The face that launched a thousand bricks

by Mariam Mokhtar
Jul 23, 2012

You’re on holiday, you’re curious about the government in the country you are visiting, but the travel guides say very little. Why not try the following unscientific survey?

First, look around to see if there are posters of the prime minister or president and second, check the condition of the public toilets.

A vain head of government would have posters of his image littering the country. The third world mentality is reflected in a profusion of his images in public spaces.

As if to reflect the oppressive nature of the government, the state of public toilets tends to mirror the decline of the nation. In a way, the overall condition of the public toilet could also be a metaphor for the governance of the country.

Those who have travelled widely (both internally and abroad) may have noticed that in some countries, they are charged for using public toilets, only to find that there is no toilet paper and the facilities are a disgrace.

Sometimes, all that greets them is a stinking hole in the ground. On occasion, they are supplied with only two sheets of toilet paper, at the entrance.

The toilet user feels much like the citizen who has paid his taxes but finds an inefficient public service. There is no one to complain to, the attendant (metaphor for the MPs and civil service) is indifferent, and the suggestion box only leads to the cesspit.

The visitor to America is not bombarded with pictures of President Barack Obama, on every street corner. Nor are those who visit England, repulsed by posters of Prime Minister David Cameron.

Last week, when members of the Free Syrian Army captured a border post on the boundary with Turkey, they vented their frustrations by decimating posters of President Abas Assad with machinegun fire. During the Tahrir Square demonstrations, angry Egyptians tore down posters and stomped on the face of then-president Hosni Mubarak.

Unless Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is trapped in his ivory tower and has no way of gauging the mood on the ground, why was he persuaded to plaster his face all over the doors, walls and pillars of the KTM Komuter trains and stations? Continue reading “The face that launched a thousand bricks”

Hamid cannot be more wrong, Hishammuddin should apologise for irrational, illogical and inconsistent ban of Bersih

Former Home Minister Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar cannot be more wrong when he said his successor, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein need not apologise when the latter’s ban on Bersih as an “unlawful organisation” was quashed by Kuala Lumpur High Court as Hishammuddin was just exercising his powers as Home Minister. (TMI)

Hamid is not the most qualified to tender such an advice as he still owes a public apology for his gross abuse of powers in September 2008 when he was Home Minister and senior Sin Chew reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was arbitrarily arrested under the Internal Security Act “for her own personal safety” together with DAP National Organising Secretary and Selangor Senior Exco for Investment, Trade and Industry, Teresa Kok.

There can be no doubt that in the present case, right-thinking and rational Malaysians agree that with the judgment of the Kuala Lumpur High Court judge, Justice Rohana Yusof yesterday, the time has come for the Barisan Nasional government to end its petty, vindictive and vengeful attitude to Bersih, with Hishammuddin setting the example by extending a public apology for his irrational, illogical and inconsistent ban of Bersih on the baseless and ridiculous ground of being “prejudicial to public order and security”.

Hishammuddin and the Barisan Nasional should end their irrational attack of Bersih xanthophobia (fear of yellow), with the ridiculous standing instruction to the police at one stage that anyone wearing yellow, and not just the yellow Bersih T-shirt, as anti-national elements to be arrested on sight! Continue reading “Hamid cannot be more wrong, Hishammuddin should apologise for irrational, illogical and inconsistent ban of Bersih”

Hishammuddin should initiate government action to compensate Asrul for life for police violence at Bersih 3.0 rendering Asrul “blind” and unemployable

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein should initiate action for the government to compensate mechanical engineer Asrul Wadi Ahmad, 27, for life as a token of personal responsibility, remorse and recompense for police violence and brutality in indiscriminately and wantonly firing tear-gas canisters at participants of the Bersih 3.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, rendering Asrul “clinically” blind and unemployable.

Asrul, who testified at the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) inquiry into violence at the Bersih rally, gave a most heart-rending account of his plight when he was hit by a tear gas canister during the Bersih 3.0 rally.

Asrul had perfect 20/20 vision prior to the injury but visibility in his right eye has now been reduced to 15 percent. As a result, he may become unemployable as a mechanical engineer though he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn in February.
Asrul has consulted doctors from two private and three government hospitals and been told that the injury to his right eye cannot be reversed via medical procedures.

Asrul recounted at the Suhakam inquiry his horrendous experience at the Bersih 3.0 rally. Continue reading “Hishammuddin should initiate government action to compensate Asrul for life for police violence at Bersih 3.0 rendering Asrul “blind” and unemployable”

M’sian patriots, stand up to corruption and injustice

May Chee Chook Ying
Jul 24, 2012

Last year, there was a spate of burglaries at the apartments where my daughter lives in Taman Tun Dr Ismail.

I met a technician from a pest-control company there one afternoon and we got to talking about it. This was his take – times are so bad now, people don’t have enough to live on. They are desperate!

There are studies that have shown that the root of all social problems is inequality.

If at all it’s true that RM892 billion, which is three times our foreign debt of RM257.2 billion in 2011, (and second only to Nigeria) has been siphoned out of the country, don’t you think that this will contribute to a very huge and sinful disparity between the haves and have-nots? Second only to Nigeria?

I don’t know which is more shocking or shameful! Continue reading “M’sian patriots, stand up to corruption and injustice”

Hanya BN yang mampu mencetuskan kekecuhan jika kalah PRU

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 24, 2012

24 JULAI — Selalu saya terfikir yang negara perlu memulakan “facet” yang baru dalam politiknya kerana dengan isu perkauman yang sedang digendang oleh pihak pemerintah sekarang ini amat merbahaya untuk kestabilan dan keselamatan negara. Pihak BN tidak mahu menerima hakikat dan semangat demokrasi dan kekalahan dalam pilihanraya merupakan satu perkara yang mereka tidak dapat hendak terima sedangkan itu lah perkara yang biasa yang berlaku di dalam mana-mana negara demokrasi.

Nampaknya cita-cita negara untuk mendapatkan sebuah negara yang mencapai “national unity” tidak mungkin tercapai sampai bila-bila selagi BN masih memainkan isu perkauman yang terlalu besar. Isu perkauman ini tidak akan dapat diselesaikan sampai bila-bila kerana itu pun isu yang digunakan oleh pihak BN terutamanya Umno untuk meneruskan cengkaman terhadap pemikiran rakyat kerana tamakkan kuasa.

Umno tidak mahu menerima hakikat bahawa untuk memperbaiki diri, mereka harus dan wajib menerima yang mereka juga mesti melalui zaman dan waktu sebagai pembangkang. Umno harus menerima yang waktu duduk di kerusi pembangkang itu merupakan waktu yang terbaik untuk memperbaiki diri.

Perasaan saya begitu mendidih apabila pimpinan Umno membuat andaian yang negara akan menghadapi zaman kekecuhan jika PR memerintah. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana hendak mendapatkan rasional nya terhadap andaian itu. Pihak pembangkang khususnya DAP tidak pernah membuat andaian yang merbahaya ini tetapi hanya Umno sahaja yang membuat andaian ini semata-mata untuk menakut-nakutkan orang ramai dan memberikan sokongan terhadap parti yang sudah memerintah selama lebih lima dekad itu.

Sebenarnya pihak pembangkang telah menerima kekalahan setiap pilihanraya dan tidak pernah membuat kekacauan. Kita telah mengadakan pilihanraya sebanyak 12 kali dalam sejarah negara merdeka kita. Mengingatkan peristiwa 13 Mei itu merupakan kerja menakut-nakutkan rakyat untuk membuat pilihan secara bebas dan jika berlaku kekecuhan ia akan hanya dilakukan oleh pihak BN dan bukannya dari pihak PR. Continue reading “Hanya BN yang mampu mencetuskan kekecuhan jika kalah PRU”

Implications when Najib not prepared to declare there would be no repeat of May 13

The three-day silence by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is deafening – his failure to follow up on Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s “We don’t want May 13 repeated” statement by declaring clearly and unequivocally that he would accept the verdict of the people in the 13th General Election and that he would ensure and facilitate a peaceful transition of federal power from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat if this is the result of the general election.

This is the question I had posed publicly at a DAP ceramah at Sepanggar in Sabah last Friday following earlier online reports that Muhyiddin had told a national youth conference calling on the young generation to be united to ensure that the country remains stable and peaceful to avoid a repeat of the May 13, 1969 tragedy.

Malaysians were taken aback by Muhyiddin’s reference as they doubt the Deputy Prime Minister’s bona fides, with more Malaysians convinced that Muhyiddin raised the spectre of May 13 as a subtle threat to voters that there would be another May 13 bloodshed if UMNO loses power rather than as an assurance to Malaysians that May 13 was a tragic chapter of past history which would not and could not recur!

I had extended Pakatan Rakyat’s offer to co-operate and work closely with UMNO/Barisan Nasional to ensure that there will be no repeat of May 13 in the next general election, asking how there could be a repeat of May 13 tragedy if both political coalitions – BN and PR – sincerely pledge to work together in the national interest to prevent any such recurrence?

This was why I had issued the challenge to Najib as Prime Minister and President of UMNO/Barisan to declare his public stand. Continue reading “Implications when Najib not prepared to declare there would be no repeat of May 13”

Moving on from May 13

— The Malaysian Insider
Jul 21, 2012

JULY 21 — May 13, now that’s a date that keeps cropping up although the racial clashes on that date happened in 1969, 43 years ago.

Can we ever let it rest? Can we ever move on? Can we ever get politicians to stop saying they don’t want it repeated, yet bring it up every now and then?

May 13 keeps popping up as a scaremongering tactic to keep various demographics united to support political parties facing an election, especially Umno.

There used to be some reverence and remorse for the darkest day in Malaysian history when blood spilled on the ground among us.

Now it is used with utmost disrespect by Umno strategists who believe that fear of trouble will persuade them to support the status quo – keeping Barisan Nasional (BN) in control of Putrajaya. Continue reading “Moving on from May 13”

Why police are impotent in dealing with growing crime

Dr Lim Teck Ghee

A few days ago a colleague sent me a copy of an email which read:

Though the government is denying it, we are seeing severe escalation of serious crime in the country. At lunch today, I learnt from a member of [respectable organization] that the xxxxxx Embassy is now holding briefings on crime and precautions. There is also a recent entry of some [foreign] crime groups. We are all living in fear….Most people would agree that the current crime rate is the worst we have ever seen. When victims lodge police report, often police will refuse the report as it affects their KPI.

There is a witticism which states that “there are lies, damn lies and statistics”.

A reminder of the close proximity between statistics and damn lies should be sent to Pemandu, the government’s Performance Management and Delivery Unit in the Prime Minister’s Department which has staunchly defended statistics showing street crime has fallen by 40 percent in the past two years. According to Pemandu too, the country’s crime index fell by more than 10% between January and May this year – a claim which has drawn hoots of derision from readers in the internet media.

It is a fact that Malaysians are cynical of the statistics put out by the government. Although the government has been at pains to argue that there is a declining trend in crime, the man in the street does not believe the government. The average Ali, Siva and Chong is even more agitated when the government blames the issue of escalating crime on public perception and blown-up media accounts. Continue reading “Why police are impotent in dealing with growing crime”

Hishammuddin deserves more than RM10 salary cut motions in forthcoming Parliament for his “transformation” from a “know nothing Minister” to “all knowing Minister” all in a matter of 24 hours

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein deserves more than RM10 salary cut motions in the forthcoming budget Parliament for his “transformation” from a “know nothing Minister” to “all knowing Minister” all in a matter of 24 hours.

This is the transformation of Hishammuddin before the eyes of 28 million Malaysians in his response to the wild and reckless speech by Special Branch’s assistant director of the E2 (M) national social extremist threat division head Mohd Sofian Md Makinuddin to the National Youth Leaders Convention in Parliament last Thursday alleging that Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorists are infiltrating PAS and former communists infiltrating the DAP for the coming general election.

When asked on Friday, Hishammuddin put up the front that he is a Minister who knows nothing, pleading that he was “not sure” about the alleged infiltration of communists and terrorists into Pakatan Rakyat: “I don’t have the relevant information (about the issue) at the present moment. Therefore, I cannot say whether it is true or not. I can only say this much, this topic is very sensitive.”
When Hishammuddin was strongly criticized for his “most cowardly, craven and irresponsible response” to Sofian’s wild and reckless allegations and being “the lousiest Home Minister in the nation’s history”, as “how can a responsible Home Minister claim ignorance when a top Special Branch officer could go public to make the most damning allegations against Federal opposition parties?”, Hishammuddin performed a full somersault in 24 hours and claimed to be a “all knowing Minister”.
Continue reading “Hishammuddin deserves more than RM10 salary cut motions in forthcoming Parliament for his “transformation” from a “know nothing Minister” to “all knowing Minister” all in a matter of 24 hours”

Cabinet sincerity on RCI for illegal immigrants in Sabah cast under grave doubt when a top SB officer could condemn advocates of RCI as anti-national elements out to incite anti-peninsular sentiments among Sabahans

Penampang is the sixth and last parliamentary constituency in my three-day tour of Sabah with DAP MP for Segambut Lim Lip Eng and Sabah DAP leaders which included Putatan, Sepanggar, Tuaran, Kota Belud and Tenom to feel the pulse of interior Sabah to the winds of political change blowing throughout the country since the political tsunami in the 2008 general election.

The inescapable impression and conclusion of our tour is that Sabahans, like their compatriots in the rest of Malaysia, are impatiently waiting for the 13 general election to see fundamental political and economic changes in the state and country.

Sabah has changed the state government four times in the past five decades but things have got from bad to worse for the people of Sabah whether on the increasingly grave issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah which have reduced the genuine sons and daughters of Sabah into foreigners and strangers in their own land in less than half a century, crime, corruption, poverty or just basic socio-economic amenities and infrastructures for the people of Sabah.

The political lesson is very clear – without political change in Putrajaya at the national level, it is very difficut to effect meaningful changes at the state level. This is why Sabah DAP has coined the slogan: “Save Sabah Save Malaysia”, as firstly, Sabah cannot be saved without saving Malaysia; and secondly, if Malaysia is to be saved, Sabah must also be saved.
Continue reading “Cabinet sincerity on RCI for illegal immigrants in Sabah cast under grave doubt when a top SB officer could condemn advocates of RCI as anti-national elements out to incite anti-peninsular sentiments among Sabahans”

Cat out of the bag – UMNO’s quartet of lies on 4Rs, Race, Religion, Rulers and Riots the centerpiece of its strategy on dirtiest general history in its increasingly desperate bid to hold on to federal power in 13GE

The cat is out of the bag – UMNO has a quartet of lies on 4Rs on Race, Religion, Malay Rulers and Riots (May 13 threats) to attack DAP and Pakatan Rakyat as the centrepiece of its strategy for the dirtiest general election in history in its increasingly desperate bid to hold on to federal power in Putrajaya in the 13 General Election.

For the past three years, UMNO propagandists through their owned and controlled mainstream media as well as social media and Internet, have been playing the first 3R cards of Race, Religion and Malay Rulers to defame and demonise DAP as anti- Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers but clearly to little effect in this age of information when these are all lies and falsehoods.

Since our formation 46 years ago in 1966, DAP has committed itself to be a political party for all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion or region.

In the first general election contested by DAP in 1969, we fielded Malay candidates and two Malay candidates were successfully elected as State Assemblymen – one from Perak and the other from Negri Sembilan. We have also Malay Members of Parliament, most notably former CUEPACS President Ahmad Nor who was elected MP for Bayan Baru in Penang.

This is also why DAP achieved the distinction of being the first political party to become a Pan-Malaysian party, having branches and operating politically not only in all the states in Peninsular Malaysia but also in Sabah and Sarawak.

This is why UMNO’s 3R cards against the DAP for being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers have neither credibility nor traction.

DAP’s support for the system of constitutional monarchy cannot be challenged or doubted for the Common Policy Framework of Pakatan Rakyat clearly and unequivocally committed the three component parties, viz DAP, PKR and PAS to respect, support and uphold the fundamental features of the constitution – including the provisions on Islam as the religion of the Federation of Malaysia and the system of Malay Rulers.

This was also what I stated in Parliament in my first speech in the Dewan Rakyat in February 1971.

Is it because UMNO leaders and propagandists have realised that their 3R cards against the DAP are not achieving the desired political effects that they have come out with the fourth R card of threatening unrest and riots if UMNO and Barisan Nasional lose federal power in the next general election, which is the subtle message of the reference to May 13, 1969 tragedy.

I am still waiting for response from the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, and the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to my offer at the DAP ceramah at Inaman on Friday night that the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat co-operate to ensure that there is no repeat of the May 13 tragedy in the next general election.

If Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat sincerely pledge to co-operate to ensure that there would no repeat of May 13 tragedy in the next general election, it is unthinkable that there could be a repeat of May 13.

Why is the silence from Muhyiddin and Najib if they really do not want any repeat of May 13?
Continue reading “Cat out of the bag – UMNO’s quartet of lies on 4Rs, Race, Religion, Rulers and Riots the centerpiece of its strategy on dirtiest general history in its increasingly desperate bid to hold on to federal power in 13GE”

Most cowardly, craven and irresponsible reply from Hishammuddin who is proving to be lousiest Home Minister in nation’s history

It is the most cowardly, craven and irresponsible response from Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who is proving to be the lousiest Home Minister in the nation’s history.

How can a responsible Home Minister claim ignorance when a top Special Branch officer could go public to make the most damning allegations against Federal opposition parties as claiming that Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorists and communists are infiltrating PAS and DAP respectively to stand as candidates in the next general election when there is no basis whatsoever?

All that Hishammuddin has got to say on the serious allegations by Special Branch’s assistant director of the E2 (M) national social extremist threat division head Mohd Sofian Md Makin is that he was “not sure” about the alleged infiltration of Islamist terrorists and communists into Pakatan Rakyat, that “I don’t have the relevant information at the present moment.Therefore, I cannot say whether it is true or not. I can only say this much, this topic is very sensitive.”

Would this be Hishammuddin’s response if Sofian had publicly alleged that terrorists and communists have infiltrated into UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, and the BN Sabah and Sarawak parties to stand as candidates in the next general election?

Of course not!
Continue reading “Most cowardly, craven and irresponsible reply from Hishammuddin who is proving to be lousiest Home Minister in nation’s history”

Challenge to Muhyiddin on raising the May 13 spectre

I challenge the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to prove he is a responsible political leader and Malaysian nationalist when raising the spectre of May 13 wanting to prevent any recurrence and not indulging in the low- class, irresponsible, unscrupulous and contemptible double politics of fear and race to preserve UMNO/Barisan Nasional in power at all costs in the next general election.

It has been reported that at a national youth conference held in Parliament yesterday, Muhyiddin called on the young generation to be united in order to ensure the country remains stable and peaceful and to avoid a repeat of the May 13, 1969 tragedy.

Muhyiddin was quoted as declaring at the conference: “We don’t want May 13 repeated.”

On behalf of DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, let me officially respond by declaring that we in DAP and Pakatan Rakyat also do not want a repeat of the May 13 tragedy and we pledge to do all we can to prevent any such recurrence.

DAP and Pakatan Rakyat offer to co-operate and work closely with UMNO and Barisan Nasional to ensure that there will be no repeat of May 13 in the next general election, and Malaysians are entitled to ask how there could be a repeat of the May 13 tragedy if both political coalitions – Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat – sincerely pledge to work together in the national interest to prevent any such recurrence?

I confess I am concerned at the way Muhyiddin raised the spectre of May 13, which had been used in the past decades to create fear among voters as part of the scare tactics to force voters to vote for UMNO and BN, as it raises the question whether the DPM was giving an assurance that there would be no May 13 recurrence or he was subtly threatening that there could be another May 13 if UMNO loses power!
Continue reading “Challenge to Muhyiddin on raising the May 13 spectre”

Najib/Hisham should explain why they are “scraping the bottom of the barrel” in giving greenlight to SB to go public with “cock and bull story” of JI terrorists and communists infiltrating PR parties as candidates

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammmudin Hussein should explain why they are “scraping the bottom of the barrel” in giving the green light to the Special Branch to go public with the “cock and bull story” of Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorists and former communists infiltrating Pakatan Rakyat parties and trying to be fielded as candidates in the coming general election.

The Bernama report yesterday of the “revelation” by the Special Branch assistant director of the E2(M) national social extremist threat division head Mohd Sofian Md Makinuddin at the National Young Leaders Convention in Parliament yesterday, claiming that JI elements were trying to infiltrate PAS while the communist elements were trying to infiltrate DAP, would have been laughed off and dismissed as the most sick and top political joke of the year if not for the gravity of having such wild, scatter-brained and crackpot ideas influencing and determining policy making at the highest government and security levels in the country.

With the resurrection of the Islamist terrorist and communist bogeys infiltrating the Pakatan Rakyat parties, is the stage being set for a special operation against the Pakatan Rakyat parties to remove the democratic and legitimate threat posed by Pakatan Rakyat to continued UMNO/Barisan Nasional hold on federal power in the 13th general election? Continue reading “Najib/Hisham should explain why they are “scraping the bottom of the barrel” in giving greenlight to SB to go public with “cock and bull story” of JI terrorists and communists infiltrating PR parties as candidates”

Treating the ‘Selangor water crisis’

— The Malaysian Insider
Jul 19, 2012

JULY 19 — With the amount of water splashing around in Selangor these days, one would think any discussion about water would revolve around the abundance rather than the shortage of the liquid.

But this is Malaysia and today, we learn that Putrajaya has formed a special Cabinet Committee chaired by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to discuss the issue of the availability of treated water and the need for another treatment plant that will be ready at least two years down the road.

And that any shortage and rationing now is due to the recalcitrance of the Selangor government, run by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) – the political foes of Barisan Nasional (BN) which controls Putrajaya.

Add to the potent mix that could give votes to either side in the next elections is utility provider, Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) which is controlled by Tan Sri Rozali Ismail , who is also Selangor Umno treasurer.

The question is, is there really a water crisis or is it manufactured by Putrajaya in what is seen as an attempt to wrest back the country’s wealthiest and most industrialised state back to BN. Continue reading “Treating the ‘Selangor water crisis’”

Malaysia: The Changing Scenes

by Allan CF Goh

Once there was a quiet, idyllic land,
Blessed by a lot of rich, fertile soil,
Regularly nourished by rainfall;
Crops grew easily, without much toil.
Nature provided bountiful food,
Within her rivers and forest foil;
Life was really an easy passage,
Without hunger threatening to roil.

This earthly paradise was ended,
When troubling storms arose from the West.
Coveting the richness of the place,
Colonisers converged here to wrest
The envied land of milk and honey.
They claimed domain for their royal crest,
After they subdued the local reign.
What followed is history, and the rest. Continue reading “Malaysia: The Changing Scenes”

Why no Cabinet committee to deal with worst palpable fear of crime in country’s history?

The Cabinet yesterday set up a special Cabinet Committee over the looming water crisis in Selangor.

The question that is uppermost in the minds of Malaysians is why no Cabinet committee has been set up to deal with the worst and most palpable fear of crime haunting various parts of the country!

This question becomes even more poignant following reports of the latest high-profile victim of crime – Puan Sri Faizah Shuib, 67 the widow of former Cabinet Minister Tan Sri Megat Junid who was Deputy Home Minister for more than a decade from the mid-eighties to mid-nineties and major implementer of the infamous Project Mahathir in Sabah in the early nineties.

It is reported that Faizah’s house was robbed by three men, believed to be Indonesians, who escaped with jewellery and watches worth RM50,000 and she was tied up during the robbery.

There is a very serious disconnect between one the one hand, repeated assurances by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the police of a declining crime rate in the country and on the other, lack of public confidence and credibility even among foreign investors in such assurances, with rising and undoubtedly the worst palpable fear of crime haunting Malaysians in various parts of the country – not just at shopping malls, but in the streets, public places and even the privacy of the homes! Continue reading “Why no Cabinet committee to deal with worst palpable fear of crime in country’s history?”

Malaysia The Unready

— Tota
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 19, 2012

JULY 19 — In English history there is King Æthelred The Unready. He earned this nickname because he was never ready for anything good or wise. Bolehland displays many similar characteristics to qualify to be called “Malaysia The Unready”.

The Umno-dominated BN government has shown a stubborn refusal to make Malaysia a truly democratic state where the rule of law, civil rights and liberties, equality and justice are respected and practised. The Umno-dominated BN government’s mantra is that Malaysia is not ready for so many things that are basic in all truly democratic and progressive countries.

Malaysia The Unready is not ready to:

● make Malaysia a truly democratic, secular state as enshrined in the Constitution.

● make Parliament democratically functional with an elected Speaker.

● have an elected Senate. Continue reading “Malaysia The Unready”

DAP gesa PM kaji semula tema hari merdeka

Ahmad Fadli KC
Jul 18, 2012

Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang menggesa perdana menteri mengkaji semula tema Hari Kemerdekaan 2012 yang didakwa menggunakan slogan politik BN, “Janji Ditepati”.

Menurutnya, Datuk Seri Najib Razak masih mempunyai masa untuk berbuat demikian dan membuktikan yang beliau adalah perdana menteri untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.

Lim Kit Siang press conference pic (photo by Malaysiakini) “Jadilah perdana menteri untuk semua rakyat Malaysia, baik untuk BN dan juga Pakatan (Rakyat).

“Masih belum terlambat untuk perdana menteri mengarahkan kajian semula terhadap tema sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan dan Hari Malaysia,” kata Lim.

Menurutnya, tema ‘Janji Ditepati’ mula digunakan pemimpin-pemimpin BN sewaktu jelajah jalanan mereka bermula beberapa bulan lalu.
Continue reading “DAP gesa PM kaji semula tema hari merdeka”

Akhbar didakwa fitnah Kit Siang isu raja Melayu

oleh Malaysiakini

Lim Kit Siang showing untruthful article on SelangorKita (Picture by MalaysiaKini)

DAP hari ini mendedahkan pengedaran sebuah akhbar anti Pakatan Rakyat tidak berdaftar yang didakwa mereka-reka kenyataan penasihatnya Lim Kit Siang berhubung isu raja-raja Melayu.

Akhbar dengan nama Selangor Kita itu dengan memetik “sumber DAP” antaranya memetik Lim sebagai berkata, tidak perlu menghormati pemimpin tertinggi negara Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Lim Kit Siang exposing SelangorKita fitnah article (Picture by MalaysiaKini) “Ia tidak benar. Saya tidak pernah berkata demikian.

“Pemimpin-pemimpin DAP lain juga tidak pernah berkata demikian,” kata Kit Siang merujuk kepada petikan kenyataan dalam halaman kedua edisi Mei 2012 akhbar tersebut.

Bercakap dalam sidang akhbar di Petaling Jaya pagi tadi, Lim berkata, penerbitan itu bersifat menghasut dan memberikan gambaran yang salah tentang dirinya.
Continue reading “Akhbar didakwa fitnah Kit Siang isu raja Melayu”