BN: Stop creating illusionary fear

— CL Tang
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 26, 2012

AUG 26 — Day in day out, Umno and MCA have been frightening the people with their doomsday scenario should Pakatan Rakyat wrestle power from their clutches.

MCA leaders keep harping to the Chinese electorate that a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS. Should Pakatan come to power, MCA suggests, rather ludicrously that DAP will bow down to PAS’ demands for the implementation of hudud law.

Never mind that PAS would not have the numbers to push this through parliament since their Pakatan partners, DAP and PKR, would never accede to it. In fact, PAS would have to rely on the other sole dominant Muslim political party, Umno, to have any chance of making hudud law a reality. Can MCA President Chua Soi Lek secure a promise from big brother Umno that it will never consider such a political alliance? If it is not able to do so, then it should refrain from lambasting DAP for its alleged subservience to PAS, when MCA dare not even stand up to Umno when it is being bullied. More importantly, MCA must stop using the threat of hudud law as its main political weapon against DAP, as it raises unnecessary fear and unease among the main races in Malaysia.

Umno leaders have been painting a picture of apocalypse should Pakatan win power. “Don’t take Malaysia’s peace and harmony for granted”, they exclaim over and over again, suggesting that Malaysia’s stability and race relations are so fragile that a change of power in a fair election could throw the entire country into chaos and mayhem. The May 13th incident is being cited again and again.

That the two most powerful component parties in the ruling coalition would rather frighten the people into believing that such events could take place in a change of government, when the probability is so remote and unlikely, is telling. Rather than acknowledging the real problems that are truly threatening the future of this country — corruption and abuse of power — and mustering the political will to curb these twin evils before it is too late — Umno and MCA are creating imaginary daunting scenarios in their bid to retain power.

Even on the occasion of Malaysia’s National Day, BN is suggesting that the past 55 years of peace and prosperity have been the result of its sole efforts and sweat, belittling the blood and tears of ordinary Malaysians who have also brought Malaysia to where it stands today. How else could its arrogance be explained when it wanted to use “Janji Ditepati” as the official slogan for Merdeka Day — and demanding it be voted back into power for having performed the duties which they were elected to do anyway?

A government that instils fear in its people as its political strategy to remain in power, instead of appealing to the hopes and aspirations of a better tomorrow, does not deserve the people’s support. A government that does not trust the wisdom and rationality of its people to choose its next leaders, should not ask for the people’s trust in return.

I think every likeminded Malaysian would send the same message to BN: please don’t insult our intelligence. Instead of creating an illusionary fear among the people, it should focus on the real issues that are actually limiting our growth and potential — corruption, declining education standards in our schools, crime on our streets and the rising cost of living, especially in the housing and health sectors.

No need for handouts; no need for slogans.

That is the way to earn our vote.


9 Replies to “BN: Stop creating illusionary fear”

  1. ///…please don’t insult our intelligence…/// – CL Tang. But why not? In any crowd/group throughout the world – and Malaysia is no exception – its always a mix of a few very smart people, quite a number of intelligent people, but definitely more mediocre people and a lot of dumb people! There’s not even arithmetic equality between the intelligent and the not so. I would assume that the arithmetic odds against voting intelligently are overwhelmingly against. Does representative democracy in giving every man/woman who’s bothered to register a right to vote makes him/her wiser when he/she votes? There are just too many issues for any given citizen, even an intelligent and educated one (let alone the less) to grasp and understand them all in any depth – and those in power have greater opportunities to obfuscate, confuse and bull sh*t, play on hopes and fears to make majority voters end up supporting them and their platforms that run quite counter to voters’ own self-interest and ideals, without their even realizing it. So when one has policy to favour one majority group over the rest, one hopes one can always be assured of the support of majority group for one’s discriminating policies – in one and one vote system – to keep one in power!

  2. Fear is one of the most powerful weapon used on human beings to be careful…..not to be survive without accidents…. keep away from diseases….and what have you….from young to adulthood.
    UMNO b fears are political fears for the voters.
    Mahathir created fears in abundance in his 22 years…a method used by Hitler effectively.
    Eevnts have proven smart brave Malaysians can and

  3. cont/…..the evils that BN politicians are doing are out-dated methods for jungle people only.
    The more they create fears….the more braver are Malaysians out to expose these evil doers.

  4. And in the same breath Najib and geng tells the whole world there is peace and harmony here, he is a moderate, we are a stable country, ‘low’ crime rate, we have the best democracy here, we are well on the way to a ‘high income’ society (yet he has to give out handouts), all KPIs have been ‘overachieved’, all promises have been ‘fulfilled’ yadda, yadda, yadda… and more yadda, yadda, yadda droppings.

    Gee, it is paradise here being governed by ‘devils’ for the past 55 years (How come the natives are getting very restless ?).

    Come and make Malaysia Your Home Away From Home.

  5. It’s brain washing to create more dumb dumb.
    Not so smart relies on people to lead them.
    Most are now relying on PR….for in their hearts they trust God and love truths.
    Only racists …pretenders and hypocrites…want a corrupted government for selfish reasons.

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