Is Najib saying he is not prepared to accept the verdict of the electorate or ensure a peaceful transition of government if PR wins the next general election?

Threats! Threats! More Threats!

Is this all that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could think of to ensure that UMNO/Barisan Nasional wins the next general election with him firmly in the saddle as the Prime Minister?

Najib’s speech when opening the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCIM) 66th annual general meeting this morning reminds Malaysians of his infamous “fire and brimstone” presidential address at the UMNO General Assembly in October 2010.

When Najib warned the Chinese business community this morning that their assets and wealth may “evaporate” unless there is “political certainty and stability”, Malaysians are immediately reminded of his “crushed bodies, lives lost” speech at the UMNO General Assembly in October 2010 vowing that Umno would defend power at any cost in Putrajaya.

Let Najib fully explain himself – is he threatening that if UMNO/Barisan Nasional loses Putrajaya in the next general election, the “assets and wealth” of the Chinese business community could “decline and even evaporate” and is this because of his “crushed bodies, lives lost” vow that UMNO would defend power at any cost in Putrajaya?

Recently, Malaysians are beginning to hear statements from UMNO leaders though not from the highest levels like the UMNO President and Deputy President giving assurances that there would be a peaceful transition of government if Pakatan Rakyat wins the next general election as UMNO and BN would respect the wishes of the people expressed through the ballot box in the next general election.

Najib’s return to the language of threats and fear has immediately raised the question as to the real weight and worth of the assurances by these low-level UMNO leaders that UMNO/BN would ensure a peaceful transition of government if Pakatan Rakyat wins the next general election.

Najib should explain why the defeat of UMNO/BN in the next general election should lead to a situation where the “assets and wealth” of the Chinese business community may “evaporate”, if UMNO/BN are committed to accept the verdict of the electorate in the 13th general election and ensure a peaceful transition of government if Pakatan Rakyat wins the next general election?

Or is Najib telling the nation and the world that he would not accept the verdict of the electorate in the 13th general election which is in favour of Pakatan Rakyat and that he is not prepared to make a public commitment on behalf of UMNO/BN to ensure a peaceful transition of government if PR wins the next general election?

15 Replies to “Is Najib saying he is not prepared to accept the verdict of the electorate or ensure a peaceful transition of government if PR wins the next general election?”

  1. Very irresponsible of Najib to insinuate that anarchy will reign should UMNO B/BN are defeated in the 13th GE. He is just not fit to helm a country. Now it is obvious to the rakyat that the present leaders place self-interest above national interest. Chua Soi Lek and all other UMNO B / BN leaders, will please declare your stand on Najib’s statement?

  2. When anarchy reigns, the ordinary rakyat will suffer. UMNO B leaders will not in any way be impacted. they will fly off to a foreign country of their choice because the have RMbillions stashed in foreign banks. Rakyat must fight the evil regime instead of fighting among ourselves.

  3. Najib talks about general election everyday. He must have given the impression that he accepts voters’ verdict and respects it. But when the results demands that he give up power, he could certainly have a second thought. Why should it be hard for him to declare that he serves only as care taker PM when the parliament is dissolved, and the winner of the general election gets to form the government? Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at least did an honourable thing in giving up power in Perak, but Najib bought it back.

  4. Malaysian Chinese never fear death nor threats.
    We are very tolerating people.
    We can survive under whichever governing the country.
    It’s thinking of the Muslims and Indians and thinking like Patriots that the vast majority Malaysian Chinese are determine to vote for change.
    Najib is an idiot to think his threats to Malaysian Chinese will work.
    Has he forgotten how his “You help me. I help you” speech in Sibu?
    What was the result?
    One day behave like Santa Clause….next day like gangster chief….another day declare BERSIH 3 participants as unlawful Malaysians ..are clear indications that Najib is always talking through his nose and desperate to win 13th GE to save his own skin.
    CORRUPTIONS and MURDERS are two items linking the deal with Scorpene and Atlantuya ..where reporters asked him questions….ckeck out the reply…..”I need not reply. I don’t want to reply.”
    Only in Malaysia can a PM talk like that and escape investigations..with tons and tons of evidences.
    Recall Atlantuya Immigration record…..all vanished.
    Wow!! the two policemen charged for murdering her are so powerful?
    Yip….Corruptions and Murder…without forgetting Teoh Beng Hock and Kugan…Malaysian Chinese have made up their minds to vote for change.
    And the majority 2 million new young voters…are smart Malaysians and when Malaysians are getting smarter….they can see and read Najib and Mahathir like books.
    These smart Malaysians cannot be bought for Najib does not know how to buy them at all…….hahahahahaha.

  5. Come chill wind or foul weather, Malaysians must put despots to pasture.

    Najib, sori-lah. You can say bye, bye to any fat hopes of getting mandate from GE 13. Sayonara, as Mahtahir would say.

  6. Never trust Najib …..the famous flip flopper..
    He is now saying PR politicians are the cause of instability in Malaysia.
    Do not waste time to battle him.
    Let voters do the talks at 13th GE.
    Cheat and win…then let him see the reactions from People Power.
    He asked for it….he will get it.

  7. I wish I had been at ACCIM general meeting. I would have wished to survey what the members thought of Najib’s speech.

    In general, the members are usually savvy people and except maybe the MCA sycophants most of them will tell you honestly Najib just sounded dumb for saying the things he did. No one believe a shred of it that their ‘assets and wealth would decline even evaporate’.

    What must be unbelievable and alarming to some of the more savvy members is that Najib is such a poor leader to EVEN say that speech in front of them. They are likely to think that maybe speech or show for Malay Chamber of Commerce and Perkasa rather than for them. They are used to being made character player in UMNO’s sandiwara to their constituent.

    Still ACCIM members must think, things are really so bad they have to be dragged into the UMNO’s side shows and theatrics and worry the businessmen how UMNO is simply losing it. Its likely the ACCIM members went home and tried to prepare for the fall of UMNO – either moving closer to the opposition or just freaking get out of this country because they know only too well how UMNO can get too stupid & crazy if they lose it.

  8. Najib refused to commit that he would abide by the results of the general election.

    Najib should clarify whether he meant that whether the next general election would be conducted was hypothetical.

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