Cabinet tomorrow should direct Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh to respond to fake crime stats allegations in post-Cabinet media conference as continued silence would rubbish all GTP and ETP claims of success and “Big Fast Results”

The Cabinet tomorrow must place on top of its agenda the very serious allegations of fake crime statistics to give the false and misleading picture of “Big Wins” and “Big Fast Results” milestones in the Reducing Crime NKRA, claiming a dramatic reduction of 35% in Street Crime and 15% in Index Crime in 2010, followed by a further drop of 39.7% in Street Crime and 11.1%drop in Index Crime in 2011 – hailed as “the highest drop ever since Independence”.

Yet Malaysians have never been more afflicted with the debilitating “fear of crime” – whether the fear of taking a neighbourhood stroll with the family or the fear of going out at night!

I hope there are courageous and fearless Ministers who dare to speak up at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow to point out that the week-long deafening silence to the very credible expose by the “whistleblower” 30-year police officer of how crime statistics have been doctored to give the false picture of “Big Wins” and “Big Fast Results” in the Reducing Crime NKRA in the past two years is the greatest disservice to the present administration.

The Cabinet must take full cognizance of the inescapable fact that continued silence on the part of the authorities concerned and failure to rebut the very credible account of fake crime statistics by the “whistleblower” police officer would rubbish all the Government Transformation Programmes (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) claims of success and “Big Fast Results”.

For these reasons, the three Ministers directly involved in the Reducing Crime NKRA, the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, and the GTP/NKRA Ministers Datuk Sri Idris Jala and Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon must break their silence and be directed to hold a post-Cabinet media conference to respond fully to the whistleblower police officer’s allegations.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire credibility of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Transformation Programmes, whether GTP, ETP, Political Transformation Programme (PTP) or Social Transformation Programme (STP) is now in the balance, with Najib’s premiership facing a crisis of confidence, if Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh continue to keep their deafening silence.

In fact, the 55th Merdeka Day on 31st August on Friday runs the risk of being remembered by future generations of Malaysians as the Day when Najib’s Transformation Programme met its Waterloo.

All Malaysians await the outcome of the Cabinet meeting tomorrow whether there will be a credible refutation of the whistleblower police officer’s allegations of fake crime statistics, or whether the silence of the three Ministers responsible for the Reducing Crime NKRA will prove to be the most thunderous event in the 55th Merdeka Day celebrations of the country.


8 Replies to “Cabinet tomorrow should direct Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh to respond to fake crime stats allegations in post-Cabinet media conference as continued silence would rubbish all GTP and ETP claims of success and “Big Fast Results””

  1. Entire nation looking forward how hishammuddin, idri and koh answer in the cabinet meeting?

    Recent shooting case in Mandurai club enough to convince the public that crimes statistic came from PDRM is all bullshit.

    I wonder most of the clubs connected to elite pro BN businessman with DBKL and PDRM consent can open up till wee hours???

  2. I dont like watermelon. “Sookun, you can hv it.”

    Aiyah, I had watermelon yesterday, “Idris, nah you take it.” “Melon.” “Big.” “Big”. “Good.”

    Oh dear, I hate cutting melons. “Errr, keris, I bought this melon yesterday, specially for you.” “Sweet.” “Juicy.” “Good.”

    OMG. I cant possibly eat this. “Hoi cousin.” “I beli ni.” “Sedap.” “Juicy.” “Good.” “Untuk you.” “Specially ordered.”

    …. how odd. Didnt I give this mellon to sookun three days ago!!?? Whatever. “Hoi sookun.” “Nah, for you.” “Big big melon.”

    … and on and on and on and on … The great art of taichi pushing.

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