Letter from Tom Pepinsky

Dear Limkitsiangblog,

I want to thank you for including my recent post on your blog. However, I would like to ask you to edit the post in a way that shows proper attribution of the source. I would be grateful if you could make a short editorial comment prior to the post that acknowledges that the text was originally posted at blogs.cornell.edu/indolaysia, and that what you are posting is a reproduction.

This is important for two reasons. First, as a foreign observer of Malaysian politics, it is important that I not be considered to be endorsing any Malaysian politician or political party. Second, it is good blog etiquette to be as clear as possible about the sources of your web links. You do this very well for other posts–for example, your post “Formation of 1 Malaysia national culture in the ‘new regime’” make it clear that that post was originally from The Malaysian Insider. I ask only that you extend the same courtesy to my humble blog.

Thank you for your attention,

[Admin’s Note: In reproducing above the email from Tom Pepingsky, this blog extends fullest apologies to him for the oversight to provide the proper attribution to the source of the stated article, namely blog.cornell.edu/indolaysia. It is never our intention to claim or suggest that Tom was writing for this blog or giving implicit endorsement of LKS or his party’s program. The oversight in the article “Malaysia and the Perfect Storm” has been rectified.]


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