Schoolboy antics over PTPTN

— The Malaysian Insider
Jun 09, 2012

JUNE 9 — Are schoolboys in charge of education in Malaysia? It sure seems that way when Putrajaya’s education czars decide to sulk and pull back scholarships for those studying in Selangor’s Universiti Selangor (Unisel) this past week.

Only to flip flop, be wishy-washy, do a volte-face and overturn that emotional decision a day later. Is that how a government runs things? Aren’t these ministers — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin — an embarrassment to Datuk Seri Najib Razak?

They can’t even be gracious and admit their mistake. Take Khaled’s statement that Unisel’s appeal for National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loans to be restored showed that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) could not deliver its promise of free education.

Is that how a Barisan Nasional (BN) minister behaves? Use state facilities to prove a point? And let students seeking a better future be at his whim and fancy?

Does he think these students will think highly of him? Or be “grateful” to the federal government? If anything, Khaled has pushed Selangor to prove it can fund these students with RM30 million from the sale of UniSel land. And if Selangor can do it, why the need for PTPTN? Or a BN government minister who is vindictive?

One would expect a better performance from Khaled. He isn’t some junior minister out to impress his superiors or his followers with such an emotional response to PR’s promises.

In a marketplace of idea, Khaled and those of his ilk should try to out-think PR, not resort to a schoolyard scrap over who is better or stronger and the loser walking off in a huff vowing not to friend the victor.

Why has politics in Malaysia gone down to just being mean spirited, grumpy and sulking in a corner by some of the BN chaps? Especially these two from Johor, the birthplace of Umno. One expects a lot more from a state that gave Umno its founding president, Datuk Onn Jaafar.

Perhaps Khaled might think he won this round against PR. In reality, its a fiasco, an own goal for BN. This childish decision and about-turn is the latest in a long line of blunders that won’t endear some of these ministers to the people. What more students who will vote in the future and can influence their parents to vote for the opposing side

These BN ministers are undermining the prime minister’s strategy of winning back support for his personal mandate to make a better Malaysia. They are petty-minded and just fumbling in scoring points at the expense of goodwill.

What a pity. If this is how they see “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”, then they have gone opposite of the concept’s tagline, like schoolboys who don’t understand anything and make it up as they go along.

We don’t need schoolboys in the Cabinet. We need real men, and gentlemen at that with the nation’s interests in their hearts.

14 Replies to “Schoolboy antics over PTPTN”

  1. Now, they have really, really stirred up the hornets’ nest!
    Everywhere, when students went on the offensive, governments fall.
    Previous events in Indonesia and Thailand are frequent reminders of the pivotal roles they played in changing the regimes of the land.
    So, UMNO/BN’s time is due.

  2. Not gracious to admit their mistake? Khaleed Noordin was challenging critics to prove he lost. In other words he think the rakyat are beneath him to lose to.

    Leaders like Muhiyiddin and Noordin – they just don’t like people – everyday Malaysian. Face the fact, they think they are special of special people and we are not..

  3. There are so bankrupt with ideas how to win votes and out come an education idea how to keep young Malaysians mild and meek and study less….by making life difficult for the youngsters and the parents.
    Sensing they will loose more votes….quickly backed off.
    Young voters can read these rouges and thieves characters.
    Although keeping quiet and keep everyone guessing whom will they vote…these young voters are no push overs or puppets to anyone.
    They will vote for change as they want t be masters to politicians and not the other way round.
    Populations have grown from 7.5 million to 28 million in 50 years.
    Bribing also increased by few hundred $ to few millions per important person….for loyalty and done deals to get votes for PR….not that easy now.
    If 13th GE is a sure win for Najib…he will not delay one day longer.
    Delaying for 3 years….all young voters can spend time to do researches and not listen to anyone.
    The best of that these young Malaysians love Internet surfing for information and do not rely on papers or TV news.
    “Come September” ….is a movie that shows love conquers all and Najib should watch it.

  4. QUOTE: “Only to flip flop, be wishy-washy, do a volte-face and overturn that emotional decision a day later. Is that how a government runs things? Aren’t these ministers — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin — an embarrassment to Datuk Seri Najib Razak?”

    Only in Malaysia, the buck doesn’t stop with the Prime Minister. It stops with the doer. If Najib is indeed embarrassed, he deserves it. But I don’t think the word “embarrassment” is in his vocabulary.

  5. Not only that, it would certainly look like the various Ministries are run by school boys:

    Defence Ministry
    Health Ministry
    Education Ministry
    Etc, Etc

    And they think that they can hoodwink the rakyat?
    Ha ha ha!

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