Mahathir jangan dijadikan contoh dan ikutan

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 28, 2012

28 MEI — Betulkah pandangan Dr Mahathir jika PR kalah dalam pilihanraya nanti negara akan huru-hara? Satu lagi yang menjadi persoalan ialah kata-kata Mahathir yang jika Umno kalah dan ditewaskan Melayu akan hilang kuasa politiknya? Kenapa Mahathir alih-alih terlalu sayang kepada Umno pula? Kenapa Mahathir alih-alih dan tidak semena-mena terlalu sayang kepada orang Melayu yang selama ini beliau pandang rendah? Persoalan-persoalan yang saya ajukan ini jangan di salah fahamkan.

Saya bertanya perkara ini, kerana orang Melayu telah hilang identiti asalnya oleh kerana Mahathir. Apabila Mahathir kembali bercakap pasal masa depan orang Melayu dan tentang ketakutannya kepada huru hara negara ini, ia amat bertentangan dengan apa yang beliau lakukan selama ini, terutamanya semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun dahulu. Segala yang beliau lakukan semasa sedang seronok berkuasa dahululah yang menjadi penyebab berlakunya apa yang berlaku pada hari ini.

Saya mempunyai keyakinan tinggi yang Mahathir sedang begitu panik dengan pergerakan perubahan yang sedang berlaku dalam minda rakyat termasuk minda orang Melayu. Yang pastinya Mahathir tidak mahu seboleh-bolehnya melihat Umno ciptaan beliau kecundang dihadapan mata beliau semasa beliau masih hidup ini. Kalau di nilai dari sudut mana pun, mahu tidak mahu Mahathir merupakan orang yang “accountable” terhadap kekeruhan politik negara kini.

Kecelaruan politik negara tidak akan menjadi begini buruk dalam sekelip mata dan tidak adil jika Mahathir dan konco-konconya meletakkan semua kesalahan kepada kelemahan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sahaja. Malahan naiknya Abdullah Ahmad Badawi itu adalah kerana kesalahan Mahathir sendiri kerana Mahathir sememangnya mahukan Abdullah menjadi PM kerana beliau menyangkakan Abdullah boleh beliau pengaruhi dalam pentadbirannya.

Apabila Abdullah tidak mahu mendewakan beliau semasa menjadi PM maka Mahathir merasakan yang Abdullah telah mengecewakan beliau kerana tidak menurut kehendak dan kemahuan peribadinya. Maka Abdullahlah yang menjadi kain buruk dan tidak elok kepada Mahathir sampai kehari ini. Sememangnya Abdullah tidak mempunyai kelayakan untuk menjadi PM tetapi kehendak Mahathirlah yang menjadikan beliau (Abdullah) menjadi PM yang dianggap oleh Mahathir sendiri sebagai PM yang tidak berguna.

Mahathir begitu berjaya melaksanakan pemerintahan “pecah dan perintah” selama ini kerana dengan “pecah dan perintah” itu boleh menyematkan kuasa yang beliau genggam itu. Dengan pemerintahan secara ini beliau telah berjaya mendapatkan kehendak peribadi beliau, iaitu untuk menjadi kuat seorangan dan yang lain-lain di kelilingnya hanya kumpulan “yes men” yang menawarkan peranan untuk menjadi pahlawan untuk mempertahankan beliau (Mahathir)

Mahathir terlalu “obsess” untuk menjadi orang kuat berseorangan ini kerana beliau memerlukan pembodek-pembodek di sekeliling beliau untuk menjaga kehendaknya sehinggakan beliau seolah-olah menjadi maharaja yang dikelilingi oleh mereka yang buta hati tanpa memikirkan “consequence” perlakuan ini terhadap masa depan politik, rakyat dan negara.

Mahathir gagal untuk menjadi seorang “statesman” tetapi hanya sekadar seorang “warlord” politik semata-mata. Beliau tidak akan lagi berjaya untuk diakui sebagai negarawan sampai bila-bila. Kata-kata dan tindakan beliau membuktikan yang beliaulah yang dalam kegusaran jika PR memerintah seolah-olah beliau mempunyai “stake” yang begitu besar jika PR memerintah.

Kata-kata ugutan beliau itu samasekali tidak mempunyai kredibiliti dengan menuduh huru-raya yang akan berlaku jika PR kalah. Sebaliknya petanda awal menunjukkan Umnolah yang akan menghuru-harakan keadaan jika PR menang. Di mana-mana pihak PR mengadakan perhimpunan untuk berceramah khususnya yang dilakukan oleh PKR, samseng-samseng Umno mengganggu sehinggakan berlaku kecederaan kepada yang hadir seperti yang berlaku tiga hari yang lepas di Lembah Pantai.

Ceramah Anwar Ibrahim diganggu oleh samseng upahan Umno dengan membaling batu serta telor kearah penceramah dan yang hadir sehinggakan mencederakan beberapa orang yang berada di situ. Banyak pihak berpendapat yang Mahathir amat takut jika Anwar menjadi PM selepas pilihanraya yang akan datang kerana sebab-sebab yang semua pihak tahu.

Mahathir mahukan kepimpinan hari ini untuk terus memerintah walaupun beliau sendiri yang mengakui yang Umno itu sudah busuk sampai ke ususnya. Beliau jika mengakui yang tinggal dalam Umno hanyalah yang kurang pandai (bodoh) kerana yang pandai sudah masuk PAS, yang bijak menyertai PKR dan yang pintar menyertai DAP.

Itulah sebabnya Mahathir mahukan Umno masih memerintah kerana pada beliau yang tidak pandai (bodoh) sahaja boleh membela beliau sehingga ke akhir hayat beliau.

Kepada rakyat yang ramai-ramai yang telah mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan perubahan teruskan usaha itu dengan tata-cara yang baik. Sampai sahaja PRU undi sahaja mana-mana calon dalam PR kerana bak kata Mahathir yang pandai, yang bijak dan yang pintar sememangnya berada dalam Pakatan rakyat.

Mahathir amat takut PR akan mampu membuktikan pentadbiran negara yang lebih baik di bawah PR jika PR memerintah Putrajaya, kerana bukti yang akan ditunjukkan oleh PR itu akan membuatkan Umno baru ini tidak boleh bangun lagi sampai bila-bila.

Sampai ke hari ini Mahathir serta pemimpin Umno yang lain tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang budaya samseng yang sedang berkembang dalam Umno pada masa ini.

Saudara, segala yang berlaku pada hari ini menunjukkan yang Umno itu memang sudah sampai kepenghujung hayatnya. Hanya rakyat terpaksa memilih diantara dua pilihan: untuk bersama dengan parti yang akan hilang kuasa atau dengan pihak yang mengambil alih dan akan melakukan segala usaha untuk membentuk kerajaan yang menghormati undang-undang, tidak rasuah, dan mempunyai aras “governance” yang tinggi serta beretika. Jika Pakatan Rakyat yang memerintah, sudah pasti budaya samseng akan tiada lagi dan sesiapa boleh berpolitik secara selamat dan aman damai.

Sementara menanti kejayaan itu, penyokong-penyokon PR jangan sekali-kali melatah. Gunakan pemikiran yang bernas dan jangan sekali-kali menggunakan “buku lima” atau pun batu-batu dan kekasaran terhadap mereka.

Seperti kita melayani orang yang hendak meninggal, kita mesti hormat kepada tubuh yang akan berpisah dengan nyawanya. Apabila tiada lagi orang itu, aman damailah hendaknya kita. tentu rakyat akan merasakan nikmat hidup dengan aman damai dibawah naungan kerajaan yang baru.

Kita buktikan yang pihak PR tidak melakukan apa yang Mahathir pernah lakukan dan itu pun sebabnya kita berjuang untuk menunjukan kelainan memerintah jika tidak menjadikan agenda peribadi sebagai perjuangan kita.

Formula kita mudah sahaja: jangan jadikan Mahathir sebagai contoh dan ikutan. Selamat kita, insyaallah. —

13 Replies to “Mahathir jangan dijadikan contoh dan ikutan”

  1. Selama 22 tahin sebagai PM, pencapaian Tun M amat memalukan jika dibandingkan dengan tokoh2 negara yang lain seperti Lee Kuan Yew. Bandingan seperti ini amat dibencikan oleh Tun tetapi realitinya tidak dapat dinafikan. Jadi Tun terpaksa lompat-lompat dan jerit-jerit sampai keakhirat je lah.

  2. He has sinned and fooled Malaysians for 22 years with no signs of regrets.
    When one can oust the Father Of Independence…destroy his party and established his own with him and his wife as first and second member..and call it …’UMNO B”…and as years went by…dropped the “B” to keep fooling Muslims.
    When one can keep ignoring his is half Indian…and hint he has Arab blood…thus a some sort of a pure breed Malay…shows he has no regrets …a very very selfish man.
    Comes…the character….and all know him so well.
    He is not afraid of anything ..for he has ploughed and sowed seeds for everyone to be race first..Malaysian second…thus the divide and rule deeply rooted i for 22 years and on going.
    His biggest and most powerful weapon is tempting all UMNO b kingpins to be corrupted and get rich.
    Thus you can say….MONEY is his most powerful temptation he endorsed and encouraged.
    To make sure he can do as he likes….he must put Anwar into jail and control all University Students to keep away from political discussions.
    The rest is again using MONEY to buy loyalties from Judges and Police Officers… easy …so tempting and Laws are twisted with amendment after amendment…to become water tight and all feel very safe to be rouges and thieves and be corrupted openly with no fear.
    If you wonder why so many are still supporting UMNO b …are plain and simple reasons.
    They have no choice..fear to be investigated for corruptions…and simple folks minds are being controlled where they are taught not to think….just follow.
    God punish me and send me to hell…..if I am lying.
    I have lived and prayed for his health but now….how I wish God can shut his filthy and dirty mouth in the last lapse of his life.
    God do not take sides in politics…but God do listen to sincere prayers for country and people with no selfish ulterior motives.
    Lets see the events unfolding daily.

  3. PAS Hadi Awang has said…it is not a sin for Muslims to support BERSIH 3….walking alongside with non Muslims.
    It is PAS or UMNO B for all Muslims to support.
    One is a Devil advocate ..the other the Protector of Islamic faith.

  4. CSL: “LGE mau portong!”

    Jib: “Good work, ah lek. Now I shall consider allowing a visa for your darlin’ Angela to come and join you again. This time take care your hotel room is not videotaped again!”

    CSL: “Thanks, master. Chin tien poo hui chia!”

  5. Many of those who worshipped The Mamak cannot understand why Malaysians blame him for the woes of the country.

    The articles which were published in the media in past years to refresh the memories of Malaysians, as to why many Malaysians feel that The Mamak did more harm than good for the country in his 22 years of office. They call him the father of modern Malaysia. I certainly beg to differ.

    These 22 fiascos were published in the form of questions directed to The Mamak:-

    1) On clean government
    You came to power in 1981 and introduced the slogan bersih, cekap dan amanah (clean, efficient and trustworthy). What did you do to further that? Did you make the Anti-Corruption Agency more independent and effective? Did you ensure that the police and judiciary do their jobs properly and reduce corruption in their ranks? Did you ensure that ministers and chief ministers not have income beyond their legal means? How many big guns were prosecuted for corruption offences during your tenure? What happened to bersih, cekap dan amanah?

    2) Press freedom
    Your criticism of the government received plenty of coverage in the local media recently whereas, during your time, criticisms against you by two former prime ministers were muted in the mainstream newspapers. Editors in Umno-linked newspapers too were removed for not toeing the line. What did you do to advance the cause of responsible press freedom?

    3) Proton
    You went ahead with the national car project in 1983 despite a number of experts disagreeing with you, especially with respect to the lack of economies of scale. Isn’t it true that Proton’s profits over the past 20 years came from the vastly higher prices that the Malaysian public have had to pay to subsidise Proton, resulting in considerable hardship for Malaysians who need cars because of the poor public transport system? Why was it necessary for Proton to buy a stake in a failed Italian motorcycle manufacturer when it could not even produce cars competitively?

    4) Heavy industries
    Why did you push into heavy industries such as steel and cement in the 1980s, ignoring studies which suggested developing natural resource-based industries instead? They caused major problems and billions of ringgit in losses.

    5) Immigration
    Why did you allow hordes of people to immigrate, mainly from Indonesia , in such an unregulated way that there are as many or more illegal immigrants than legal ones now, accounting for some two million or more people? Did you not realize that this would cause serious social problems?

    6) Operasi Lalang
    Why did you have to resort to this move in October 1987, when you used the Internal Security Act to detain over 100 people, close down four newspapers and cause a wave of fear throughout the country? Was it to consolidate your tenuous hold on power then by using an oppressive law? It was all for your own security and survival, isn`t it?

    7) Judiciary
    What was your motive to take action in 1988 to remove the then Lord President and several Supreme Court judges from their positions under allegations of judicial misconduct, a move which was heavily criticized by the Bar Council and other bodies? Was it because you needed more compliant judges whose rulings would not threaten your position of power in a number of cases in court?
    Was this the first step in dismantling the judiciary’s role as a system of checks and balances against the legislature and the executive? What have you to say to repeated assertions by many, including prominent ex-chief justices, who maintain that this led to the erosion of judicial independence?

    8) Education
    Why did you allow our national school system, which is the ideal place to develop ties among young Malaysians, to become so divisive? Why is it that our local Universities, once the preferred choice of tertiary education, have deteriorated to a level that even students who gained admission prefer to enroll into local private Universities.

  6. 9) Malaysian Airlines System
    Why did your government sell MAS (private sale) to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market, costing close to RM 1 billion of the rakyat’s money.

    10) Privatization
    Why did you allow privatization to take place in such a manner that the most profitable parts of government operations were sold away like Telekom Malaysia ,Pos Malaysia and Tenaga Nasional? Toll roads had guaranteed toll increases and compensations in the event traffic projections were not met. Independent power producers had contracts that guaranteed them profits at the expense of Tenaga Nasional .What was the justification of privatizing the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd, and the resulting increase of prices of medicines?

    11) Putrajaya
    What is the justification of spending RM20 billion on a grandiose government city at a time when office space was available in Kuala Lumpur ? Could the money not have been put to better use, such as improving educational resources?

    12) Indah Water Konsortium
    What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which clearly has irrecoverable losses?

    13) Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad
    Why did you rescue Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan, your son) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional? It was a blatant misuse of public funds to bail out your son during the Asian financial crisis in 1997.

    14) Time Dotcom Bhd.
    Why did your administration bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government use RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million of unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?
    Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?

    15) LRT
    Why did you bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra), which belonged to Renong, and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF, which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?

    16) North South Expressway
    Why did your administration award North South Expressway concession to UEM (which then formed Plus) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such over generous terms, which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?

    17) PSC Industries Berhad
    Why did your administration in 1998 award a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy’s entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee’s revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?

    18) Bakun Dam
    Why did you award Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak without a tender ? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for ‘work done’?

    19) InventQjaya
    What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefited? What happened to InventQjaya now?

    20) Forex Losses
    Why did your administration dabble in speculation of the money market which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 billion in losses?

    21) Bank Bumiputra
    Why did you allow the mismanagement of Bank Bumiputra, to the extent that it had to be bailed out 3 times, costing the country a total of RM 3 billion? Again, dipping into Petronas’s funds?

    22) Perwaja Steel
    Why did your administration allow Perwaja Steel to be mismanaged resulting in RM 2.9 million of the rakyat’s money being squandered?

    There you are 22 fiascos in 22 years. The bad news is that there are actually more than 22! Remember the APs, Maminco, Renong and many more .
    Those who remember, please add on to this list.

  7. Mahathir latest comment that Najib is weak is political sodomy on Najib. Najib is supposedly very popular compared to UMNO-BN, so how can it be that Najib is the one that is ‘weak’???

    What Mahathir really means is that Najib seem unable to carry the burden of UMNO-Perkasa/BN – burden that Mahathir created – his very legacy and he blames it on Najib – i.e., Political sodomy by Mahathir..

  8. Chua Soi Lek: “Penang Port…. eh….ah……ahem… it was a collective decision.”

    Well, CSL, just 3 questions:

    1) Did you speak up for the interests of Penangites at the Cabinet meeting?

    2) Was the decision to downgrade Penang in favour of Johore a political decsion or based on sound economic evaluation?

    3) Did you consult with the stakeholders like the Penang government before you opened your gab at Cabinet meeting?

    And don’t hem and haw or feign selective amnesia. Guys like you come a dozen for a dime. SO if you have not the moral courage to stand up, then just go play your silly little games somewhere else.

    BTW, I listened to yr debate with LGE. I was shocked by your fudging ineptitude. It was just stupid for a man of your standing and ‘experience’.

  9. Mamakthir has a lot riding on the next GE. Should UMNO become the federal opposition, the dam would be breached, and tons of documents will come into the public domain, detailing the damage he has caused during his 22 years as PM. Mamakthir has to ensure that this does not happen and cause the rakya to re-label him as the Father of Modern Corruption.

  10. In reality, GE 13 is about Malaysian Vs. Mahathir – Najib, Muhiyiddin etc and even Anwar is secondary.. It really is simply about whether we chose to put Mahathir and Mahathirism behind us, hold them accountable for their deeds, and move on or we let him and his minions hang on to their old ways and ill-gotten wealth, power and influence.

    Its why Bersih is important – its our voice, our expression, deep empotional core of our soul..Its demonisation is the demonisation of Malaysian, our very soul and hopes and dreams – and Mahathir gets to win or get away with his ills..

  11. Mamakthir is truly the teflon PM. The foreign exchange losses at Bank Negara was not Mamakthir’s fault even though he approved the speculation and the setting up of a full-fledged forex team to “beat the world”. Nor Yakcop had to take the blame. PKFZ wasn’t Mamakthir’s fault because somehow he was misled by Ling and Chan. Perwaja wasn’t Mamakthir’s fault because he put Eric Chia in charge and look what happened.

    The bailouts of Mirzan and Mokhzani had nothing to do with the old man, because the white knights were literally begging to rescue the sinking companies.

    And everything else was Badawi’s fault.

  12. Zaman Mahathir adalah zaman kecemerlangan dalam sejarah Malaysia. Sebagai bayi yang sedang membesar pada zaman itulah juga Mahathir hantar Malaysia ke zaman kehanturan kerana beliau telah terlaluan membazir hasil hasil negara terutamanya hasil petrolium. Sesiapa jaga pemimpin pada masa itu sedang sahaja kerana sumber sumber Malaysia banyak terutamanya hasil galian, dan petrolium, tetapi Mahathir telah mewujukankan satu sistem koroni dimana kebanyakan sumber -sumber di hisap habis oleh koroni koroni UMNO dan parti-parti BN. Bila masuk zaman kini dimana ekononi sedunia sedang mengalami kerosotan, rakyat kena rasa lah. Itu lah ligasi Mahathir kepada rakyat Malaysia

  13. Excellent, Mr. bush! Taking up your invitation, let’s ask Dr.M whether Malaysians support his actions against Anwar. Malaysians, especially Malays are particularly humiliated by wild allegations of sodomy against Malaysia’s DPM. The hounding seems unending. What about Anwar’s family? Dr. M has introduced a kind of vindictiveness that is not the Malay way of doing things.

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