National Day theme “Janji Ditepati” wrong and inappropriate as it is anti-national, divisive rather than unifying the people, presenting Najib as Prime Minister for UMNO/BN only and not all Malaysians!

The Information Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim is defending the indefensible when he takes to Twitter to ask why “Janji Ditepati” cannot be used as this year’s National Day/Malaysia Day theme.

Firstly, Rais’ claim that “Malaysia has truly arrived as an achieving nation after 55 years of independence” is highly controversial and debatable, for if this is true, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak would not gain the reputation of being the most indecisive Prime Minister in the nation’s history who keeps postponing his plan to hold the next general election to win a personal mandate for his premiership for fear of ending up in the Opposition benches or toppled within UMNO like his predecessor Tun Abdullah.

In fact, probably more could be written about how the slogan of “Janji Ditepati” had failed rather than succeeded in 55 years after Merdeka and 49 years after Malaysia – whether in building a united, harmonious, democratic, progressive and competitive Malaysia; or in fulfilling Najib’s three-year promises of 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) whether in reducing crime, fighting corruption or carrying out meaningful government, economic and political transformation for Malaysia to take her rightful place in international society and achieve the status of a normal democratic country.

I remember when I visited Sabah in 1978, I had warned that Sabah faced three grave problems – the illegal immigrant problem which I had cited had reached 140,000, the crime situation and grave problem of corruption.

All these three problems have gone from bad to worse in the past four decades, with the illegal immigrant problem mushrooming to 1.5 million to 1.9 million making native Sabahans foreigners in their own land, while crime and corruption have worsened by leaps and bounds.

And Sabahans are still waiting for the next step in the establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into illegal immigrants in Sabah although they have grave reservations that it could really resolve the long-standing problem in the state.

Is this “Janji Ditepati”?

However, the most fatal objection to the use of the “Janji Ditepati” slogan as the National Day/Malaysia Day theme is not whether it is factually correct or otherwise, but because of two strong reasons: firstly, it is wrong and inappropriate to use a UMNO/Barisan Nasional slogan for a National Day/Malaysia Day theme and secondly, it is anti-national, divisive rather than unifying the people, presenting Najib as Prime Minister for UMNO/BN only and not all Malaysians!

National Day/Malaysia Day should be national occasions for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or politics to come together as one people, and no Malaysian or group should be alienated or marginalized because it has been hijacked by UMNO/Barisan and turned into an exclusive UMNO/BN affair.

If UMNO/BN is allowed to hijack National Day/Malaysia Day, is Rais then admitting that Najib is only Prime Minister for UMNO/BN and not all Malaysians?

No wonder there is overwhelming public support for the Pakatan Rakyat call for a change of the National Day/Malaysia Day theme (as well as the horrendous rojak National Day logo), which is reflected in the Sinar Harian online poll where in less than 48 hours, 2,359 or 84% out of 2,811 respondents supported the change of theme with only 452 or 16% opposing it.

This is an important distinction which even school children would understand. It really baffles me, and I am sure thinking patriotic Malaysians, why it eludes Rais and the UMNO/BN Ministers and leaders who are unable to grasp such simple issues of right and wrong, national and anti-national?

No wonder Malaysia under the continued UMNO/BN rule is in such a mess, whether in nation-building, politically, economically, educationally or socially.


23 Replies to “National Day theme “Janji Ditepati” wrong and inappropriate as it is anti-national, divisive rather than unifying the people, presenting Najib as Prime Minister for UMNO/BN only and not all Malaysians!”

  1. “Janji ditepati – We have arrived as a nation” Let us look at it closely:
    1) The NEP was formulated to eradicate poverty and re-balance economic disparity between Malays and non-Malays. By Chua Soi Lek’s own admission in the second debate with Lim Guan Eng, the NEP was hijacked. Today we have an elite class of Malays created.
    2)Re-structuring society through NEP was to have the effect of uniting people of all races through narrowing of the wealth gap between the races. Today we see the emergence of extremist groups like Perkasa which to make matters worse appear to be condoned by the people in power.
    3)In education there is still much distrust between the Chinese educationists and the Ministry of education. Is this the characteristics of a nation?
    4) Fresh graduates earning Rm3000 a month today will find it almost impossible to own a house whereas years ago when I graduated I could still purchase a small medium cost apartment for under Rm70K.
    If we have truly arrived as a nation we will be a nation with a set of shared values which makes us proud to be Malaysians. But we have so many issues which divide us. “Janji ditepati?” Think again.

  2. Leave them alone. They are running out of ideas. Despots, before they get thrown out, they go mad.
    I suggest that PR design a logo, with the theme ” MERDEKA 2012″ for a Malaysian Malaysia.
    I am sure that you know what I mean. Let us make 2012 the year when Malaysia woke up and bring about a change. A change for a Malaysian Malaysia.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya. Without significant Electoral Reforms, first to Raya, then to Bersih 4.0, then to GE 13. Then to Putrajaya.

    When we all balik kampong, please bring back all the VCDs and you tubes to share with your family and friends about what is happening. Try and talk to 10 people each, during your visitations and family gatherings.

    Change we must. Change we must. Change we will.

  3. Let Najib keep his promises.
    He promised to support Tunku Razaleigh and played him out.
    He promised to solve Teoh Beng Hock’s case within one month…years has passed….still unsolved.
    He promised no corruptions and call the RM7 billions stolen for the purchase of 2 Scorpene submarines…for security reasons and when found out more than RM 700 millions given to one….he call that as commission.
    He promised to developed Sarawak and lost Sibu and all promises forgotten.
    We can write tons of his broken promises.
    Best of all…his “1Malaysia” slogan and he dare not declare himself…Malaysian first race second.
    He said Malaysia is the best democratic country in the world….yet we see policemen bully Malaysians like gangsters.
    He promised “People First” and label People as traitors who do not support him.
    He keep telling Malaysians “Trust me” when he knows majority Malaysians do not trust him at all.
    His flip flopping is legendary.
    Anyone believe his “Janji ditepati” is the biggest fool.

  4. Najib should read the Reid Commission report regarding Article 153. It was janjied that it would be reviewed after 15 years, in 1972. What happen?

    Tun Razak Janjied that NEP was for one generation. It should have ended in 1991. What heppen?

    If the 30% share capital had not been achieved, it just meant that that objective is lagging, but all other programmes under NEP should have stopped in 1991. What happen?

    It was janjied that the 30% was the target, if there was any gap, why has not the government convert all or some GLCs to be given to Malays directly. It is not done so that the government can pretend that the 30% moving target can never be achieved.

    Najib has the cheek to talk about janji ditepati when he chooses not to honour his father’s promise.

  5. He cannot afford to lose GE13 and many postponements in calling it shows he’s worried that he’s last PM per RAHMAN prophecy! There are a whopping 2.2 million – almost 25% increase from 2008 when BN got an electoral trouncing- new voters, many young and want change from Mahathir’s political; culture/legacy. But substantive change he can’t deliver as his power base (Warlords with vested interest) is against; also of course the ubiquitous sneer of Mamakthir in ad suggesting he cannot change (beyond superficial cosmetic make over). He’s fighting 2 fronts here – one against a resurgent Opposition that could make advance based on antipathy and mistakes of BN alone, and two, against his own party’s warlords. Having regard to these strenuous circumstances the last thing on Ah Jib Gor’s mind is the niceties of ethics and fair play in either national day message or logo argued by Kit! He falls back (heavily) on foreign consultants. They are told that if reality cannot be changed, perception must (even for a blip), since its all that counts when votes are cast!

  6. The mark of foreign consultants – of using modern marketing/advertising strategies in a social media milieu to carry out BN’s fight for survival – is everywhere and stamp the distinguishing style of Najib from his predecessors. Malaysian voters are now treated like consumers of a political product and we are bombarded by logos, Ads, suggestive alphabet of acronyms (GTP, ETP, PTP, NEM, NKEA, NKRA, NEAC,) containing subliminal messages that promote BN in our conscious& sub conscious. The same marketing/promotional processes that are used choosing our detergent, toothpaste or apparel are used for influencing our choice of BN or PR in GE13. The specter of brainwashing looms large. Good luck to him & Foreign consultants. The latter’s structuring of ‘subliminal advertising’ is heavily dependent on their experience of Western consumers (in UK & US) and may not work with same effect on the Malaysian Conscious or Sub Conscious!

  7. This so called “horrendous rojak National Day logo with subliminal message “Janji Ditepati” is “rojak” simply because it reflects too many conflicting messages his campaign advisors want to compress into one symbol, emblem or insignia (if you like). Conflicting it is – for eg he wants to reflect his administration standing for liberalism, transformation and change (even a single pithy logo of past national days has now become changed to something like a colourful bouquet of dry flowers) and yet has to contend with party stalwarts, rival and a mentor, against! As he fences with PR he has at same time to fence against his own UMNO people, as he ‘jaga’ his front, he has to ward off sabotage from the rear/flanks. He tries and works hard to be personally popular and wonder whether that would ruib off and translate to popularity for BN in the GE. He’s managing a lot of conflicts, and a little confused, and its reflected in his national day logo – if one can call it such!

  8. People are angry with BN’s excesses and depredations of last 55 years esp during the Mahathir era! One can’t change the past running to present working against one’s political fortune. So what do do? The idea is to deny & contradict that there are such excesses. However one can’t persuade and convince by rational argument or discourse or speeches of such excesses that the Opposition keep bringing up. Sowhat to do? The objective/purpose of inserting “janji Ditepati” (55 years) is to drum in the subliminal message that BN has no such excesses but instead fulfilled all promises for55 years. The idea is if one keeps drumming in this (through national day logo ads and campaigns) (a propaganda tool) and seep it through to the unconscious, people, at least some, will, at some point, come to accept without question the veracity of that message.

  9. In summary, one must look at situation Ah Jib’s way: Malaysians more educated (thks to Internet/social media), this a gamechanger, so traditional repression via ISA, Sedition Act, Printing Presses and Publications Act cannot work, and can be let gone. People want change but UMNO power base does not want it. So Ajib has to create the perception not reality of change. Best way ratchet up propaganda tools as never before so over-used. Expert Foreign Consultants brought in at whatever cost. The method is modern marketing advertising tools, the target, the unconscious of the target market. Keep messages short – easy to remember- hence GTP, ETP, PTP, NEM, NKEA, NKRA, NEAC. When unable to contradict (eg BN’s excesses) just deny, better still say the opposite ie Promises fulfilled 55 yrs. Never mind detractors accuse it’s a lie. Play on the subconscious. A message even if untrue if repeated often enough will accept as true by masses. So plaster the message and BN/UMNO brand everywhere – trains, subways, bill boards, blogs (via cyber troopers). Of course come National Day how to let go such propaganda opportunity ? National day is to unite all people of whatever political differences. If only when they come together to unite, we could unite them behind BN’s – hence “janji Ditepati” (55 years)!

  10. This is how the Najib Grinch is planning to steal Merdeka, Malaysia Day and possibly the 13th GE.

    Let us hope our eastern brothers across the sea help to stop him starting this weekend.

  11. If the logo was hideous, the song is then an affront or insult to even the worst taste..It really really is just so very very bad..

    Supposedly written by Rais himself which is unsurprising and simply expose the truth of the bad taste of UMNO/BN to have chosen him for the job itself – the same bad taste that likely permeates much of UMNO/BN leadership and organisation itself..

  12. Typical of a mode-changing Minister. What else will he flip-flop or gostan ?

    PR is sure strong, very strong, now, to make him and BN mode-change.

    Is an apology appropriate and due ?

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