Has Najib “natural abhorrence” of corruption as to appear in Parliament to report on the “test of the trio” – Taib Mahmud, Musa Aman and Gani Patail – on updates of inquiries into allegations of corruption and abuses of power?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced RM1 million contribution to the newly-established International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna but this could not salvage or buy off the total lack of credibility of his “big speech” on fighting corruption at the launch of the sixth International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) Annual Conference and General Meeting in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

The launch of the international anti-corruption meeting yesterday must be the most uncomfortable programme Najib had to attend since becoming the Prime Minister 42 months ago – delivering a speech on a subject he himself does not believe in and knowing that it would be received with scorn and contempt, politely by the IAACA Conference delegates, but with derision and disdain outside the four walls of the IAACA Conference at the KLCC.

Surely Najib is not so naïve as not to realise that when he called attention to the “bigger picture” of graft and declared that the fight against corruption must go beyond political and public service borders, it is seen instantly as an excuse to justify the utter failure of his administration, the Government Transformation Programe and NKRA in combating corruption, which is amply borne out by Malaysia’s worst 60th ranking and lowest 4.3 score in the 2011 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index.

Furthermore, when Najib said countries needed to instil a “natural abhorrence” of corruption in society, he is only provoking the question whether he could point out a single member of his Cabinet who is recognised by Malaysians as pre-eminent in the “natural abhorrence” of corruption?

If he could not name a single member of his Cabinet with a “natural abhorrence” of corruption, what about he himself? Does he qualify as a leader with a “natural abhorrence” of corruption?

If Najib has a “natural abhorrence” of corruption, he would not have demolished the credibility, integrity, professionalism and independence of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) just two weeks ago when he summarily dismissed allegations that Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud had amassed billions in wealth with the public response: “There are all kinds of allegations, jangan kita layan”.

A Prime Minister who has a “natural abhorrence” of corruption would not have said “Jangan kita layan” but would have gone out of his way to demand and ensure that the nation’s anti-corruption body would conduct a thorough and comprehensive inquiry into the allegations in the ground-breaking and explosive report by the Swiss-based NGO Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) which estimated the assets of Taib Mahmud’s family at US$21 billion (RM64 billion), with the wealth of Taib himself put at a whopping US$15 billion (RM46 billion) making him Malaysia’s richest man outstripping tycoon Robert Kuok who has US$12.5 billion.

In fact, a Prime Minister who has a “natural abhorrence” of corruption would have seriously considered the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to clear Malaysia’s name internationally, as the BMF report has made an even greater impact in international circles than in Malaysia – with the report released in Brussels to coincide with the visit by the Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok to the European Commission last month.

The BMF report is the first that describes in detail the business activities and personal wealth of 20 members of the Taib family in Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, United States and other countries.

It estimated the combined net worth of 20 Taib family members at close to US$21 billion, spread over 400 companies around the globe – all built through their near complete political and economic control of Sarawak, which has been reduced from one of the richest to one of the poorest states in Malaysia over three decades.

As I said in my speech in Parliament on the 2013 Budget yesterday, the three VVIPs comprising the Sarawak Chief Minister, the Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail – against whom serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power had been made publicly – represent the “test of the trio” as to whether there is a real political will in Malaysia to combat “Grand Corruption” by VVIPs.

Yesterday, I had called on the Prime Minister to give Parliament and nation updates of the actions being taken by MACC with regard to the various reports lodged against the “trio” with regard to corruption – in particular with regard to lawyer Zainal Abidin Ahmad’s recent book, “Tan Sri Gani Patail: Pemalsu, Penipu, Penjenayah (Fraud, Liar, Criminal)?”?

Would Najib demonstrate his “natural abhorrence” of corruption by appearing in person in Parliament to report on the “test of the trio” in the war against Grand Corruption – Taib Mahmud, Musa Aman and Gani Patail – and submit updates of inquiries into allegations of corruption and abuses of power against the trio?


13 Replies to “Has Najib “natural abhorrence” of corruption as to appear in Parliament to report on the “test of the trio” – Taib Mahmud, Musa Aman and Gani Patail – on updates of inquiries into allegations of corruption and abuses of power?”

  1. He would ask why put onus of instilling “natural abhorrence of corruption” squarely on only his shoulders? ”. He was clear on this when he was quoted to have said, that “while the Government regarded curbing corruption as a national priority, it did not believe that the efforts done so far were an end in themselves…Battling corruption is part of a larger whole implying others at level of leadership…be it in politics, government, business, civil society, education and the home” that must do their part “to ultimately create a truly ethical and responsible progressive society”.

  2. The speech is nothing more than monkey dance in front polite company. Its completely meaningless. Most developing countries leaders particularly those with leftist tendencies are practiced in such hypocritical posturing even on the world stage. I

    n fact, Najib is rather inept at it. Everytime he does his hypocritcal two-step in front of the global audience or global media, he never comes back to answer it to us locally..What he does or say in foreign country and polite audience stays in foreign country and polite audience. Remember the O2 London fiasco? – he never bothered to answer anything when he came back despite being asked again and again even by the mass media.

    In Najib’s mind, at least he just ignores the questions of his hypocrisy, his possible successors would outright just state a lie and possibly do much worst..

  3. ‘….The launch of the international anti-corruption meeting yesterday must be the most uncomfortable programme Najib had to attend….’

    Like asking a ‘devil’ to enter a holy temple ?

    It is very ironic.

    When George Soros donated money to some Malaysian entities to upgrade and modernise their capabilities, the BN was quick to accuse Soros of trying to overthrow the government through his donations and investments in these local NGOs and other entities.

    Why is Najib now doing the same now donating money to a foreign entity ? Is he trying to influence the activities, policies and direction of this newly-established International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) in Vienna to be kind to him especially when he might be facing corruption and other charges soon?

    Talk about double standards.

    Why are some ‘champions’ of good governance, transparency and integrity so silent now? They have all suddenly turn pro-Transformasi and can no longer see anything wrong or faults now.

  4. Najib is a two-faced man.
    One moment he hates corruptions….next moment he will steal billions to carry on the umno B tradition.
    His numerous flip flopping…makes him the biggest hypocrite PM.
    Najib is appointed by his party as PM…a show-dog…to show the way how to win 13th GE.
    He hates Malaysians not supporting him.
    He love corruptions…..for without corruptions..umno B is worth nothing.

  5. Look, is there any point in going after Najib’s mediocre pretentious intellectual hypocrisy? There is not a lot of milleage in it.

    Better of pointing out Just after his bombastic speech on corruption – there is ignorantly unrepentant Ali Rustam’s Wedding-gate and a UMNO/BN machinery that assist in PR cover-up..

  6. Ai yah, Y waste time 1, it’s like playing piano to a cow mah “对牛弹琴”
    D entire UmnoB/BN soaked in duit haram, corrupt $$$$$, how 2 ABHOR CORRUPTION
    Just play play n act act in IAACA lor

  7. Melaka is oozing with corruption, 600000 spent on 130000 guests, really, malu lah
    Now hisap consoled d culprit, no worry man, just move on, it’s erection time
    M’sia, TRULY corruption, big time too

  8. Malaysia book of Records confirms the Melaka wedding has the biggest gusts roll in history.
    That CM of Melaka was the first to say…”Umno B will govern forever”
    To be so confident….he must know something all Malaysians do not know.
    And our Home Minister tells him …not to worry.
    He said Oppositions are jealous…..hahahahahahaha

  9. Majority posts from Malaysiakini and at Lim Kit Siang’s blog is devoted to corruption….for years…and not once…you get Najib to respond or sue them as liars.
    Mine oh mine….how can we afford to give up such a nice PM.

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