Who needs Santa when we have Najib?

Mariam Mokhtar
Dec 24, 2012

Who needs Father Christmas when we have Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak?

The world has Father Christmas. In western folklore, he is the legendary figure who brings presents to the homes of good children on the night of Christmas eve. He is usually portrayed as a chubby, joyful, white-bearded man who wears black boots and a red suit trimmed with white fur. Santa lives in the North Pole with Mama Claus, and is assisted by his magical elves and flying reindeer.

In Malaysia, Najib has assumed the role of Santa, with his various handouts. Najib does not have Santa’s long white beard nor rosy cheeks, but many women claim to be envious of his luscious red lips.

Both the Malaysian Santa and his Mama Claus live in a sprawling mansion called Seri Perdana, with an air-conditioning system which would make Santa jealous. To put things into perspective, the official residence of the British PM, No 10 Downing Street, is a garden shed in comparison. Continue reading “Who needs Santa when we have Najib?”

Tunku Aziz’s misplaced anger with the DAP

– Fikry Osman
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 23, 2012

DEC 23 ― There was a time when Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim was at the forefront of righting the wrongs of Malaysia, seeking for a well-governed and transparent nation.

To further his cause, he joined the DAP in 2008. But he left earlier this year and has since been a thorn to the party.

One must ask why this volte-face? Especially with Tunku Aziz’s latest attack that DAP members were barred from accepting state awards from Malay rulers.

Why is the once-respected man now dancing to Umno’s tune and its barrage of attacks against the DAP? Why is he angry with the DAP?

DAP chief Karpal Singh has rejected Tunku Aziz’s allegations by saying the DAP’s policy has been consistent in rejecting state honours except for those issued for bravery. Continue reading “Tunku Aziz’s misplaced anger with the DAP”