Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012 Message: Rendezvous with greatness

I wish all Muslims in Malaysia Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

On this auspicious occasion, non-Muslims join their Muslim compatriots in Malaysia to make this important Islamic calender a national celebration.

With the 55th Merdeka Day/49th Malaysia Day around the corner, this is a fit occasion for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region, class, age or sex to reaffirm our common national identity and destiny to build a nation strongly founded on the principles of democracy, justice, soliidarity, integrity and good governance.

Malaysians are bound together to a common future – either all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region, class, age or sex unite to forge a progreesive and prosperous future for all Malaysians, or we will all suffer from man-made weaknesses and divisions which will prevent the country from fully exploiting her human and natural resources.

Let all patriotic Malaysians answer the call of the times – to work to achieve Malaysia’s rendezvous with greatness as a people and nation.


11 Replies to “Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012 Message: Rendezvous with greatness”

  1. ‘….. to work to achieve Malaysia’s rendezvous with greatness as a people and nation…’

    It’s now or never. Elvis Presley (1935 – 1977)

    Selamat Eid al-Mubarak to all Muslims.

    p/s Where and when is DAP’s Raya Open House where all can meet as one ‘people and nation’ ?

  2. Y dis Perlis MB MIS kept insisting his Dr bagus 1, fr a bagus university 1
    Y he no hear of universiti ayam liar meh? “Wild chicken university” or ye ji da xue (野鸡大学) or diploma mills meh?
    Y during dis bulan suci, he still wants 2 con rakyat; d so-called univ dat sold him his Dr oredi no more, oredi changed name
    Really, lies, more lies under UmnoB/BN, how 2 celebrate Hari Raya blissfully like dis 1

  3. #1 Sheriff Singh:
    ” p/s Where and when is DAP’s Raya Open House where all can meet as one ‘people and nation’ ? ”

    I suggested to Kit last year to hold DAP’s Raya Open House to not only bring people of all races together but also to promote DAP as a multiracial political party. Hope DAP can give some thoughts on this matter for next year’s Hari Raya.

  4. Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims.
    We have different cultures, customs and way of life but we are all Malaysians first …second race.
    BN are all racists parties….to divide and rule and using Muslims UMNO b plundered and stole billions from all and unless you submit to become their slaves…you will never get be millionaires without working.
    The so call rewards given by Najib right now are peanuts compared to the millions given to chosen ones.
    The UMNO Supreme Council law makers are corrupted to the core.
    Taking advantage that Allah does not interfere with politics….Mahathir’s UMNO b party is most unholy at all counts.

  5. Righto Brothers and Sisters! Selamat Hari Raya! Eat a lot of ketupat for me (especially the pulut variety, oil and all). I can’t do it myself as I have been punished for eating too much carbohydrates over 60 long years (know what I mean?).
    I am going to the house of an old friend, an UMNO fellow. Plain water will do for me plus plenty of argument.

  6. My message to UMNO/BN this Raya is this: IT SHOULD NOT BE SO HARD TO HOLD ON TO POWER FOR UMNO/BN..

    If you think about it, given all the advantages of UMNO/BN – the wealth and advantage of this nation, the moderation of the people, the institutional advantages given to UMNO/BN, even the demographic, many leaders in many country would KILL FOR, it should not be so hard to hold on to power.

    The simple fact is UMNO/BN is in trouble because of their own weakness for corruption and abuse of power. This raya, they say is definitely overdue to reflect and accept the reality..

  7. Again, as expected, UmnoB is resorting 2 RACE n RELIGION 2 hoodwink Malays n 2 appeal 2 their blind tribal instinct 2 vote 4 UmnoB
    NonMalays n Christianity r again used as bogeys 2 frighten Malays n Muslims

    Glad LKS hving a great time in Kota Marudu n Kudat, Sabah – enjoy yourself n b careful where U piss (not under a coconut tree which may morph in2 a flagpost)

  8. 1 more day closer 2 d next GE, which will be called by NR after 21.12.2012
    AhCHEATkor will ensure dat he is d LAST UmnoB PM as predicted by ‘RAHMAN‘ cos nothing 2 worry after 21.12.12 accroding 2 d Mayan calendar, ash 2 ash, dust 2 dust
    So AhCHEATkor is just going 2 spend, spend, spend n enjoy travelling around d globe

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