Second Open Letter to Soi Lek

By Kee Thuan Chye | Tuesday, 04 September 2012 13:07
Malaysian Digest

Dear Soi Lek,

I last wrote an open letter to you that was published in this same website on Jan 12, 2011.

In it, you may recall, I said that being a highly educated person with the ability to think, you should consider renouncing race-based politics for the good of the nation.

I also wondered if the MCA still had any dignity left for continuing to be a part of Barisan Nasional (BN).

Since then, you have said or done nothing to indicate that you will change.
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‘Janji Ditepati’ Public hearings in Sabah successful kickoff in Kota Kinabalu

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sep 03, 7:16pm
In KotaKinabalu 4kickoff of Sabah DAP “Janji Ditepati” 1st round of Public Hearings 2hear public views whether Sabahans agree with BN theme

Sep 03, 8:40pm
Congrats SabahDAP 4organising “Janji Ditepati” Public Hearing State tour as “substitute” 4RCI on 49yrs of Sabah in Msia proposed by DAP b4

Sep 03, 8:45pm
TanSri Simon Sipaun, whom I had proposed as RCI Chmn, speaking. He said Sabah is now Darul PTI as ilegals have long outnumbered Sabahans

Sep 03, 8:50pm
Simon speak abt poverty in when this shld not happen as Sabah very rich state with oil n other resources. Estimate poverty rate >30% inSabah
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