The battle of Lee Chong Wei have unite the people as one – Malaysians

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life advisor

Once in a while, an encouraging sign of Malaysian nationalism show up.

Lee Chong Wei is a good example of a patriotic Malaysian. In spite of the negative outbursts by Perkasa and UMNO, the ordinary people as a whole feel this is their country, and they belong here.

Lee Chong Wei fought and used up his last ounce of energy for the honour and glory of his country. He played his best for Malaysia. Literally, he lost by a hair’s breadth. He was as good as his opponent from China, Lin Dan.

He was as good as Lin Dan as shown by the ding dong battle in the third round. Unfortunately, at the end the luck of the shuttle fell to Lin Dan who won, when Chong Wei’s shot fell just off the base line.

Was it a defeat for Chong Wei? Definitely not. The battle showed that it was a victory for the Malaysian spirit, where the player fought his heart out for Malaysia and for his country men whether in the stadium or back home in the old country.

The multiracial supporters cheered for Chong Wei as one – Malaysians together. Defeat? there was only victory, victory for the Malaysian spirit even in defeat.

The champion performance of Chong Wei in the centre court and the support of Malaysians in the stands have shown that the people of Malaysia regard themselves as one people.

Thank you Chong Wei for uniting the people. You are a hero in more ways than one.

12 Replies to “The battle of Lee Chong Wei have unite the people as one – Malaysians”

  1. 28 million people saw a MALAYSIAN play his heart out for the country.

    It is only the divide-and-rule people, other bigots and racists who cannot see beyond their short noses.

    For those who said ‘I am xxxRace first, Malaysian second’, please reflect and repent.

  2. Probably the unity of Malaysians was temporarily shown during the 79 minute match between LCW and LD.But we are now still divided by none other than the NEP dichotomy of bumi/non bumi policy of 42 years.What a shame ?

  3. ///He was as good as his opponent from China, Lin Dan/// In what terms? Not sure whether Chong Wei handicapped by ankle injury – if so he didn’t say- fact is on record Lin Dan has beaten Chong Wei more often in competitions than the other way around. Its not question of just physical fitness & play : part of equation is match temperament, ability to be cool and play normal and tenacious in the face of pressure. In this respect there’s too much psychological pressure heaped on Chong Wei (not only Lin Dan’s formidable record) but by his own countrymen expecting him to win gold, and certainly no less by the many offers of financial incentives (ala Malaysian side) if he won. Furthermore in todays divisive Malaysian politics, it is also heaped on him to carry the burden of Malaysian unity that politicians are doing everything to unravel in the bid to win in the elections!

  4. DAP’s rep Manoharan draws sharp flak from both political divide for his tweets go. First he questioned if Chong Wei played better why didn’t he win”. Then he tweeted Malaysia could win gold medal only if pakatan took over. Whatever made him say that? Impliedly Pakatan stood for Meritocracy which BN is not? That made people annoyed as if Chong Wei had not enough merits! There’s another reason relating to what was earlier posted on “pressure” on Chong Wei to unite Malaysians (as Dr Chen said). It’s a reflection of sad state of Malaysian unity that we have to depend and bank on Chong Wei to express and represent the collective craving & hope for unity (continually prised apart under divide & rule/race strategies of our ruling politicians) – even if this opportunity to grasp at unity were briefly for a whisper of fleeting moment! It explains why people are angry at Manoharan.

  5. When Chong Wei could for a moment unite the people – and people are fed up of the racial/religious/socio economic divisions that have been exacerbated by politicians- they will naturally direct their anger at this wanton fragmentation/disunity by side tracking and directing their ire against Manoharan who seemingly detracted merits from Chong Wei representing their collective hope for unity, transcending political differences. And from his own coalition side, Manoharan will draw flak for in his second tweet he used Chong Wei’s defeat to argue the pointb that if PR wins we will get gold – quite oblivious of PR attacking Najib/BN for not using national day, logo or theme for political partisan propaganda. Manoharan just did what Najib/BN tried to do ie using national events, themes and occasions to propagate a political partisan point. On his earlier tweet of who was playing better, match temperament is an integral part of the game to win. One can’t leave that out when determining who plays better! Ching Wei himself admitted, (quote) “I was feeling a little bit (nervous), I think. I was not playing my strokes freely and I was just too much in a hurry.” Manoharan is not wrong on the first part of his tweet!

  6. Was Manoharan on a different planet ? If he cannot be one with us the people that night, then there must be something terribly wrong with him. He seemed to have gone haywire with his weird, insane, insensitive and mocking tweets. Definitely not on, not appropriate and certainly not expected of a rep. in his position.

    DAP must study this man carefully whether he is still ‘an asset or a liability’, whether his screws have become loose, whether he is still ‘winnable’ even.

  7. nother moderation due to ‘a.s’ in a word. Here is the sanitised version:

    Was Manoharan on a different planet ? If he cannot be one with us the people that night, then there must be something terribly wrong with him. He seemed to have gone haywire with his weird, insane, insensitive and mocking tweets. Definitely not on, not appropriate and certainly not expected of a rep. in his position.

    DAP must study this man carefully whether he is still ‘an a.set or a liability’, whether his s.crews have become loose, whether he is still ‘winnable’ even.

  8. Chong wei united all malaysians. Well almost. Err except for a few i suppose. First, we hv moo who insisted that he is something else first. Next we hv another who could not make up his mind as to what he really is. Hmmm. Actually this second fella was afraid of moo. He was afraid to differ from moo. He said that he was not prepared to take a stand that could put him at odd with moo. Oh whatever.

    Let the rest of us caary on with these people, yeah the something else people.

  9. LCW failed in his Olympic golden dream
    Meaning that for us no free ice-cream
    He could not clear the last hurdle
    To beat Lin Dan a formidable rival
    Losing the gold only by a whisker
    Given his all but end up the loser
    Unlucky Lee surely has passed the test
    For LD is as strong at his best
    Through sport LCW has united us all
    He can come back still walking tall
    Good luck to him in future competition
    May he bring more glory to our nation

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