Treating the ‘Selangor water crisis’

— The Malaysian Insider
Jul 19, 2012

JULY 19 — With the amount of water splashing around in Selangor these days, one would think any discussion about water would revolve around the abundance rather than the shortage of the liquid.

But this is Malaysia and today, we learn that Putrajaya has formed a special Cabinet Committee chaired by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to discuss the issue of the availability of treated water and the need for another treatment plant that will be ready at least two years down the road.

And that any shortage and rationing now is due to the recalcitrance of the Selangor government, run by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) – the political foes of Barisan Nasional (BN) which controls Putrajaya.

Add to the potent mix that could give votes to either side in the next elections is utility provider, Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) which is controlled by Tan Sri Rozali Ismail , who is also Selangor Umno treasurer.

The question is, is there really a water crisis or is it manufactured by Putrajaya in what is seen as an attempt to wrest back the country’s wealthiest and most industrialised state back to BN. Continue reading “Treating the ‘Selangor water crisis’”

Malaysia: The Changing Scenes

by Allan CF Goh

Once there was a quiet, idyllic land,
Blessed by a lot of rich, fertile soil,
Regularly nourished by rainfall;
Crops grew easily, without much toil.
Nature provided bountiful food,
Within her rivers and forest foil;
Life was really an easy passage,
Without hunger threatening to roil.

This earthly paradise was ended,
When troubling storms arose from the West.
Coveting the richness of the place,
Colonisers converged here to wrest
The envied land of milk and honey.
They claimed domain for their royal crest,
After they subdued the local reign.
What followed is history, and the rest. Continue reading “Malaysia: The Changing Scenes”

Why no Cabinet committee to deal with worst palpable fear of crime in country’s history?

The Cabinet yesterday set up a special Cabinet Committee over the looming water crisis in Selangor.

The question that is uppermost in the minds of Malaysians is why no Cabinet committee has been set up to deal with the worst and most palpable fear of crime haunting various parts of the country!

This question becomes even more poignant following reports of the latest high-profile victim of crime – Puan Sri Faizah Shuib, 67 the widow of former Cabinet Minister Tan Sri Megat Junid who was Deputy Home Minister for more than a decade from the mid-eighties to mid-nineties and major implementer of the infamous Project Mahathir in Sabah in the early nineties.

It is reported that Faizah’s house was robbed by three men, believed to be Indonesians, who escaped with jewellery and watches worth RM50,000 and she was tied up during the robbery.

There is a very serious disconnect between one the one hand, repeated assurances by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the police of a declining crime rate in the country and on the other, lack of public confidence and credibility even among foreign investors in such assurances, with rising and undoubtedly the worst palpable fear of crime haunting Malaysians in various parts of the country – not just at shopping malls, but in the streets, public places and even the privacy of the homes! Continue reading “Why no Cabinet committee to deal with worst palpable fear of crime in country’s history?”

Malaysia The Unready

— Tota
The Malaysian Insider
Jul 19, 2012

JULY 19 — In English history there is King Æthelred The Unready. He earned this nickname because he was never ready for anything good or wise. Bolehland displays many similar characteristics to qualify to be called “Malaysia The Unready”.

The Umno-dominated BN government has shown a stubborn refusal to make Malaysia a truly democratic state where the rule of law, civil rights and liberties, equality and justice are respected and practised. The Umno-dominated BN government’s mantra is that Malaysia is not ready for so many things that are basic in all truly democratic and progressive countries.

Malaysia The Unready is not ready to:

● make Malaysia a truly democratic, secular state as enshrined in the Constitution.

● make Parliament democratically functional with an elected Speaker.

● have an elected Senate. Continue reading “Malaysia The Unready”