Blind baseless support by 3 ex IGPs for Najib’s wild allegation that Bersih 3.0 “sit-in” was Opposition bid to topple the government latest proof there is no level playing field for free and fair elections

Almost every day, Malaysians are provided with fresh proof that there is just no level playing field for free and fair elections in Malaysia and that the Barisan Nasional government is still a very long way off from fulfilling Bersih 2.0 Eight Demands for free and fair elections highlighted in the July 9, 2011 rally, let alone the Further Three Demands of the Bersih 3.0 “sit-in” on April 28 last month.

The Eight Demands of the Bersih 2.0 rally were: Continue reading “Blind baseless support by 3 ex IGPs for Najib’s wild allegation that Bersih 3.0 “sit-in” was Opposition bid to topple the government latest proof there is no level playing field for free and fair elections”

Keberangkalian Umno menjadi pembangkang adalah tinggi

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
May 06, 2012

6 MEI — Kali ini saya teruskan lagi tentang perlunya kerajaan diubah, dianjak dan di alih, kalau boleh sebelum pilihanraya umum. Sambutan himpunan Bersih menunjukkan sokongan kepada perubahan dan rakyat tidak lagi mahu menerima pujukan kerajaan dan pimpinan hari ini agar mereka diberikan sekali lagi sambungan untuk memerintah negara kita yang kaya raya tetapi disalah tadbir ini.

Apa pun kata pihak media massa arus perdana jumlah peserta himpunan Bersih 3.0 tetap jauh melebihi 200,000 orang. Siapa pun boleh nafikan angka ini, tetapi itulah angka yang sebenarnya. Tetapi angka itu tidak penting. Yang penting dalam pilihanraya kali ini BN akan sampai penghujung hayatnya untuk mentadbir negara kita setelah memerintah begitu lama yang membuatkan pemimpin-pemimpin mereka menjadi seperti orang yang kufur nikmat.

Mahu tidak mahu kita mesti terima hakikat yang Bersih 3.0 telah berjaya besar yang tidak disangka-sangka. Pihak BN boleh berkata mengikut apa yang mereka mahu dengar tetapi hakikatnya rakyat telah membuat keputusan yang ‘conclusive’; iaitu, untuk menggantikan BN, justru rakyat akan ditadbir oleh kerajaan baru. Seperti yang saya sebut dalam posting saya beberapa hari yang lalu sokongan terhadap Bersih 3.0 Sabtu lepas memberikan ‘signal’ yang rakyat akan diperintah oleh pihak ‘alternative’.

Sesungguhnya, apa pun yang dilakukan oleh Najib dan barisan pimpinan negara, majoriti rakyat Malaysia sudah kehilangan keyakinan terhadap BN. Persepsi majoriti rakyat terhadap BN sudah sampai keperingkat optima dan tidak ada jalan lagi untuk BN diyakini oleh rakyat yang ramai ini. Semalam saya berada di Terengganu dan sebahagian yang mendengar ceramah yang saya sampaikan itu adalah dari mereka yang baru pulang dari Kota Baru kerana mereka diberikan bas dan berbagai-bagai kemudahan untuk menyambut PM Najib di sana. Continue reading “Keberangkalian Umno menjadi pembangkang adalah tinggi”

Road to Malaysia’s day of destiny

Bridget Welsh | May 6, 2012


With well over 100,000 people gathering last week for electoral reform in the largest street protest in the nation’s history – and the event marred by violence by both state and non-state actors alike – Malaysian politics has reached an important impasse.

The Bersih 3.0 rally and its aftermath reveal that the path ahead for Malaysian politics will grow even more contentious and complex. As the different ‘Bersih stories’ pour in, ranging from ‘ordinary’ heroism to the darker accounts of beatings and abuse of power, the move of Malaysian politics outside of the realm of elite to the streets and social media is both empowering and scary.

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s decision not to accommodate the concerns of the protesters last week, and even to demonise their actions, now prods Malaysia further along the road to its day of destiny, where the political fate of Malaysia’s 54-year government will be determined. So far, the routes chosen are one of confrontation rather than compromise, making resolution to differences even more difficult. Continue reading “Road to Malaysia’s day of destiny”

Harris pours scorn on Mahathir’s rosy outlook

FMT Staff | May 6, 2012

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah chief minister Harris Salleh has accused Dr Mahathir Mohamad of duplicity during his 22-year tenure as prime minister, which saw the Bornean state rapidly fall from riches to rags.

Lashing out at the man who ruled the country with an iron fist from 1981 to 2003, Harris said in a statement that Mahathir was to be blamed for the current impoverished state Sabah is in.

“Had he mentioned and practised the rule of law, Sabah would remain the richest state,” Harris said in response to Mahathir’s lecture recently at Universiti Malaysia Sabah .

Harris was irked by Mahathir’s claim that Sabah, which was declared as the poorest state in the country by the World Bank, would take back its mantle as the richest Malaysian state soon.

Harris, who helmed the Berjaya state government from 1976 to 1985, said there were many instances when the former premier and the federal government had failed the state. Continue reading “Harris pours scorn on Mahathir’s rosy outlook”

BN on track for snap poll, looking at July date

By Jahabar Sadiq
The Malaysian Insider
May 06, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 — A general election could be called as early as July, before the Ramadan fasting month begins, as the Bersih 3.0 rally has not affected support for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition, sources say.

The Malaysian Insider understands that a June election has been ruled out as Datuk Seri Najib Razak will be away on holiday for nearly two weeks from the middle of May, although he will attend a “Friends of BN” gathering in London on May 14.

“After Umno anniversary celebrations on May 11, the prime minister will go for an event in London, then he will attend his son’s graduation before going off to Spain for a vacation,” a source told The Malaysian Insider.

“So, it isn’t likely in June. July looks good as most BN warlords are ready for a general election,” he added, saying it could be held before July 19 when the fasting month is expected to begin. More than 60 per cent of Malaysians are Muslims who generally refrain from political activity during the fasting month. Continue reading “BN on track for snap poll, looking at July date”