‘Brutal’ M’sian police must learn from 1992 LA riots

Ye Choh Wah | May 7, 2012

The police brutality towards the Bersih crowd reminded me of incident in 1992 when the police in Los Angeles, USA, brutally beat up an unarmed black man named Rodney King.

The whole scene was videoed by an amateur (video was not so prevalent then).

Four white policemen were charged but eventually acquitted on April 29th 1992 (almost exactly twenty years ago from 428).

The next day, riots broke out that crippled the city of LA for days. Buildings were burned. There was looting, shots fired and the whole city was closed down.

At the end of the day 54 people were killed.

I happened to be visiting LA that time. My flight had to be diverted to Ontario, two hours drive away, with airlines arranging coaches to take us back to LA.

Upon reaching LA, the city was basically shut down. There were many burnt buildings and smoke everywhere.

We had a hard time to even find food. We had to cancel our plans to visit Disneyland the next day and left town.

However, being a much more open and transparent country, the whole incident did change the police force in LA, every other city in US and the world (except Malaysia maybe). Continue reading “‘Brutal’ M’sian police must learn from 1992 LA riots”

Govt backs off on proposed amendments to Election Offences Act

Hemananthani Sivanandam & Tan Yi Liang
[email protected]
9 May 2012

KUALA LUMPUR (May 9, 2012): The government has decided to withdraw the Election Offences (Amendment) Bill 2012 in the face of much resistance from both Barisan Nasional and opposition lawmakers.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said today he will table a motion in the Senate tomorrow to officially withdraw the bill which the cabinet, the Election Commission (EC), and the opposition had unanimously agreed upon.

The bill to amend the Election Offences Act 1954, which the Dewan Rakyat had passed on April 19, had been heavily criticised for amendments which among others, included the removal of:

Section 11(c), which required printed campaign material to carry the name and address of the printer and publisher;

Section 26 1(e) which allows for checking of the identity of any person entering a polling centre by the candidate or their staff; and

Section 26A Sub-sections (2) and (3) which allow for election agents or candidate to be present at election booths. Continue reading “Govt backs off on proposed amendments to Election Offences Act”

Did the police lose control that day?

by Azrul Mohd Khalib
The Malaysian Insider
May 09, 2012

MAY 9 — In my column last week on Bersih 3.0, I was quite hesitant to share in detail my account of what I had seen and experienced on the streets of Kuala Lumpur later that day. My belief that with the many videos, photographs and victims of police misconduct (read: brutality), the truth would surely get out. There would be no denying the fact that the police on that day had lost control of their men.

But I am now quite disquieted by the fact that there seems to be a group of people out there who are saying that the actions of the police (tear gas, water cannon, detention, forceful and abusive treatment of those being arrested) were justified as the rally participants had breached the perimeter of the security barricade, resisted arrest and engaged in hand to hand combat. Basically, that they had it coming because the rally participants provoked the police.

Let’s first put things into perspective. Continue reading “Did the police lose control that day?”

Bunyi guruhnya kuat, hujannya renyai-renyai

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 09, 2012

9 MEI — Saya telah mendengar secara resminya pengumuman Perdana Menteri Najib Razak tentang “durian runtuh” seperti yang heboh diperkatakan sejak hampir setahun yang lalu.

Saya yang bukan peneroka ini pun tertunggu-tunggu “durian runtuh” ini kerana ia telah mendapat liputan media yang meluas kerana ia berkait rapat dengan penyenaraian FGV di Bursa Malaysia pada bulan Jun yang akan datang ini.

Dengan skala publisiti yang meluas ini saya beranggapan yang “durian runtuh” yang diperkatakan oleh pucuk pimpinan kita itu akan melebihi RM100,000 ribu seorang untuk diseimbangkan dengan publisiti yang teramat meluas sejak berbulan-bulan dahulu.

Cara PM Najib bercerita tentang “durian runtuh” itu, seolah-olah jumlah yang akan diterima oleh peneroka itu tidak boleh kurang dari RM100,000 dan dibayar serentak kepada setiap orang peneroka yang telah meneroka hutan belantara untuk dijadikan perladangan yang terbesar di dunia.

Rupa-rupanya jumlahnya hanyalah RM15,000 sahaja dan akan diberikan dalam tiga peringkat selama tiga bulan. Kalau mengadu, nanti dikatanya peneroka tidak bersyukur. Kalau tak adu pula, ia sangat tidak berbaloi dengan publisiti yang meluas berterusan sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu. Continue reading “Bunyi guruhnya kuat, hujannya renyai-renyai”

Lim Teck Ghee responds to Chandra Muzaffar’s refusal to engage on the Net and his threat

by Dr Lim Teck Ghee
09 May 2012

In my note to Chandra on May 6 which he acknowledged, and which was sent well before this latest rebuttal, I had written:

“I hope we can have a sustained discussion on the important subject that you have identified. I don’t think a one-off debate is a good way to have that discussion. I know politicians and their supporters love it but we are not politicians.”

Chandra’s latest reply continues to insist on a one-off debate and argues that a prolonged discourse in lieu of a debate will “generate more heat than light”.

I disagree. So do the great majority of online commentators that have followed our exchange. Despite attempts by cybertroopers to disrupt feedback, many readers have encouraged us to engage over the Net that is an open and unfettered public space in which they can also contribute their say.

If I had thought that the scholar rather than the ex-politician in Chandra would prevail, I was mistaken. Continue reading “Lim Teck Ghee responds to Chandra Muzaffar’s refusal to engage on the Net and his threat”

Gov’t withdraws Election Offences Amendment Bill

By Aidila Razak | May 9, 2012

In a rare move, the Election Offences Amendment Bill will be withdrawn from the Dewan Negara tomorrow following “a lot of resistance”.

According to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz, the decision to abort the Bill was arrived at today after a 10-minute meeting between the government, the opposition and the Election Commission (EC).

“I will table the motion in the Dewan Negara tomorrow,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.

The means that the Election Offences Act remains at status quo for the next general election.
Continue reading “Gov’t withdraws Election Offences Amendment Bill”

Why was Nazri’s parliamentary answer that the Cabinet has agreed to set up RCI on illegals in Sabah blacked out in Sabah press today when it should make it to all the front-page headlines?

A most bizarre and extraordinary development highlighting the triple woes about good governance in Malaysia – the unhealthy state of media freedom in Malaysia, the veracity of Ministerial statements and assurances in Parliament and thirdly, the continued contempt and disregard for the long-standing legitimate grievances of Sabahans by the Barisan Nasional Federal Government.

The question all Sabahans and Malaysians are entitled to an answer is why the written parliamentary answer of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz tabled in the Senate yesterday that the Cabinet has agreed on Feb. 8 this year to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah was blacked out in the Sabah press today when it should make it to all the front-page headlines?

In fact, the news story was also killed in all the Malaysian mainstream mass media and all other language print media – except for the Sun, which appeared as page lead “RCI on illegals in Sabah” (p. 2), Star online (2.45 pm yesterday) and a few online portals like Malaysiakini and FreeMalaysiaToday.

Is it true that Bernama, which had earlier yesterday sent out a news bulletin on Nazri’s parliamentary answer confirming the Cabinet decision on Feb. 8 to form the RCI, had a few hours later sent out a retraction of the news item? Continue reading “Why was Nazri’s parliamentary answer that the Cabinet has agreed to set up RCI on illegals in Sabah blacked out in Sabah press today when it should make it to all the front-page headlines?”

Police brutality unacceptable

KJ John
May 8, 2012

I am boiling mad! I am really angry with the police force, that they willingly and voluntarily inflicted wanton abuse and injury to so many civilians.

One does not need more evidence. Just scan the YouTube uploads and it will become evident to any observer.

Abuse is abuse of the law and the special privilege and the concomitant responsibility of being in a uniform which we are called to, and demanded to respect.

In fact, the uniform even carries the insignia of the royal emblem of Malaysia.

Surely therefore there must be standard operating procedures related to “under what conditions are the Public Order and Preservation Ordinations motions can be called upon” and applied towards violators.

If one is unsure, please go also on the net and find out for yourself, as an ex-military officer has already described and qualified for such “approved procedures of relevant actions”.

If the IGP cannot explain all the obvious abuse by the police upon innocent civilians who simply want a peaceful assembly, then I would like the IGP to resign.

I recognise that his deputy is a worse off character based on his history of public statements and moreover the IGP is a much more sincere and simpler man, but I think the Rupert Murdoch Principle set by the British Parliament must apply. Continue reading “Police brutality unacceptable”