Is Mahathir trying to make the revival of Mahathirism the secret Barisan Nasional agenda in next general election?

“Dr M: Najib must be firm”

“Reforms could lead to extremism, Dr M warns Najib”

“Dr M: Reforms could spark unrest”

These are three headlines on online news portals on the latest interview by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad with foreign news agency, AFP.

Mahathir’s message is very clear.

He is fully opposed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s whole spectrum of transformation programmes although these transformation programmes have been mostly talk and no action with even severe cases of backtracking in the past three years of Najib premiership – from 1Malaysia, New Economic Model, Economic Transformation Programme to Political Transformation Programme!

Warning that too much freedom risked stirring an ethnic hornet’s nest, Mahathir said:
“Now that we want to be liberal, what has happened is that now we are more race-conscious than before. Today people are accusing each other of being racist.”

But Mahathir failed to tell the full story – that although he himself coined the concept of Bangsa Malaysia in Vision 2020 21 years ago in 1991, he had right from the beginning rubbished Najib’s 1Malaysia concept with its objective to create a Malaysia where every Malaysian would regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race second.

Mahathir clearly backed Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when the Deputy Prime Minister declared that he was “Malay first, Malaysian second” when challenged to declare his allegiance to Najib’s 1Malaysia concept.

If an independent and impartial study is made of Najib’s premiership in the past three years to find out who had caused the worst racial polarisation in the country at a time when “1Malaysia policy” was the signature policy slogan of the Prime Minister of the day, Mahathir and the organisations he gave his patronage like Perkasa will rank as the main causes.

The question Malaysians must ponder is whether Mahathir is trying to make the revival of Mahathirism the secret Barisan Nasional agenda in next general election?

13 Replies to “Is Mahathir trying to make the revival of Mahathirism the secret Barisan Nasional agenda in next general election?”

  1. These scums are trying their best to remain in power for two reasons.
    One, that they don’t have to answer to the citizens of this country for their crimes.
    Two, that they will continue to exploit the gravy train.
    They will do everything under the sun to stay in power including the use or rather the misuse of religion and race.
    It’s the duty of every Malaysian to thwart such people.
    And we will!!!!

  2. Mahathir – what a man! What a legacy in the rubbish heaps of history!

    Mahathir – the tragic story of what might have been for Malaysia gone to waste under a Machiavellian emperor who got sidetracked by personal glory and self-deification.

  3. ///He is fully opposed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s whole spectrum of transformation programmes…///

    Of course he has to oppose Najib’s transformation programs. If he agrees to everything Najib does, his son will have no hope of clinching the number one post.

  4. Mahathir’s legacy will go to the drain and his children will be investigated for corruptions if PR takes over the power.
    The little hope to hold on to power is still race and religion dirty politic.
    Mahathir forgot DPM said he has to declare “Malay first,Malaysian second” to avoid being hated by his party racists.
    Mahathir survives on fooling his own race.
    His past success that allows him to steal more than RM100 billion has made him think Malays needs UMNO b to protect their future.
    Everything about Mahathir is outdated and this sly fox knows it too well.
    He has no other choice.
    He needs racists to support BN.

  5. This idiot tried to hoodwink us again, this black magician. If reform will create unrest, what about Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Libya..etc. Are there any reforms going on before the huge protest?

    Why don’t he admit that finally people are tired of tyrants like him? Reform or no reform.

  6. Mamakthir is right. There is no value to transformation if it leads to the stopping of the gravy train which then leads to a total loss of power. We must, however, assume that Najib knows it too, so his pronouncements of transformation are pure hogwash.

  7. “Dr M: Najib must be firm” -“Reforms could lead to extremism, Dr M warns Najib” – “Dr M: Reforms could spark unrest”.

    Najib should be firm for reforms and firm against extremists. If he were firm against extremists and if TDM does not lend support or give patronage to extremists they will have disincentive to be extreme and even if they continue to be so, they would be quelled and could not spark unrest. They could do so when the govt is not firm against but complicit with them. In fact the commitment to reforms if convincing helps BN’s electoral chances. Its lip service talk and inconsistent reactionary actions that undermines the BN’s credibility in next GE amongst moderates though it may appease extremists. Which is more – mainstream moderates or extremists amongst the voter banks ? Who would you bank on for electoral support? If by delayed action 2008 tunami arrives late only now at the shores of East Malaysia BN has a real problem.

  8. Whether Mahathirism which is undoubtedly the secret Barisan Nasional agenda in next general election is still strong enough (as it was before) to save the day (under present changed conditions) is moot. The problem is UMNO knows no other secret formula. We shall have to see what happens in next GE.

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