Rafizi Ramli arrested

Tweets @limkitsiang :

Rafizi Ramli PKR director of strategy arrested this morning under BAFIA 4exposing RM250 million National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal

Najib’s iron fist coming out of velvet glove. Greatest crime in UMNO/BN Msia is not corruption but expose of corruption. Janji Ditepati

@rafiziramli Country n good/sensible Msians behind you. You have put Najib in national/international dock. GTP ETP etc in tatters.


13 Replies to “Rafizi Ramli arrested”

  1. The twitter verse has been exploding this morning..If you follow the young Malays, they really see Rafizi as THE NEW FACE OF REFORMASI – a potential PM post-Anwar.

    Its unbelievable what is happening. It makes absolutely no sense even from UMNO/BN point of view. Najib & UMNO has completely lost their mind…

  2. Again they shoot the messenger and ignore the message. Again the corrupt is not charged. Our laws BAFIA, OSA, ISA & many many more are to protect the guilty and corrupt and to jail the innocent for exposing the guilty and the corrupt. How long more are we to stomach these kind of treatment by the BN government on the Rakyat?

  3. No worries fellas. All of umno’s shots are aimed at their own foot. Yes, including this one. They cant aim anywhere else. They simply do not know where else to fire their shots at. As if the RM250m lembu scandal wasnt bad enough for them, umno decided to turn it really rancid by going after the whistleblower.

    Well done umno. Good one jib. Good one.

    Jib jib 1boleh.
    Ros ros 1cantik!

  4. And the Asst Chief Inspector is trying to convince us how safe we are. Maybe safe for those big crooks. People like Rafizi, are they safe? Probably they arrest him to protect his safety.

  5. And the A$$t Chief Inspector is trying to convince us how safe we are. Maybe safe for those big crooks. People like Rafizi, are they safe? Probably they arrest him to protect his safety.

  6. Whistle blowers get arrested????
    Previously the Government guaranteed everyone is safe to inform and expose corruptions.
    Rafizi is no easy meat for police to frighten him.
    He will be a powerful PR candidate in 13th GE.
    Malaysians respect and like him tremendously because he has soul and love for the country and people.

  7. All fair-minded Malaysians are praying for Rafizi and his family. We demand UMNO to release Rafizi immediately and unconditionally! This is clearly a political persecution and will not be accepted by Malaysians and the international community. We are praying for Rafizi that he will not be harmed by the corrupt police in this holy month of Ramadan. We will bring this protest against UMNO’s political persecution of opposition politicians to the international community! Najip Razak, the whole of Malaysia and the world is watching your every evil step and lies!

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