Police response to ‘Crime statistics: Let the truth be told’

— Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 28, 2012

AUG 28 — In response to the article “Crime statistics: Let the truth be told” first published on August 22 via http://liewchintong.com blogsite and subsequently published by several online portals, we would like to state that any public feedback is welcomed and will be given due consideration.

As we all know it, crime reduction is everybody’s business. PDRM believe that all kind of feedback will enable us to improve our services to the rakyat, in line with the call for the public sector to enhance their effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. Hence, we appreciate the concerns brought about by the letter from “Veteran Policeman”. We would, however, like to register our regret and utmost disappointment that the respective publications including the blog owner did not see fit to verify and check with PDRM on the facts of the allegations before presenting the letter to their readers.

Multiple factual inaccuracies

First and foremost, we would like to highlight multiple factual inaccuracies upon which the conclusions of the article were drawn.

These corrections and clarifications are necessary to enable the public to make an informed assessment of the situation. Continue reading “Police response to ‘Crime statistics: Let the truth be told’”

Cabinet tomorrow should direct Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh to respond to fake crime stats allegations in post-Cabinet media conference as continued silence would rubbish all GTP and ETP claims of success and “Big Fast Results”

The Cabinet tomorrow must place on top of its agenda the very serious allegations of fake crime statistics to give the false and misleading picture of “Big Wins” and “Big Fast Results” milestones in the Reducing Crime NKRA, claiming a dramatic reduction of 35% in Street Crime and 15% in Index Crime in 2010, followed by a further drop of 39.7% in Street Crime and 11.1%drop in Index Crime in 2011 – hailed as “the highest drop ever since Independence”.

Yet Malaysians have never been more afflicted with the debilitating “fear of crime” – whether the fear of taking a neighbourhood stroll with the family or the fear of going out at night!

I hope there are courageous and fearless Ministers who dare to speak up at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow to point out that the week-long deafening silence to the very credible expose by the “whistleblower” 30-year police officer of how crime statistics have been doctored to give the false picture of “Big Wins” and “Big Fast Results” in the Reducing Crime NKRA in the past two years is the greatest disservice to the present administration.

The Cabinet must take full cognizance of the inescapable fact that continued silence on the part of the authorities concerned and failure to rebut the very credible account of fake crime statistics by the “whistleblower” police officer would rubbish all the Government Transformation Programmes (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) claims of success and “Big Fast Results”.
Continue reading “Cabinet tomorrow should direct Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh to respond to fake crime stats allegations in post-Cabinet media conference as continued silence would rubbish all GTP and ETP claims of success and “Big Fast Results””

Merdeka Day bash at Bukit Jalil Stadium a set-back for nation-building by 55 years when Malaysian public excluded from the 100,000-seat capacity stadium which is reserved for “BN invites” only

Last night, in response to the Malaysiakini report “Bukit Jalil Merdeka Day bash for invites only”, I penned five tweets, viz:

  1. Scandalous! Outrageous! What Merdeka D bash is this? http://goo.gl/H1IpV Bukit Jalil Merdeka Day bash is invite only- Sara Ghazie(Mkini)

  2. “Got like that one meh?” exclamation will be heard throughout country when Malaysians read “Bukit Jalil Merdeka Day bash is invite only”

  3. No better proof of BN hijacking Merdeka Day celebrations – 1st BN election slogan of “Janji Ditepati” n now 100k Stadium largely BN invites

  4. With MerdekaDay bash BtJalil Stadium hijacked by BN pumped up by rent-MerdekaDay-crowds, all pretence of 1Malaysia inclusive thrown 2winds

  5. What irony 4Najib’s 1Msia signature slogan! “Bukit Jalil Merdeka Day bash is invite only” has set back nation-building in Msia by 55 years!

Continue reading “Merdeka Day bash at Bukit Jalil Stadium a set-back for nation-building by 55 years when Malaysian public excluded from the 100,000-seat capacity stadium which is reserved for “BN invites” only”