Oil Trading: Dark Side of PETRONAS

By Koon Yew Yin

Last week, the international financial media carried the story that Canada intended to block the planned $5.3bn acquisition of Calgary-based Progress Energy Resources by Petronas. According to these reports, the country’s industry minister, Christian Paradis had issued a statement saying he had written to Petronas saying he was “not satisfied that the proposed investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada”.

Much of the subsequent analysis has focused on questions related to Canada’s policy on foreign takeovers and its investment policy especially with regard to foreign state-owned entities. This should be of little interest to us.

Of greater interest to Malaysians should be how the Petronas takeover of Progress will benefit our country. Is it in our best interests? What are the pros and cons of this very expensive takeover? Let us always remember that the company belongs to all Malaysians, and not simply to the government of the day or a group of company directors.

Petronas has done well. Since its incorporation, Petronas has grown to be an integrated international oil and gas company with business interests in many countries. The group is engaged in a wide spectrum of petroleum activities, including upstream exploration and production of oil and gas to downstream oil refining. Oil trading is one of the key activities of the group.

As everyone knows, Petronas provides a substantial source of income with 45% of the government’s budget dependent on Petronas’ dividend. Is this focus on one single indicator of success – providing funds to run government – perhaps the reason why we are blinded to possible darker aspects of the company’s overall track record?

Oil Trading: Facts and Figures Needed

Any trading business – which Petronas partially is – has to observe some key principles to be successful. These include

  1. Don’t try to predict the future

  2. Flexibility in forward contracts as no one knows when the market will move

  3. Having trading relationships that maximize your options

In recent years, questions have been raised as to whether our state owned oil business executes these or some other principles when it engages in trading. In addition, allegations have been made with regard to possible cronyism in some of its deals.

Perhaps the most serious allegation was the disclosure made by Jeffrey Kittingan in June 2008 that 80% of Petronas oil is not sold directly to the world market but is funneled through six option holders. Apparently these option holders or selling agents have obtained their supply from Petronas at well below market price for the next 20 to 30 years.

If this allegation proves to be correct then these profits would be much less than what could have been realized had the sales been conducted through open and more transparent forward sales.

When he initially made these allegations more than 4 years ago, Jeffrey Kittingan asked for a white paper or royal commission of enquiry to investigate this scandal. He also asked for a review of the Petronas agreements and to make Petronas open and transparent.

As far as I am aware, there has been no response from Petronas or the government on these concerns. If what amounts to a leakage from giving contracts without open tenders is taking place, then it is necessary that the issue be taken up during this coming election. What makes the trading strategy of Petronas inexplicable is that oil is a strategic and diminishing resource. Surely any oil trader is aware that the price trend in view of scarcity and lack of substitution can only be upwards, with the degree of price increase the only major risk. Also, it does not make business sense to tie up so much of forward sales with long term contracts since a mix of short, medium and long term contracts is clearly the superior strategy.

Malaysia’s Transparency Record in 2010 scored below average in a study on transparency of revenue management of extractive industries that covered 41 countries. The country obtained 48.4 points compared with the study average of 51.8 out of the maximum of 100 points in a joint study by Revenue Watch Institute and Transparency International.

Malaysia sits in the group of countries with “partial revenue transparency”, that is countries which provide citizens with information about extractive sectors, yet show important transparency gaps in one or more specific categories of (the Revenue Watch Index).

Malaysia in fact falls below the average 50.1 points obtained by other Asia Pacific countries.

Malaysia is behind Indonesia, which scored an average 50 points, and also is behind Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Kazakhstan and even Timor Leste.

According to the study which rates countries on accessibility of information on contracts, licensing and government payments, as well as institutional structure compelling transparency, Malaysia drew a poor mark for access to information on contracts and licensing procedures.

Petronas Needs to be Accountable to the Country

According to the Petroleum Development Act 1974, Petronas is only accountable to the prime minister of the day, not even to Parliament.  This is wrong.

In a recent speech Woo Wing Thye, a distinguished Professor of Economics who presently heads the Penang think tank, Penang Institute, pointed out the hazard that exists in the key role that Petronas plays in the country’s finances. According to Professor Woo, the world’s experience with state oil companies is that they would fail in the middle of a boom. Indonesia’s Pertamina failed in 1974 in the middle of the Opec boom and PetroMexico collapsed in the midst of the second Opec shock.

“These state oil companies were overextended and not very transparent”, Woo said. “They were basically the cash registers of their governments. It is a good thing to have more transparency because the balance sheet of Petronas links directly to the government budget. If Petronas is in trouble, the government budget is in trouble.”

We need to take these cautionary words seriously. The first step to reform is to open up the account books of the company especially related to oil trading and to investigate the allegations of Mr. Jeffrey Kittingan.

Petronas belongs to all Malaysians and the majority of them are Bumiputeras who are better educated than before. They can see all these misuse of power, corruption and mismanagement and I believe they will know how to vote in the coming general election.


11 Replies to “Oil Trading: Dark Side of PETRONAS”

  1. Najib as Finance Minister has final say over deals made by Petronas.
    For Canadian government to take notice and block a deal..on Petronas..is really shameful…to our country.
    The whole world do not trust Umno B government.
    Whole world is aware of the Umno B rouges….specializing to spin money round and round…until all vanished into their pockets.

  2. A study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or O.E.C.D., on the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, exam, the results indicated that there was “a significant negative relationship between the money countries extract from national resources and the knowledge and skills of their high school population,” said Andreas Schleicher, who oversees the PISA exams for the OECD. “This is a global pattern that holds across 65 countries that took part in the latest PISA assessment.” Oil and PISA don’t mix. (See the data map at: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/43/9/49881940.pdf.)

    The latest results explained why countries such as Singapore, Finland, South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan stand out as having high PISA scores and few natural resources, while Qatar and Kazakhstan stand out as having the highest oil rents and the lowest PISA scores. It’s all about being resourceful and this is where Malaysia fails miserably.

  3. Hmmm. Let me see. So does it mean that another (wot?) xxbillion ringgit will leave the country on this pretext, i.e. that petronas is doing a takeover of a canadian oil company?

    So yeah, it is indeed relevant for the author to ask how the money spent would benefit us here in malaysia.

    But of course we all know better. Our welfare and interest are none of umno’s concern. They never were. The true and eventual beneficiary of that deal will still be certain Tuan Rempit McBully(s).

    BTW, umno so who amongst you lot killed that 12 yr old boy outside harun idris hse on that horrible day?

  4. Dark side of PETRONAS?

    Many large international oil companies have caused considerable damage to the environment in countries where they operated e.g. in the Delta region in Nigeria, in Africa generally, in Venezuela and other South American countries, in the Gulf of Mexico, in Siberia and even in the North Sea.

    What does Petronas’ environmental record looks like? Are they a responsible corporate citizen ?

  5. Agree that Jeffrey Kittingan 2008 ’s allegations -80% of Petronas oil is not sold directly to the world market but is funneled through six option holders at below market price for the next 20 to 30 years – IF TRUE, would warrant public enquiry. This has been denied by Petronas which said every sale was based on internationally accepted and practised market-based pricing mechanisms; that it does not and has never executed crude oil sales with any “middlemen” or “option holders”. It is natural that the management of national oil corporation, especially one that contributes to 45% of the government’s budget via its dividends will be of concern to a distinguished economist like Woo Wing Thye. [It means if such a corporation were corruptly managed, and get into debts like Pertamina or Mexico Petroleum where at each stage of the transaction chain somebody was getting a percentage, the country too will go down].

  6. Continuing: But one just cannot –without more facts- compare Petronas to these. It is one of Forbes Fortune Global 500 top companies,in fact in 2011 Petronas improved to 68th position from the 86th position. Although part of its trading results are off balance sheet it is recognised to be generally well managed under Hassan Merican’s stewardship. (Hassan now employed by S’pore GLC). As to it being accountable alone to PM, well in 2008 Petronas Board, with advice to Advisor Tun Mahathir rejected the PM’s nomination of Omar Mustapha as a director on a non payment of scholarship issue. Does one know exactly how influential is Petronas Advisor TDM? On what’s benefit for Petronas to take over Canadian Progress. According to then CEO (Shamsul), domestically, Petronas was facing gradually declining production of oil and gas; the acquisition was designed to transform it into a global player in the gas market by securing supplies of Liquefied Natural Gas from North America for the Asian market Selatan accounts for two-Thirds of global demand. Can one question that? One can of course question whether Petronas bid for Progress at a 77 per cent premium to its pre-bid share price is worth it. To do that one has to look at the valuation of Progress Energy’s assets, its potential, how many billion cubic feet of gas reserves etc before one can comment intelligently on benefits. Does the Critic know these facts? If there’s no benefit & Petronas a sitting duck, would Canadian Govt block the deal? Its not Scorpene where French authorities were suspected complicit to facilitate it.

  7. Pakatan is more interested to round up rouges and thieves for court cases and put all into jail….and to unite Malaysians…with a better educational system.
    Pakatan has tons of dirt and filth to clean up…when they form the new Govt.
    Be realistic and practical…and think before suggesting anything.

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