UMNO General Assembly re-enacting last year’s “drama”: Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin, Chua Soi Lek or all three?

The 66th UMNO General Assembly is in full-swing but it is only a re-enactment of last year’s 65th UMNO General Assembly “drama”.

At the end of the 65th UMNO General Assembly last December, I posed the question: “Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?”

Although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak will only be delivering his UMNO Presidential address tomorrow and his winding-up speech on Friday, one does not have to be prescient to know it will be equally valid and pertinent to pose this same question at the end of the 66th UMNO General Assembly.

The Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, has already started the ball rolling for the re-enactment of this “drama” last year of whether “Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?”

Last night at the opening of the UMNO Youth, Wanita and Puteri Assemblies, Muhyiddin dismissed PAS’ Islamic State goal as “a daydream”.

But this is the very exact opposite of what the MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek is warning the Malaysian Chinese and non-Muslims up and down the country of “a point of no return” for the PAS agenda of an Islamic state if Pakatan Rakyat wins Putrajaya in the 13th general election!

This is a vindication of my thesis that one important difference between the Pakatan Rakyat and the Barisan Nasional is that the Pakatan Rakyat coalition practises the politics of “Unite and Rule” as distinct from the traditional but divisive and destructive politics of “Divide and Rule” of UMNO/BN, polarising instead of uniting Malaysians along racial and religious lines.

Through the politics of lies, falsehoods and fear, UMNO/Barisan Nasional parties spread different and conflicting messages among different racial and religious groups, sowing the seeds of suspicion, distrust and even hatred, which is totally against the task of Malaysian nation-building.

Muhyiddin has proved himself to be a quite a political chameleon in the past 48 hours – invoking the image of a moderate on Tuesday night when closing the International Forum 2012 on war and conflict in conjunction with Umno’s 66th General Assembly, exhorting the virtues of “moderation and fairness to all”, but donning the garb of a racialist 24 hours later when opening the UMNO Youth, Wanita and Puteri Assemblies.

Malaysians find Muhyiddin “a bit rich” when he launched an attack on the Pakatan Rakyat parties, labelling DAP for instance as “racists” and “chauvinists” when DAP leaders publicly declared their full support of the 1Malaysia concept of Malaysians regarding themselves as Malaysian first and their race, religion, geography and socio-economic status second while the country will not forget Muhyiddin’s defiant declaration of being “Malay first, Malaysian second”!

However, I must admit that up to now, Muhyiddin has yet to outdo his mischief and venom at last year’s UMNO General Assembly where he made history as the only Deputy Prime Minister in the world caught telling a bare-faced lie while playing the race card when he falsely accused the DAP of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers, even telling the lie that the DAP’s agenda is to establish a Republic in Malaysia.

There was completely silence from Muhyiddin when I challenged him to substantiate his allegation that the DAP wanted to abolish the constitutional monarchy and establish a Republic.

But the day is still young for the 66th UMNO General Assemblies and we have still to see who are the UMNO leaders who will stand out this time in making the DAP a “whipping boy” with all sorts of groundless and even seditious allegations and lies against the DAP – that the DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Malay Rulers and “agents of Christianisation” to bring about a “Christian Malaysia”.

Najib has often said that UMNO must change or UMNO will be changed.

Will the speeches of UMNO leaders and delegates at the 66th UMNO General Assembly show that UMNO is incapable of change on its own and that it must be changed by the voters by giving UMNO an opportunity to play the role of a loyal and responsible Opposition in the Federal Parliament after the 13GE?


13 Replies to “UMNO General Assembly re-enacting last year’s “drama”: Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin, Chua Soi Lek or all three?”

  1. ///A weak Umno will cause the Malays to lose political power and affect the nation’s stability, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said today at the opening of the Wanita Umno general assembly here, using the warning to jolt party delegates into election-mode.///

    This bunch of racists are bankrupt of political capital. They only know how to play the race card, religion card and the royal card.

  2. Actually I am surprise at the relative mildness of UMNO’s GA this time..They are going into the GE with really having lost the non-Malay votes, why have they not up the volume again and even further as they are dependent solely on the Malay votes?

    Do they really hope to do a ROMNEYSIA and turn back into the middle during the campaign period? THAT would send me laughing on the floor..

    Let me add one thing:

    The answer to UMNO/BN’s “evil” or “immorality” is NOT the opposition “goodness” or “morality”. “Goodness” and “morality” MUST come from the people themselves. We only need our political leaders to do what we WANT THEM TO DO – their professionalism, their accountability, their skills and talents i.e., largely AMORAL. If we want our political leaders to be high on “goodness” or “moral”, then what we are asking is JUST AS FEUDAL, similarly broken and dependent and IT WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL TOO…

    I know the issue is important to Malay Muslims and hence their preference for PAS and Islamic state for so many, but the truth is they are misguided to want it because it is ALSO STILL FEUDAL..

  3. One more thing. I was simply SHOCKED when Khairy raised Churchill and fight against the Axis – Malaysian Children have NOT properly read European History for DECADES.. Even though UMNO “Youth” has some really not-so-youthfull members, EVEN THEY likely have cannot fully identify with what KJ is speaking..

    Its all the more signs they just don’t seem to get it..

  4. All of them are liars…period.
    Why so??
    They will deny that.
    All are millionaires ….
    How come…becoming a minister or top Umno b politicians …all can be millionaires?
    Ask them….all will ignore the questions.
    And so…diverting attentions from massive corruptions and unsolved murders cases is the only way.
    4 years …holding onto power…as long as they can…for all know 13th GE…will be their Judgement Day.

  5. Expect more of the political chest thumping and displays of sticks and stones to come. Nothing short of the usual fanfare and all the rhetorics we get to see every year. All these will take precedence over more important issues affecting the country as usual. All the more reasons why Umno must be changed.

  6. Blardy no cow sense corrupt cow-woman demanded dat UmnoB Malays b voted back 2 power in GE13, otherwise UmnoB Malays run amok again like 513
    She no show respect 2 PAS, PKR n DAP Malays who hv every right 2 govern M’sia
    Wonder who will raise unsheathed keris during d current racist UmnoB GA?

  7. Dat cow thief must hv too much cow dung in her home 2 distort her senses n 2 cause her 2 spew udder rubbish abt Malays losing political power after GE13
    Hopefully UmnoB Malays will b buried after GE13 but Malays fr PKR, PAS n DAP will b heading 2 P’jaya – d reality is even with UmnoB’s demise, d next PM will b a Malay
    So, no danger of Malays losing political power; only UmnoB Malays taking up d role of opposition n hving less chances 2 self-enrich themselves

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