only people like Chengho will not feel hurt having being trained to be numb just because he receives crumbs from his Masters’ wipe-off the table.

  5. Can you put out one intelligent comment for once and not just yearns for ‘syiok-sendiri’ attention or selfish reasons? Is it a damn hard thing for you to this,our running dog,chengho,to do this noble thing for the Malaysian,yeah,no? Which kind of mix-bred are you from those bitches?? MCA,Gelakan or and one of those prostitute parties alligned to that MOTHER SUCKER Umno that are still sucking and will keep on sucking on Malaysians forever? YOU ARE A SHAME AND WORTHLESS BEING!!!! NO MEH!!!!!

  6. some hope may be if Anthony becoming general secretary of Dapters, but he can forget this idea , Leg will continue after 2016. without Lks, Karpal and Leg the unthinkable will happen Dapters will join BN.

  7. It is a real pitiful PM that we have today. To the Indian he promises to scrap BAtu CAves Condo only IF… when he can do it it right away.. To the Christian he have tea and have all the nice words except action that was needed, he did nothing when the Bibles were illegal seized, he can only make promises and he make it only during festive seasons. To the Chinese he promises mother tongue education will be forever here to stay when the no of teachers remain facing shortages after more than 50 years.

    So he is the most promise-able PM we ever have and he is the first you help me and I have you kind of PM

  8. Actually it is strange this year there is not much Christian and Christmas bashing that not only always happened previously but also was even increasing in rhetoric at one time..

    Its sure sign that UMNO/BN is desperate with their own issues of surviving the coming GE and the need for every vote even those of 10% of Christians that is almost impossible for them to reach

  9. Santa comes, only once, during Christmas of the year.

    But, Christmas is not about Santa, it is about peace on earth.

    Santa celebrates the meaning of Christmas, bringing joy to earth. Santa never trade ‘free’ goodies to win over reasons of Christmas…

    Unfortunately, we celebrated Santa so much than Christmas itself. After 50 yrs, Santa turned arrogant and overrule that he is the reason for Christmas. Trading ‘free’ goodies to win over Christmas.

  10. Santa Clause has gone back to the North Pole….to sleep like Rip Van Winkle..after a very tedious job.
    It’s the many imposters still shouting “Ho Ho Ho” …..some looking for donations…and in hotels…the owners are real stingy buggers..giving out cheap sweets to kinds….making parents and spend spend spend.
    Our Santa Najib…is the world hardest working look-a-like…starts off months earlier and ends weeks ago…splashing cash …until no more.
    Our natural resources produces billions upon billions cash…and soon…Santa Najib will splash cash again..to buy the hearts of voters again.
    Giving out money is the only way..he can possibly possibly hope to buy some voters….yet it is so difficult.
    Can you imagine Santa Najib giving out sweets to kids to please voters?
    Parents will throw stones at him and ask him to get lost.

  11. Sure agrees with Chengho that Najib is imaginative and creative……so much so established himself a born liar……flip flopper…..who stole billions and the suspected killing of Alantuya tops it all.
    Santa is about sharing and giving. Why need to as the Bishop?

  12. Look at Euro zone country compare with vibrant Malaysian economic with 5 % growth , consumer consumption so good , people enjoying the fruits of prudent leadership of DS . In Euro Santa retired early this Xmas .

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