Lim Kit Siang

My fellow Malaysians

— Ambiga Sreenevasan
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 28, 2012

APRIL 28 — My Fellow Malaysians, my salams.

I can’t even begin to express the pride that we all feel, as Malaysians join hands across time and distance, to demand what is rightfully ours- free and fair elections.

Never before have we witnessed a global and nationwide movement on this scale. At the time of writing this speech, there are 80 locations worldwide and 11 locations nationwide who are gathering. On behalf of the Steering Committee and our endorsing NGO’s , may I say how humbled we are by your support and commitment to this cause.

Today we reclaim for the rakyat their right to assemble peacefully in our public places. Today we unite in heart, soul and spirit to fight for a better Malaysia. We fight not only for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children. In short, we are fighting for the future of our beloved Malaysia.

And we fight because we have hope and we see hope all around us. We fight because we know that together we can build a Malaysia that represents all that is good in us. All that is just and noble, righteous and compassionate.

Though we may not be legally or politically powerful , we are morally formidable because we are united in a righteous cause. We say to our leaders….stop fighting us for we will only grow stronger. Heed our voices that claim our democratic and constitutional rights. Stop ignoring our citizens overseas as if they don’t exist. Stop ignoring our demands for a clean 13th GE and an independent Election Commission. Have the honour to face off with each other in the elections on an even playing field.

And finally, uphold our constitutional right to live in a healthy and clean environment.

This is the message of Bersih 3. This is the message of the people.

* Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan is the co-chairman of Bersih (The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections).