Shortcomings of the 2013-2025 National Education Blueprint

— Hussaini Abdul Karim
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 12, 2012

SEPT 12 — I laud both the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak and the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is also the Minister for Education for their motivation, tireless efforts and initiatives to come up with a better education policy to replace the current very much attacked policy which is construed as being a weak one and also the people in MOE who have been working very hard since April this year firstly, to organise the National Education Dialogue that took the team led by former Education Director General Tan Sri Datuk Dr Wan Mohd Zahid bin Wan Mohd Noordin, the National Education Dialogue Panel Chairman to 16 locations throughout the country including Sabah and Sarawak to conduct the Townhall Series of the National Education Dialogue and to prepare the impressive and attractive Preliminary Report – Malaysia Education Blueprint 2103- 2025 in both Bahasa Malaysia and in English which we all, who were present at the launch, were presented a copy each.

The first impression I get of the launch of the Malaysia National Education Blueprint 2013 – 2025 is the seriousness given by the government to education due to the fact that both the PM and the DPM were present at the event and the ‘off-the-cuff’ statement made by the former who is also the Minister of Finance is that he expects the expenditure for education in this country given the new plans, policies, syllabus and systems to be put in place and implemented as stated in the blueprint will be much higher than previous years and as the minister in charge, he will approve it.

This was followed immediately by a loud applause from all present. The PM also made another ‘off-the-cuff’ statement commenting on his pet subject, English literature, which will be introduced from next year and given the situation now, he said, “If you can’t teach them Shakespeare, the full version, try the abridged version first and if that is also too difficult then, start with the books by Enid Blyton”. This was also followed by a loud applause from the audience.

It is most pleasing to note the emphasis the Prime Minister placed on English language knowing that this is the right way for our people to progress. He had earlier reminded the people, in no uncertain terms, to always use and uphold Bahasa Malaysia as this is our national language.

There are many aspects in the blueprint which are commendable but nothing is new, it is more like something old that are sent back to the people in new package. Continue reading “Shortcomings of the 2013-2025 National Education Blueprint”

National Education Blueprint needs more work

— Ramon Navaratnam
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 12, 2012

SEPT 12 — The ASLI-Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) welcomes the release of the Preliminary Report, Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025) as timely and necessary for preparing the future intellectual and social and human capital of Malaysia, in a globalised world.

We recognise that there has been lot of hard work and effort in drawing public opinion and in the compilation of this report. We therefore congratulate this participatory effort especially through the town hall meetings for feedback as well as the academic and professional evaluative work.

We also recognise that the five system aspirations (page E-9) and the 11 shifts (page E 10) to transform the educational system are necessary and strategic.

However, we note that there are also major and serious gaps in the report and therefore urge the Ministry of Education to undertake further consultative processes to review the findings and plans and to actually incorporate public views that are now overlooked. Continue reading “National Education Blueprint needs more work”

Past 13 years, three Education Ministers have each produced Education Blueprint but Malaysian education standards have gone from bad to worse

When launching the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 yesterday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the government is not in denial over Malaysian students’ poor ratings in international assessments and vowed to move our students from the bottom one-third to the top one-third of the world.

Najib doth protest too much as his claim that the government is not in denial can easily rebutted, and I will give two instances:

Firstly, the ludicrous claim by the Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin early this year that the Malaysian education system is one of the best in the world and that Malaysian youngsters are receiving better education than children in the United States, Britain and Germany.

Secondly, the government’s refusal and denial for almost four years to admit Malaysia’s disastrous showing in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007, the four-yearly international comparative assessment of the achievements and attitudes towards mathematics and science of Year 4 and Year 8 secondary students, and ascertain the causes to immediately arrest and reverse such decline. Continue reading “Past 13 years, three Education Ministers have each produced Education Blueprint but Malaysian education standards have gone from bad to worse”

Rahsia Umno dalam tangan Dr M

By Sakmongkol AK47 | September 12, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

12 SEPT — Dr Mahathir Mohamad kata kalau Pakatan Rakyat memerintah, dia orang akan perintah selamanya. Mengikut Dr Mahathir dia tahu beberapa rahsia. Rahsia yang Dr Mahathir maksudkan itu mesti yang buruk dan yang tidak baik.

Kerana apabila PR memerintah, orang akan tahu rahsia buruk Umno- rasuah, rompakan, lanun, manipulasi jentera kerajaan, komisyen kepada menteri, KSU yang korap, pegawai kerajaan yang korap, rasuah dalam syarikat milik kerajaan,skendel pembinaan lebuh raya, pelabuhan, jambatan bengkok, skendel IPP. Semua rahsia ini menyebabkan rakyat tidak mahu lagu memilih Umno.

Umno akan jadi 4 huruf yang melambangkan segala yang mungkar kepada orang melayu yang Bergama Islam. Sebagai orang Islam , semua orang Melayu tahu bertaqwa bererti jangan buat mungkar dan menyeru kepada makruf. Umno mewakili kuasa yang mungkar dan kerana itu, orang Melayu akan menolaknya. Prinsip ini amat mudah difahami.
Continue reading “Rahsia Umno dalam tangan Dr M”