Is Malaysia under rule of law or law of jungle where Radio Free Sarawak presenter Peter John Jaban can disappear for 6 hours after arrival in Miri without anyone in authority claiming knowledge or responsibility?

Is Malaysia under the rule of law or the law of jungle where Radio Free Sarawak presenter Peter John Jaban can disappear for six hours after arrival in Miri this morning without anyone in authority claiming knowledge or responsibility?

I have just spoken to Jaban’s lawyer, Alan Ling, the DAP Piasau State Assemblyman in Miri, and he confirmed that he is completely in the dark as what to has happened to Jaban some six hours after he met him at the Miri Airport on his arrival from Kota Kinabalu.

Alan had just spoken to the Miri police less than an hour ago and he was again told that the Miri police had no instruction or was not in anyway involved in Jaban’s arrest or disappearance.

Jaban had arrived in Miri from Kota Kinabalu in an Air Asia flight at about 10.45 am and as the Miri police had assured Alan that there was no instruction for Jaban’s arrest, Jaban had left the airport for Miri town with the Miri PKR chairman Dr. Michael Teo.

On their way to town, three men in a Proton car stopped Teo and Jaban, and Jaban was taken away.

Six hours have passed and nobody knows what has happened to Jaban or he is, safe or otherwise – and whether the three men who took Jaban away were from the police specially dispatched to Miri to apprehend Jaban, and if so, why the Miri police have been kept completely in the dark.

Malaysia is under an international microscope in the government handling of the Jaban case as it will become an international scandal of the first magnitude if a person could just disappear into thin air for six hours after arrival at the Miri airport this morning.

The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Inspector-
General of Police, Tan Sri Omar Ismail must be reminded that they are living not only in the era of information technology where information travels with the speed of light but also of global and not just national accountability.

Malaysians and the world expect them to immediately throw light on the whereabouts of Jaban as six hours are definitely enough time for the police authorities to come out with clear statement of Jaban’s whereabouts or an open admission that lawlessness in Malaysia have reached a new level where three persons completely uninvolved with the police or the government have abducted Jaban in broad daylight in Miri in Malaysia!


16 Replies to “Is Malaysia under rule of law or law of jungle where Radio Free Sarawak presenter Peter John Jaban can disappear for 6 hours after arrival in Miri without anyone in authority claiming knowledge or responsibility?”

  1. That’s worst than ISA.
    That is like Hitler regime.
    In Malaysia you can call it jungle laws …as Germany was more advanced then.
    Cambodia….Vietnam…way way behind Malaysia are now far far ahead of us in Nation building and democracy.
    BN Govt. SUCKS!!

  2. We have a PM already guilty of corruption with underlings who committed treason and likely involved with murder, Minister let off corruption investigation when the case has not even been investigated fully yet, what is kidnapping in Taib fiefdom of Sarawak?

  3. Don’t worry, Kit. Jaban is in good hands and enoying the hospitality of Taib Mahmud. He’s somewhere up-river and will be returned to Miri once he understands he’s been spreading lies about the CM.

  4. Smacks of ghetto thugs and Nazi terrorists.

    Hmmm…. is Malaysia becoming like Syria?

    When UMNO looks like it is beginning to lose an erection, the sparks fly…and people go missing?

  5. Peter John Jaban’s disappearance has nothing to do with the Polis or the Immigration Authorities. As a matter of fact, someone made a police report that a man was found in the jamban at Miri Airport. According to the person who made the report, upon arrival at the airport, they went to the jamban to ease themselves when the man fainted. As he refused to be sent to the hospital for medical checkup, the Immigration Authorities brought him to an air-cond room and provided him a comfortable sofa to rest on. Police then contacted the Immigration was was told the man left after a few hours. ” We believe that the man is Peter John Jaban” said DSP Tipu bin Bohong.

  6. Are we seeing the emergence of a para-police force, not police, but known and accepted by the police, to do the dirty works of the Police. Remember the Bangla looking Policemen on 428, with police vest on top of T shirts, without name and numbers? Yet the Police work along with them.
    Is there a dirty tricks department in UMNO / government?
    I hope that Jaban returns safely soon. I fear the worse.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya. GE 13 is coming. If no electoral reforms, first to Bersih 4.0, then to GE 13, then to Putrajaya.

    Change we must. Change we can. Change we will.

  7. This is most disturbing it’s happening here! Unbelievable, how could such a thing happen here in Malaysia? It’s disgraceful!!

    PDRM and Malaysian Security Forces must swing into action with immediate effect to ensure Peter Jaban is found and in one good piece. The safety of people of this land is job and responsibility expected of them with highest integrity!

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