14 Replies to “Yen Yen’s High Standards of Wastage”

  1. What? This little maid got what standard?

    Hello, spending money, especially taxpayers’ money, every beggar in Chow Kit also got standard.

    So what is this little spendthrift with a big yen to show off trying to prove? Got standard?

    Talk to the drug addicts and beggars along the lorongs of chow kit. They also know how to spend. Have they the same standard as this little show-off Yen?

  2. She must have plenty back doors kickbacks.
    She is not a fool. She knows how to make
    “commission” .
    All over the world…tour operators are practical and sensible people.
    Welcome all to Malaysia warmly with a dinner that will not shame Malaysia cannot be RM150 per head or..RM 1500 per table.
    Remember…that excluding hard drinks.
    Presenting a RM17,000 painting to DPM is so ridiculous…show off…and apple polishing with no shame.
    Backdoor kickback to her…no one knows.
    If PR can find out the painter and he/she reveal the truth….Yen Yen is finished.

  3. Obviously Amah Ng YY’s responds revealed that she has standard 1’s standard in IQ especially the part when exiting the Dewan Rakyat thinking she had won ‘who knows’ what standard while being cheared by those blind mice sycophants.Wakakaka

  4. The Tourist Minister has had too many affairs to manage; like pumpkins in water, one pops up while she try to hold down the other. She could not possibly cover her top and bottom with two hands at the same time. That would be quite an unpleasant sight!

  5. Foreigners will all embark at Singapore or Bangkok.
    Malaysia will always be a transit point.
    Very few fly direct to Malaysia.
    It has always been so.
    And now…with our famous taxis overcharging tourists…less tourists.
    Yen Yen wants to fish tourists into Malaysia?
    She is an opportunists…have an idea how to make “commission”…..out come her nonsense.
    This is not the first time. MCA buggers polishing apples to be millionaires.
    Her style is low class.

  6. Money can buy warisan merdeka, also can buy up NYY’s standard?

    Even tourism FB page cost millions at her international standard.

    Fact is, most of international tourists came, not to experience her type of warisan merdeka’s standard, but attracted to our local, native and heritage standard.

    Next time, suit up as our baba/nyonya heritage and served nasi lemak, if promoting tourism if your objective.

  7. She is such a “big spender” that it makes one wonder whether she is able to empathize with the suffering and hardship of the poor and the marginalized and make herself a good representative of this underprivileged group.

  8. Just hold your breath, the Mamak has just said that KLIA was designed with space to handle 125 million passengers who may come 2200 but BN will continue to expand the airport even rthough if you go there on certain days, the airport is crowded with only police personnel! One thing for sure, planning and building are the forthe of BN Gomen whether it is used or not is not important! Just look at Dayabumi, the Twin tower and just count the space utilization! Only Petronas can afford it! Yen-Yen fits very nicely into such environment, talks and more talks with public money being spents as if there is no tomorrow. Yes the expanded LCC airport cost is escalated by 200%! any other Gomen would have chop off the man responsible for such bull-shit!

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