Why are non-Malays enemies of BN?

— Jaleel Hameed
The Malaysian Insider
Oct 23, 2012

OCT 23 — Tan Sri Sanusi Junid’s revelation today about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s economic policy is shocking. How can any Malaysian government base its policy on Hitlerian Germany’s anti-Jew measures? How can it equate non-Malays to Jews, to be sidelined economically in the pursuit of a richer Malay community?

And why have non-Malays, no less citizens of Malaysia, become enemies of the Barisan Nasional (BN) under Dr Mahathir? Is the current government also following Dr Mahathir’s line and think the non-Malays should be ostracised?

Come, sirs in Putrajaya, pray tell? Are we really a country that uses race like Hitler when conducting business? That anyone who isn’t Malay shouldn’t be allowed to compete or must be handicapped to ensure the Malays progress further?

Sir, what does that make the Malays? We are a race that have competed and can compete with the world but you, yes you in BN, sir, make us look so unworthy that we need policies to make sure we can do well.

Of course, Dr Mahathir can believe that the Jews are responsible for everything, like he said today, “The problem is that they (Jews) were the ones who created problems for us and the world because they disobeyed international law and got away with it.”

But do his policies mean the non-Malays are also like Jews? That they should be treated as enemies?

Will anyone in BN repudiate this grossly racist and unfair idea of Dr Mahathir and his cohorts?

We are Malaysians but your policies are meant to divide us, which is what the British were blamed for. It seems, however, that Dr Mahathir borrowed a leaf from our colonial master’s playbook.

No, sir, no Malaysian should be an enemy of the government of the day. No Malaysian should be denied his right to do anything on the basis of race. That is evil and diabolical.

If anyone persists along such lines, sir, then BN will lose the next general election. And deservedly so.


14 Replies to “Why are non-Malays enemies of BN?”

  1. Mahathir is the dirtiest politician in the world.
    He uses Muslims….for his own personal evil agendas.
    It is sad…there are still Muslims hero worship him like a Saint.
    Tyrants appears to be invincible…but in the end they will be defeated …so said Gandhi.
    Mahathir was a tyrant and a dictator.
    A man who refuses to accept he is half Tamil is not worth a sen.
    Without the other half..there is no Mahathir…and yet he said he is a decendant from Arabs.
    Mahathir has the thickest skin face that feels no shame for lying and twisting.
    That’s why…he is the dirtiest of all dirty politicians in Malaysia and he is very proud of that label.

  2. Sanusi said Mahathir followed Hitler. He must have wanted to create an ‘Aryan’ race over here.

    What has happened to the ‘Towering Malay’ that was touted not so long ago? Can we only find one ‘capable’ one in that Arab Malaysian al-Bukhary fellow who wants everything, according to Bung from Kinabatangan.

    This fellow has RM 34 billion in debts but what is Bank Negara doing? Where is their single customer exposure limit? Are they waiting for the bubble to burst? Maybe they are too busy going after the ‘big’ fish like SUARAM. Maybe they are just powerless.

  3. Hitler gained notoriety by authoring his political philosophy in book Mein Kempf. In it he argued that the Germans described as the Aryan race was superior to all others and had duty to control the world. He believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jewish race and homosexuals. Using them as bogeyman to unite the Germans nationalism Hitler exploited and played on fear and insecurities of Germans during the great depression and the humiliation imposed by Versailles treaties by foreign powers. Hitler was himself an outsider (not exactly German, only a constitutional one) from Bavaria, Austria. He had his break when he openly challenged and undermined president Paul Hindenburg. He was also master of propaganda appointing as its chief Goebbels. He indoctrinated young boys on his race theories. Hitler, an eruption of tremendous energy, is identified with the quality of excess. He liked & built huge monuments. The seat of German Parliament (Reichstag, Berlin) had striking resemblance with main building housing PM office in Putrajaya. The German Weimar Republic had talents and held great promise of democratic flowering. When Hitler took over he eventually brought it to ruins.

  4. Hee Hee. CSL/MCA/Gerakan/MIC and Sabah BN parties are sell-out Jews? Wonder Alvin Tan still feel self-righteous to make a sell-out Jew his hero? I think the Jews are insulted to have CSL being one of them…

  5. Jeffrey :
    Hitler gained notoriety by authoring his political philosophy in book Mein Kempf.

    Somebody tried to imitate that by coming out with his “The Malay Dilemma”.

    /// In it he argued that the Germans described as the Aryan race was superior to all others… ///

    In it he argued that the Malay race was inferior to all others…

    /// Using them as bogeyman to unite the Germans nationalism Hitler exploited and played on fear and insecurities of Germans ///

    Using the non-Malays as begeymen to unite the Malay nationalism, Mamakthir exploited and played on fear and insecurities of Malays

    /// Hitler was himself an outsider (not exactly German, only a constitutional one) from Bavaria, Austria. ///

    Mamakthir was himself an outsider (not exactly Malay, only a constitutional one) from Kerela, India.

    /// He had his break when he openly challenged and undermined president Paul Hindenburg. ///

    He had his break when he openly challenged and undermined PM Tunku Abdul Raman.

    /// He indoctrinated young boys on his race theories. ///

    Ditto with Mamakthir

    /// He liked & built huge monuments. ///

    Ditto with the Malaysian megalomaniac.

    Sorry, Jeffrey, thought I should spell it all out since you are so coy about the fake mccoy imitating the great dictator.

  6. TheWrathOfGrapes, now that you have pointed it out, I do agree there are striking similarities :) Talking about oppression of Jews, the allegedy cause of all problems in the world, there’s a difference in methodology though not the objective of ridding them: Western Jews were gas chambered; Eastern Jews were however better treated. Policies are in place to encourage them to emigate, to be replaced by those others of specifications desired.

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