Keruh di hulu, keruh lah di hilir

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 06, 2012

6 OGOS — Perkembangan politik di Sabah akhir-akhir ini amat menarik dan menjadi tumpuan ramai. Dengan perkembangan terakhir ini tidak dapat lagi dinafikan yang BN Sabah sedang menerima tekanan yang amat berat untuk mempertahankan mandat yang ada kepada mereka (BN) apabila PRU sampai masanya untuk di adakan.

Musa Aman, pengerusi BN Sabah berkata penghijrahan Lajim Ukin dan Wilfred Bumburing tidak langsung menjejaskan BN di Sabah. Kita faham yang kenyataan beliau (Musa) itu hanya lah satu kenyataan politik yang liar sahaja.

Isu yang menyebabkan BN Sabah khususnya Umno tidak lagi mendapat perhatian rakyat sekarang ini terlalu banyak sehinggakan kita tidak dapat memahami di antara sebab atau alasan yang menyebabkan penolakan rakyat yang begitu ketara terjadi. Tetapi yang paling nyata sekali ialah isu peribadi Musa Aman sendiri yang tidak lagi sanggup diterima oleh rakyat Sabah sebagai pemimpin utama mereka. DAN pemimpin ini jugalah yang dipertahankan bermati-matian oleh Najib.

Tetapi kalau Umno itu Umno juga. Parti itu sememangnya terlalu leka dengan mempertahankan pimpinan yang diragui rakyat sejak tiga dekad yang lalu. Umno tidak dapat menerima bahawa politik ini adalah peperangan mental dan jika Musa yang sudah dipersepsikan sebagai laibiliti kepada BN sepatutnya mengundurkan diri atau dipaksa oleh pimpinan tertinggi Umno untuk berundur. Continue reading “Keruh di hulu, keruh lah di hilir”

The tyranny of the Umno media

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 06, 2012

AUG 6 — I haven’t watched TV3 for a very long time. During the weekend I found myself without my laptop and I don’t own any iPad either. So with nothing to do, I found myself having to watch the propaganda mouthpiece of the Umno/BN government.

What I saw confirmed what I have been saying for a long time. It’s a one-sided communication means whereby the government of the day, because it can, by virtue of controlling the federal government, spread lies and deliberate disinformation and cuckold the minds of the public.

Immediately you are bombarded with what Umno and BN is doing. It is clear Umno/BN does not want an enlightened and informed public. What it wants is to glorify what little achievements the PM accomplished —distributing zakat from the bank the government owns (meaning if PR wins, it can do the same), frying murtabak here and distributing the delicacy to seemingly starving people. Are we not ashamed to see so many people are poor in the PM’s backyard and then we are subjected to his hypocritical speech about what Allah likes and doesn’t like. It is just an elaborate PR exercise extolling the form rather than substance. Continue reading “The tyranny of the Umno media”

Cabinet on Wednesday should honour Lee Chong Wei as Malaysian Sportsperson of the Decade for winning two Olympic silver medals for the country – a feat unequalled by any Malaysian

The Cabinet on Wednesday should honour Datuk Lee Chong Wei as the Malaysian Sportsperson of the Decade for winning two Olympic silver medals for the country – a feat unequalled by any Malaysian.

Malaysians were greatly disappointed by Chong Wei’s failure to win the Olympic gold medal in the men’s badminton singles last night, as it was truly a case of “So near and yet so far”.

However, nobody could be more disappointed than Chong Wei himself, as he had put up a valiant and mighty effort to win the first Olympic gold medal for Malaysia.

Chong Wei remains the undisputed hero for all Malaysians in the past ten years, sealed by his unequalled achievement of winning two Olympics silver medals for the country – in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2012 Olympics in London.
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AG: BN liability or asset?

By Teoh El Sen | August 3, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

While the Attorney-General has been described as being the ‘biggest liability’ to BN, he can also be seen as an ‘asset’, depending on who you talk to.

PETALING JAYA: Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail may be a “major liability” for the Barisan Nasional’s 13th general election goals, but he is also a key BN weapon, according to analyst Lim Teck Ghee.

Lim, the Centre for Policy Initiatives director, said that this was because the top civil servant is also “widely perceived to bend the law and manipulate the legal system in favour of the government’s interests”.
“He is a major liability but he is also seen as a key BN asset… remember that he both controls the prosecution and advises the government; hence he is in a strategic position to engage in selective prosecution and in practising political partisanship,” Lim said in an e-mail.
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Najib Razak as Property Developer and Investment Banker

By M. Bakri Musa | August 5th, 2012

With great fanfare, Prime Minister Najib Razak recently announced the mega property development, The Tun Razak Exchange (TRX). The project would symbolize the nation’s aspiration to be “the leading global centre for international finance, trade and services.”

Najib wants that to be his legacy. Even if successful (and a very big if), it would simply be a physical monument, in the same manner that Petronas Towers is to Mahathir. The only thing Malaysian or Malay about that much-hyped tower is the land on which it is sited. Everything else – from the design, engineering and construction – was done by foreigners. The only work done by a Malaysian (or Malay) was the ribbon cutting at the glittering opening ceremony.

The legacy of Tun Razak the father is his imaginative rural development schemes, like the massive FELDA program that benefited millions of poor landless rural dwellers. The beneficiaries, let it be explicitly stated in case this fact is missed, are mostly if not exclusively Malays.
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