AES the only way to salvage Najib’s GTP and “Fighting Corruption” NKRA but has he and his Cabinet the political will and commitment to introduce and implement it?

Under the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “Government Transformation Programme” (GTP), the “Fighting Corruption” National Key Result Area (NKRA) has been proclaimed as “a key focus of the GTP” as “it could stand in the way of the country attaining its ambition of being a high-income nation” because:

“Corruption erodes public confidence in the ability of the Government and other key institutions in maintaining a fair playing field for all participants, and could dissuade private investment.”

“Corruption discourages greater participation in the national economy, and therefore has an adverse effect on Malaysia’s talent pool. There is also a growing concern that corruption is siphoning resources away from the economy, with reports noting that small enterprises were paying between 8% and 9% of their revenue base to pay bribes for licenses and permits.”

By government’s own estimates in January 2010, corruption could cost Malaysia as much as RM10 billion a year or 1-2% of GDP.

But what has Najib to show in his “Fighting Corruption” NKRA after more than three years as Prime Minister? Continue reading “AES the only way to salvage Najib’s GTP and “Fighting Corruption” NKRA but has he and his Cabinet the political will and commitment to introduce and implement it?”