8 Replies to “Umno’s Nation of Traitors”

  1. When they start to question a RM 2,000 donation that Hannah Yeoh received from a church in Singapore which subsequently fell into disrepute, you know that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. When they start to question LGE (with family) taking a once-a-year holiday in Europe and question the class of travel that he took, you know they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. But the ultimate accolade of scraping the bottom of the barrel must go to UMNO’s use of Mamakthir as its chief spokesman.

  2. You know they are desperate and scraping the bottom of the rice pot when they have to seek Chandra’s support and plead with the runaway ‘king’ to come back and support them. All is forgiven. Who will they tap next? Chin Peng ?

  3. Let them believe their own lies or have the money spigot turned on – taxpayers toil and sweat utilise to curry votes ie vote buying – but still there is no guarantee that ensures Najib & Co a shoo in/sure win like a thoroughbred heavily doped up to win on the MRA circuit.

    It is with a tinge of irony how the number 13 will play out for Najib and Co – how the lot of ’em UMNO heavyweights go into the next GE with tail between their legs – knowing that anything short of victory could equate to criminal prosecution for the entire bunch of corrupt monkeys.

    No matter, let us have fun watching ’em sweat it out before D-day. By my estimates it is still a long ways off, but one key indicator should see a sell off on Bursa Malaysia with money moving to the sidelines while a “verdict” awaits.

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