Lim Kit Siang

Bersih 3

by Allan CF Goh

Today dawns with dark war clouds,
Ominous and threatening,
But they don’t frighten the crowd,
In spite of vile foreboding.
People want clean elections,
To express truly their wills
Of national selections
To man all government tills,
With good, proper accounting,
Not with more meaningless shrills.
This is what we are fighting:
People pray for a good life,
Guarded by a government,
That ensures life without strife,
And an honest parliament.
This can only come about,
With honorable elections,
Not one pre-empt by roustabouts,
Not one fraught with deceptions.
Bersih 3 wants cleanliness
In all aspects of the nation.
Bersih wants all due fairness,
Without any corruption.
Good will triumph over evil,
Truth will finally prevail,
Let righteousness be our anvil,
To destroy elections vile.