Rais: Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by cabinet

by Zulaikha Zulkifli
Nov 8, 2012

The decision to postpone the airing of the film Tanda Putera to next year was made by the cabinet, said Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim.

Rais said the decision was made after the cabinet ministers found that there were elements that are “inappropriate” to be screened.

“The cabinet has decided for the benefit of the people, that the official premiere of the film is postponed as it contains scenes that may cause conflicts.

“This is because it shows the tragedy of May 13 which is disputed by various parties,” he added.

He said this in reply to reporters after launching the state Himpunan Kasih Sayang at Kampung Puah Lembah this evening.

The controversial film had been postponed for the second time, to next year.

Prior to that, the film was initially scheduled for screening on Sept 13, this year but was delayed to Nov 15, citing lack of promotion.

The historical film revolves around the second prime minister Abdul Razak Hussein and his deputy Ismail Abdul Rahman in their effort to pull the country together after the race riots on May 13, 1969.

‘Some scenes found to be bias’

Rais had defended the delay, claiming that some of the scenes were not reflective of actual history.

The RM4.8 million film was produced by Pesona Pictures Sdn Bhd in cooperation with the National Film Development Malaysia (Finas).

“The cabinet and its members who had watched (the film) thought that it was proper for it to be postponed because some scenes were found to be bias, for example in the murder (scenes).

“There was decapitated head and secondly, for example, urinating on the flag pole,” he said.

Asked if the film will be remade in light of this, Rais replied: “I don’t think so. I think there will be an evaluation meeting between the director and Finas because this film is Finas’ and the government spent money on it, it was not produced privately”.


11 Replies to “Rais: Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by cabinet”

  1. So the Cabinet admits that Tanda Putera “shows the tragedy of May 13 which is disputed by various parties; that some scenes were found to be bias, for example in the murder (scenes) – there was decapitated head and secondly, for example, urinating on the flag pole – and for these reasons the Cabinet “decided for the benefit of the people” that the airing of the film be “postponed” to “next year”. Why is next year different from this year – are these reasons that make the film inappropriate for filming this year be no more applicable next year? After all it is not as if the film will be remade for next year as when asked if the film would be remade in light of these inaccuracies Rais specifically replied: “I don’t think so. That being so, why is this aspect ie “not to benefit of people” applicable this year but not next year? Why is the film being postponed/deferred this year instead of being banned (when there is no remake of it to rectify the factual inaccuracies)?

  2. Rais said the Cabinet had deemed:

    – “…there were elements that are “inappropriate” to be screened…”

    -“..some of the scenes were not reflective of actual history…” (in other words, lies)

    -“…some scenes were found to be bias, …example decapitated head and secondly, urinating on the flag pole,”

    Though not in so many words, Rais had basically said that the Cabinet deems this film had contained lies and therefore “inappropriate” to be shown this year. But if it is not appropriate this year, why is it appropriate to be shown next year? Lies are lies whether it is 2012 or 2013. This faux pas has clearly confirmed that this film was supposed to be a BN GE13 propaganda but because its lies has been exposed, it is better it be shown next year after the GE.

    Talk about shooting himself in the foot!!!

  3. ///The cabinet has decided for the benefit of the people…..///

    Biggest liar. The film was intended to create a negative impact on the DAP prior to GE13. Apparently BN is taking heed after several commentators commented that screening of the film could cause an angry backlash from voters.

  4. Well, well, well.
    After this year, do they still think that they will have a chance to screen this film?
    With PR in Putrajaya?
    More likely, these scums will be hauled up to answer for all their misdeeds during their long and malfeasant rule!!!
    And this propaganda film will be taken into account among the charges!
    In fact, their brazen attitude is their undoing!
    They have been “poking” the eyes of the Malaysian electorate for far, far too long!!!

  5. “This is because it shows the tragedy of May 13 which is disputed by various parties,” he added.

    When will we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate and document the truth so that we have finality and closing and we can all then move on? This matter has been dragging on for decades now without closure like the Batang Kali massacre case in 1949.

    “The cabinet has decided for the benefit of the people, that the official premiere of the film is postponed as it contains scenes that may cause conflicts.”

    The country will ‘benefit’ if the real story is told and no longer hidden. No matter how painful it will be it will take away the pain and free us all once and for all. Otherwise it will just linger on indefinitely and the pain will remain.

    Let the truth be documented and told. And there will no longer be a need for other ‘Tanda Puteras’ that tell inaccurate stories and are full of bias.

  6. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Corrected and amended.

    “This is because it shows the tragedy of May 13 which is disputed by various parties,” he added.

    When will we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate and document the truth so that we have finality and closure and we can all then move on? This matter has been dragging on for decades now without closure like the Batang Kali ma.sacre case in 1949.

    “The cabinet has decided for the benefit of the people, that the official premiere of the film is postponed as it contains scenes that may cause conflicts.”

    The country will benefit if the real story is told and no longer remain hidden. No matter how painful it will be it will take away the pain and free us all once and for all. Otherwise this sad episode of our history will just linger on indefinitely and the pain will continue.

    Let the truth be documented and told. And there will no longer be a need for other ‘Tanda Puteras’ that tell inaccurate stories and are full of bias.

  7. Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by cabinet – Rais Yatim

    Deferment of Tanda Putera decided by GE13 date – Others except who believe Rais Yatim.

    What differentiate TDM and Najib is this:

    TDM talk and remind voters of May-13 on the even of GE.

    Najib screen Tanda Putra to remind voters of May-13 before GE.

  8. Will all MPs, Opposition MPs included, have a chance to view the movie to see how accurate it is or otherwise?

    Public monies have been spent and has it been spent wisely or was it to glorify some parties only?

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