Tweets from Sabah

Tweets @limkitsiang

Aug 19, 10:43am
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin. Semoga semua rakyat bergembira di hari yg mulia ini, berbahagia dgn kehidupan yg lebih cerah

Aug 18, 3:51pm
Otw to Kota Marudu but never come across worse road conditions than long Kukut/Mantanau stretch! Real shame – road to Fed Minister’s constituency

Aug 18, 4:09pm
Trip to Kota Marudu was homecoming for Sabah DAP Chmn Sri Tanjung State Assemblyman Jimmy Wong who was born here n spent his first 16 years

Aug 19, 12:15am
Attended Kg Bavang Jamal Kudat ceramah Shocked to hear water pipes installed since 1986 but without water for 26 years – real electioneer rip-off
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