When Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for oppression of Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of Chinese, time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/BN govt

In his winding-up speech at the 66th UMNO General Assembly on Saturday, the UMNO President and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak ended with the flourish urging UMNO members to work harder to convince the people to support Barisan Nasional as a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays.

But this is the exact opposite of what MCA leaders like the MCA President Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek is telling the Chinese up and down the country, that a vote for the DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Chinese.

It is clear that when Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of the Chinese, the time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/Barisan Nasional government.

What credibility and legitimacy has a political coalition like Barisan Nasional, which is capable of such blatant deceit and dishonesty, plumbing the depths of lies and falsehoods to entrench itself in power, to dare claim that it has the credentials and moral high ground to continue to govern multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia when it is in fact actively aggravating racial and religious polarisation in the country? Continue reading “When Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for oppression of Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of Chinese, time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/BN govt”

Najib yang sepatutnya menjawab dakwaan serius Deepak pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO esok bukannya Zahid

Menteri Pertahanan dan Naib Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi telah mengatakan bahawa beliau akan menjawab dakwaan yang dibuat ahli perniagaan Deepak Jaikishan terhadap keluarga Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang turut melibatkan kes pembunuhan berprofil tinggi seorang warga Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Bukan Zahid tetapi Najib sendiri yang sepatutnya menjawab dakwaan itu di dalam ucapan penggulungan pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-66 esok atas tiga sebab.

Pertama, dakwaan Deepak melibatkan keluarga Najib, yang mana dia telah membayar sejumlah wang yang tidak didedahkan untuk campurtangan Perdana Menteri bagi membolehkannya menjadi satu pihak dalam satu projek Kementerian Pertahanan pada 2005 yang bernilai RM100 juta sewaktu Najib merupakan Menteri Pertahanan – membuat perjanjian dengan syarikat ketua Wanita UMNO Selangor yang membolehkannya menyertai sebagai pihak ketiga. Memandangkan Najib bukan sahaja hadir tetapi juga mengepalai UMNO, beliau sepatutnya menjawab kerana apa sahaja yang dikatakan Zahid tidak lebih sekadar khabar angin dan tidak mempunyai kewibawaan dan legitimasi. Continue reading “Najib yang sepatutnya menjawab dakwaan serius Deepak pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO esok bukannya Zahid”

Najib benar – apabila UMNO dan MCA tidak boleh bersetuju dengan isu asas, BN telah hilang moraliti dan legitimasi untuk memerintah Putrajaya

Dalam Ucapan Dasar Presiden UMNO pada Khamis lalu, Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Najib Razak kembali kepada topik kitar semula yang mempersoal bagaimana Pakatan Rakyat yang terdiri daripada PKR, PAS dan DAP akan membentuk kerajaan perikatan kerana terdapat perbezaan pada isu asas yang memisahkan mereka.

Tentu Najib tahu walaupun PKR, PAS dan DAP mempunyai perberzaan ideologi, kami telah bersetuju untuk membentuk Pakatan Rakyat dan mengikat diri kami dengan Kerangka Dasar Bersama dan Buku Jingga untuk Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 dan PR akan dipandu oleh apa yang menyatukan kami dan bukannya apa yang memisahkan kami – akan tetapi itu adalah untuk kenyataan yang lain.

Apa yang ingin saya tunjukkan sekarang adalah Najib telah betul-betul menggambarkan apa yang menjadi punca masalah walaupun itu bukanlah niat beliau – sepertimana yang beliau dedahkan sebenarnya Barisan Nasional telah hilang moraliti dan legitimasi untuk mentadbir Malaysia yang berbilang kaum, berbilang bahasa, berbilang budaya dan berbilang agama apabila UMNO dan MCA tidak dapat bersepakat pada isu asas sama ada Melayu atau bukan Melayu yang akan kecundang sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memenangi pilihan raya ke-13. Continue reading “Najib benar – apabila UMNO dan MCA tidak boleh bersetuju dengan isu asas, BN telah hilang moraliti dan legitimasi untuk memerintah Putrajaya”

Umno Youth’s delusions

— Ahmad Ashraf
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 01, 2012

DEC 1 — When it comes to talk, very few can match Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin. After all, he used to host a talk show. And today, he displayed his prowess when saying Umno is winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Malaysian youth.

However, the country’s “richest unemployed young man,” as dubbed by Lim Kit Siang, is just talking up his achievements.

Is Umno popular among the young? Khairy says results of the recent campus elections reflects youth acceptance of Umno, where 18 out of 20 elections were won by the pro-government Pro-Aspirasi groups.

Well, the government-backed undergraduates won in elections where rules were stacked against those linked to opposition. In Universiti Malaya and the International Islamic University, where attempts to influence results failed, the pro-opposition candidates swept to power.

Care to explain that, Khairy? Continue reading “Umno Youth’s delusions”

God, comedy and the Umno general assembly

Kee Thuan Chye
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 2, 2012


The Umno general assembly has often come across as reality comedy. Its ‘performers’ unwittingly amuse us with their unintentionally comic turns. This year, they didn’t disappoint.

Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, whose family is embroiled in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal that forced her not to renew her senatorship, says that for the upcoming general election, she is a winnable candidate. God help her.

Indeed, God was invoked on several occasions throughout the general assembly, sometimes for the sake of seeking his help.

President Najib Abdul Razak urged Umno members to pray hard to God in order to win the general election. “Let us pray so that with His blessings, we will continue to be the country’s ruling party,” he said.

The subtext of that smacked of a loss in confidence. Continue reading “God, comedy and the Umno general assembly”