Najib should explain why he authorised Utusan’s 4-day despicable/seditious “Haram Sokong DAP”campaign when it could be extended to accuse first 3 PMs, including his father and uncle, as enemies of Islam?

This is the fourth consecutive day that the UMNO newspaper Utusan Malaysia has conducted its despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign falsely betraying the DAP as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers to create racial and religious hatred and undermine national unity.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should explain whether he had authorized or approved the Utusan Malaysia’s four-day despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign when it could be extended to accuse the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, his father Tun Razak and his uncle Tun Hussein Onn as enemies of Islam?

This is because the stand of the DAP in accordance with the Malaysian Constitution, that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, is no different from that of the first three Prime Ministers from 1957 to 1981, and in fact for the next two decades from 1981 to 2001 during the first 20 years of the premiership of Tun Dr. Mahathir until the fourth Prime Minister made the unilateral, arbitrary and unconstitutional declaration at the Gerakan national delegates conference on Sept. 21, 2001 that Malaysia is an Islamic state.

This is why Mahathir could blithely respond yesterday that he could not be equated to the DAP under the Utusan Malaysia “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign, as he had declared Malaysia an Islamic state when in power although he had not implemented hudud.

Does Najib agree with the clear implication of Mahathir’s response that the fourth Prime Minister could escape the strictures of Utusan Malaysia’s “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign, but not the first three Prime Ministers, including his father Tun Razak and uncle Tun Hussein?

Utusan’s despicable, seditious and anti-national campaign on “Haram Sokong DAP” must be condemned by all right-thinking Malaysians, whether in Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, as it is scraping the bottom of the barrel in the most irresponsible and unprincipled politicking trying to fan racial ill-will and conflict in a multi-racial and multi-religious society.

Only in Johor Bahru early this week, Najib said that Islam should not be politicized by any quarters in this country to become “political fodder”.

Why then is he as Prime Minister and UMNO President allowing the UMNO newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, to embark on such a despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign for four consecutive days – to the extent that even the first three Prime Ministers of Malaysia have become vulnerable to attacks in any extension of such a Utusan campaign?

Najib owes Malaysians a clear explanation whether he had authorized or approved the Utusan’s despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign, or whether he is prepared to publicly dissociate himself from it and condemn the Utusan Malaysia campaign as a deplorable example of belitting Islam by making the religion the political fodder by some political quarters which he had denounced in Johor Bahru just a few days ago.


7 Replies to “Najib should explain why he authorised Utusan’s 4-day despicable/seditious “Haram Sokong DAP”campaign when it could be extended to accuse first 3 PMs, including his father and uncle, as enemies of Islam?”

  1. See ? For the past few weeks and months you have all been firefighting, firefighting, firefighting.

    UMNO knows your weak spots so they just attack it over and over again to keep you all occupied having to firefight.

    It does not matter whether their reports and statements have any basis; they just want you to be on the defensive. This way you have all been crippled a bit. Expect more to come. The more outrageous the better for them.

  2. I said it on the second day and I will say it again, forget the demonisation of DAP – they are never going to stop even if you have a thousand reason why..

    It simply time to take the fight to them – tell the Sarawakians, Sabahan and the Indians – if they lie about DAP like these, they will lie about the rights of Sarawakians, Sabahan and Indians – they will take them away – not just the land, not just jobs in civil service and elected office, they will take away their children’s future and their very identity and culture..

  3. Mamaktir turns umno to a rogue , mafia, lanun party. Umno goons join umno not be os of ideal and desire to serve people, but be os to make tons of money. The grand mamakthir master taught all umno members how to lie, cheat , steal , fool the kampong Malay big time.

  4. The reason why the GE was postponed should be clear by now.
    It’s to allow UMNO/BN to launch a blitzkrieg on their nemesis, the DAP in general and LKS in particular.
    The best antidote to this sort of attack is to counter attack their supposedly safe havens in the rural areas of Peninsula Malaysia and their fixed deposit in East Malaysia.
    But at all times, keep an eye on the ultimate goal of capturing Putrajaya.

  5. ///Only in Johor Bahru early this week, Najib said that Islam should not be politicized by any quarters in this country to become “political fodder”.

    Why then is he as Prime Minister and UMNO President allowing the UMNO newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, to embark on such a despicable, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign for four consecutive days…///

    Isn’t Najib well-known for his chameleon brand of politics?

  6. If muckheadtir implements hudud, him together with his sons along with his cabinets would have lost all their limbs long ago. Not only that, their next three generation would need to lose their limbs as well to pay for their sins today.

    DAP diharamkan, Rasuah dihalalkan. Undilah BN.
    P/s parti parti komponen BN dihalalkan oleh imam imam digaji BN.

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