CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires

by Moaz Nair
Malaysia Chronicle
11 August 2012

A self-professed Islamic pondok (a village madrasah) “religious scholar” declared it “haram (forbidden)” for Muslims to support DAP, according to a front page story in Umno’s Utusan Malaysia, but added that MCA and MIC were acceptable because the two BN (Barisan Nasional) parties recognised Islam’s supremacy.

He said that Muslims must not vote for DAP and its two allies PAS and PKR in the federal Opposition pact of PR (Pakatan Rakyat) in the 13th general election that must be called before April next year.

To the majority this statement sounds more politics than Islamic. It only infers how “retarded” a person can be when it comes to understanding Islam. Utusan being UMNO’s mouthpiece, this statement has gravely backfired on the party.

UMNO is shuffling the race-cum-religious cards for political mileage much to the chagrin of right-minded Malaysians. The next general election will only see more non-Muslim and Muslim votes going to the Opposition. Is UMNO aware that DAP, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other non-Muslim parties and in fact all the non-Muslims in the country recognise that Islam is the official religion of this country?

Has DAP-led Pakatan government in Penang become anti-Islam in Penang since the takeover of the state in 2008? In fact the state government of Penang has done more than BN for the Muslims in Penang just within 4 years to build up a better image of Islam in the state.

“We have no problems with DAP-led government,” commented a mosque Imam in Penang. “They support us and we don’t see them against Islam,” he added. Continue reading “CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires”

Olympics Will Close With A Thunderous Party

by The Associated Press
August 12, 2012

LONDON (AP) — Party! Party! Party!

London is preparing to close out a two-week festival of sports in Olympic style, with a thunderous celebration of British music, from the classical compositions of Elgar to the classic rock of The Who.

A star-studded closing ceremony Sunday night will be long on fun — a dancing, stomping, psychedelic exaltation of what Britain does best, exporting a head-shaking amount of talent to the world.

The spectacle, which artistic director Kim Gavin promises will be “the best after-show party that’s ever been,” will have something for everyone — the Spice Girls, George Michael, Annie Lennox, Muse and many, many other stars mixed in.

There’ll be plenty of fireworks and colored lights, acrobats, gymnasts, drummers, supermodels and other surprises to keep the crowd — and a television audience of tens of millions — entertained late into the night.

The best seats are for the 10,800 Olympic athletes, who will march in as one and form what Gavin has described as a human mosh pit on the field. Queen Elizabeth II, who made a memorable mock parachute entrance at the opening ceremony, will be on hand. Continue reading “Olympics Will Close With A Thunderous Party”

Najib’s voodoo economics

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 11, 2012

AUG 11 — Why is the government fudging over the issue of giving back what it owes the Kelantan government? That’s RM7.4 billion. The deal and agreement was signed between the Kelantan government and the federal government represented by the first chairman of Petronas, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Why the double talk? Why the need to form a special committee overseeing the payment of oil money owed? Is it because Umno is so accustomed to playing the role of the rent seeker?

I have asked earlier, wouldn’t it save public funds if the government asks Tengku Razaleigh what the agreement entails? He is still Umno, right? So why is he treated with mistrust? Najib was carrying his bag when he was working for Tengku Razaleigh.

And why is it the federal government implicitly mistrusts the Terengganu government by controlling the oil royalties that should be given to Terengganu? During Abdullah Badawi’s time, the appointment of the oil money was effectively controlled by Patrick Lim and his cohorts. Terengganu’s money was being managed by people at the Federal level because the Terengganu folks won’t know how to handle the money.

So you have the floating mosques, the crystal mosque, the Monsoon Cup complexes, a village consisting of a constellation of RM1 million holiday homes in Pulau Duyung and all that. Every kilometre, you have grandiose mosques built where polyclinics are more needed. You have ample number of mosques in Terengganu. Continue reading “Najib’s voodoo economics”

Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign conceived by Umno anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers

Utusan Malaysia is completely unrepentant of its “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign launched five days ago, continuing today to carry commentary and reports to justify its campaign.

It is clear that Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign is conceived by UMNO anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein.

This is because those behind Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign cannot be so naïve politically as not to know that the next target of the “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign will be the first three Prime Ministers, as the DAP’s stand that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion is exactly the stand taken by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein in the first 24 years of the nation’s history from 1957 – 1981.

If the UMNO strategists who approved and launched the Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign did not realize that their attack on DAP could be extended into an attack on the first three Prime Ministers on the very same grounds, then these highly-paid UMNO strategists are not worth their money and should be sacked immediately. Continue reading “Utusan’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign conceived by Umno anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers”