Tweets from Sabah

Tweets @limkitsiang

Aug 19, 10:43am
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin. Semoga semua rakyat bergembira di hari yg mulia ini, berbahagia dgn kehidupan yg lebih cerah

Aug 18, 3:51pm
Otw to Kota Marudu but never come across worse road conditions than long Kukut/Mantanau stretch! Real shame – road to Fed Minister’s constituency

Aug 18, 4:09pm
Trip to Kota Marudu was homecoming for Sabah DAP Chmn Sri Tanjung State Assemblyman Jimmy Wong who was born here n spent his first 16 years

Aug 19, 12:15am
Attended Kg Bavang Jamal Kudat ceramah Shocked to hear water pipes installed since 1986 but without water for 26 years – real electioneer rip-off

Aug 19, 1:38am
Real shame ‘Tip of Borneo’, Msia’s great tourist attraction, neglected by Fed/Sabah state govts, Tribute to Chong Kah Keat for services to tourism

Aug 19, 9:59am
Very pleasant night at Tip of Borneo – indeed “best sunset, best surf, best wind in Borneo”. Highly recommended to all Msians- know your country


16 Replies to “Tweets from Sabah”

  1. ///water pipes installed since 1986 but without water for 26 years///

    It is sad to see a state with great potentials end up in such pathetic state of affairs. Sabah is supposed to be a wealthy state by virtue of its abundant natural resources. It has now become the poorest state in Malaysia.

  2. “water pipes installed since 1986 but without water for 26 years.”
    That’s Malaysia?????
    Mahathir…. Najib… wake up and feel great over your leadership.
    These two hypocrites think the truths can be hidden.
    Shameless rouges and thieves.

  3. Mahathir will say he does not interfere with Sabah’s
    matters under “white hair” Tiab and he is retired now, no power.
    Najib will say “I promise I will look into it. I never break my promise”

  4. “Some should suffer…some should die….some must sacrifice”
    These are thoughts by one out to win a war and that’s how Mahathir was thinking when he became a PM.
    That must be one of his many excuses to justify his devilish acts and established himself a Dictator.
    As such…for 22 years…those poor folks without pipe water in Sabah is small matter.
    Most important is to make sure his UMNO b rules forever.
    What kind of a PM was he?
    Who is Najib…an appointed leader by his party with no power?
    Why his ONLY role is to win 13th GE.
    Poor folks in Sabah without pipe water.
    Don’t worry…we have 2 powerful Scorpene submarines to protect you from traitors. Be happy.

  5. Najib may also say to the folks without pipe water..”You waited 22 years…please wait a little longer. Once I am voted in officially as PM with power…I will attend to the matter immediately. Go out and vote for BN.”

  6. Or he may say….”I promised People First and I will deliver.I did not know your poor folks have no pipe water for 22 years. It is a shame. I apologize.
    Trust me and vote for BN and I will install pipe water the moment I am officially voted in as PM.”

  7. Then he may say….”This is a shame. I humbly apologize to Malaysians without pipe water for 22 years. Please give me a chance to prove I am a PM that delivers. Vote BN in and next day I will send contractors to install pipe water no matter how costly it is. I promise you. Once I promise….I never break my promise.”

  8. Or he may say….”I will consult white hair what is the problem. I am SHOCKED like all Malaysians!! Vote BN in and install me as PM voted in by the People.
    I promise you white hair will instal pipe water the next day I am PM.
    We spend billions on so many things and some Malaysians still do not have pipe water or electricity??. This cannot be and must be corrected.
    Vote BN in and the votes will make me a PM with power. Trust me!! I am People’s PM.”

  9. In East Malaysia…white hair is the King behind the curtain.
    He has machais in Sabah to do his dirty work.
    No bribes….all machais give up money politics and seriously thinking about a united Malaysia.
    No money…no talk.

  10. Nicol David is the Queen of Sports in Malaysia….not Lee Chong Wei….although Chong Wei’s fighting spirit has much to be admired.
    Squash is as demanding as Badminton and far more dangerous indoor game.
    It is not in the Olympics because of the lack of participants from various countries…..but it will be included in the next game in Mexico.
    Nicol David is far more constant athlete than all simply because she is trained privately away from the famous political minded Sports Council of Malaysia.
    Just look at the FAM football and you can see how sickening our sports has become under UMNO b.

  11. Bowling is not included because it has proven to be a game of chance and not totally skills needed.
    However….due to more and more countries are bowling…that game maybe included in Olympic.
    Can you imagine Lawn Bowling was included and yet..not indoor bowling?
    Why so….because in Olympic…the Europeans holds all the powers to have final say….until recently…racism and corruptions exposed.
    Usian Bolt contributed alot to the sports where racism no more seen in recent Olympic Games.
    He is the first athlete to donate his winning prize of US100,000 to charity.
    That guy is a crazy nut but with a heart of gold…..very race.
    Nice to see him win 100m & 200m gold.
    In China he was disqualified from 100m for false start.
    Carl Lewis was presented with a 100m gold when the winner was disqualified. As such Carl Lewis did not really win the gold per se.

  12. There are many games that are in the Olympic with less countries participating all because the games are dominated by Europeans.
    Look at sailing and rowing and you will know what I mean.
    Yes…Olympic is still decided by racists.
    Malaysia is destined to get gold from Nicol and perhaps in bowling in the next Olympic game in Mexico under Anwar’s PMship.and perhaps Lim Guan Eng is there to present the Gold medal to Nicol David.
    No harm dreaming nice dreams.

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