Captain Ahab, Pequod vs Moby Dick

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 18, 2012

APRIL 18 — We like it when Dr Mahathir speaks as often as he wants to. While I have often described him as the man who can walk on water, in this article he is Captain Ahab to Najib’s Starbuck as far as the Umno mother ship is concerned. The Umno ship is the Pequod which sails out under Captain Ahab seeking revenge on the sperm whale Moby Dick. Captain Ahab is completely consumed by revenge to seek out and kill off Moby Dick. Because Moby Dick has bitten off a portion of one of his legs.

What’s with Dr Mahathir really? The ghosts of misdeeds past are haunting him? Have we the people bitten off part of his left leg? Right leg? Well, we know eventually the ship went down bringing along Ahab to his watery grave.

Please don’t stop him. We want Dr Mahathir to speak more about Malaysian politics. The more he says, the faster is the demise of Umno. Apparently he has forgotten why Pak Lah in 2004, got the largest majority in the history of BN. Dr Mahathir and NOT Pak Lah was the main factor giving BN the largest mandate.

Not that the people thought Pak Lah would be a good PM. He turned out to be a sleepy head on the many issues facing the country. History will probably remember him as the PM we got as a result of a mistake.

The main reason why Pak Lah got the biggest majority was that the people were rejoicing at the exit of Mahathir. Malaysia is today what Africa was 20 years ago. Malaysia is fast becoming a frontier town with gunslingers around.

Since 1981 to be exact, Umno has changed in character completely. It has evolved into an evil empire devouring the wealth of the country through a complex network of cronies and a labyrinth of shady deals leading back eventually to the upper reaches of the Umno leadership. The buck does indeed stop there.

How does the Malay man react to the unending list of felonious acts? I find it distressing when grown up men, intelligent ones at that, justifying and rationalising all the evil that Umno has done as forgivable because they are committed by Malays. When a Malay rapes and pillages, that is all right and forgivable because he is one of us? Has Umno since 1981, evolve into an old boy network of thieves and murderers?

When a Malay contractor gets a project at an Umno price, it’s ok because at least a Malay got it. The Malay gets 20-30 per cent, the rest goes to his Chinese subcontractor. The Umno Malay is a profiteering parasitic intellectual gnome.

Where will Umno and BN get their votes from? From the over 60s who are not that large number? Those who have crossed over to the other GOOD side are not likely to come back to BN. Umno and BN will also get votes from the instant Malaysians — the immigrants who came and were given MyKads.

Perhaps privy to the biggest electoral scam ever in our history, Captain Ahab wants to help steer the Umno ship to its ocean grave. We must encourage Dr Mahathir to seek out Moby Dick. Moreover, we have a lame duck PM who has declared war on the people. The PM is also forgetful that the people, who made the mistake of wrongly voting in the last elections, were in the 49 per cent group of popular voters. The 51 per cent group must have gotten it right. Stick to it people. —

* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de plume of Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz. He was Pulau Manis assemblyman (2004-2008).


10 Replies to “Captain Ahab, Pequod vs Moby Dick”

  1. ‘History will probably remember him (Pak Lah) as the PM we got as a result of a mistake.’

    And we now got another one by that same mistake. Talk about compounding our mistakes and ending up with bigger problems.

    We must correct our mistakes, people. As one Lingam said in another occasion: ‘Correct, Correct, Correct.’

  2. “I find it distressing when grown up men, intelligent ones at that, justifying and rationalising all the evil that Umno has done as forgivable because they are committed by Malays. When a Malay rapes and pillages, that is all right and forgivable because he is one of us? ”

    And therein lies the problem we face as a society, where a thief or rapist or plunderer is forgiven because he is of one race and one religion. Many Malays just shrug their shoulders, cross the BN symbol at every election, and go on with life.

    When questioned why should Shahrizat’s family be the beneficiaries of RM 250 million of public funds, the average Malay will just sit down and accept the fact that the family is Malay and is trying to be entrepreneurs. When questioned why Tajuddin should be let off the hook for hundreds of millions in a court judgement against him, the average Malay is not going to shout and scream murder if the reason is that Tajuddin is a Malay entrepreneur having fallen on hard times.

  3. For a Malay to basically dismiss Mahathir’s politicking despite the fact that Mahathir has been the most successful politician in modern Malay history is very telling on the character of what a real Malay is.

    The real Malay, the very best of them, are full of awareness, not imprisoned by traditional, historical or popular notions. They are not closed minded or lacking in anything be it character, intellect. They are fully capable of overcoming whatever disadvantage or even discrimination against them..

  4. All the signs are showing that vast majority Malaysians……including thousands UMNO b members and their supporters…. hate Mahathir ..yet this man does not know?
    Sure he do know…. but in wanting to be the dirtiest politician and the leader of the rouges and thieves…he has to have a very thick skin and a tongue that can twist….confusing all when and poisoning weak minds…especially the Muslims and leads all to steal.
    He knows money will be worst than drugs fed to people.
    Yes Dollah won an election….no other UMNO b PM have ever won that much…over 92% majority votes is mainly Mahathir ….stepped down.
    His weakness is when he twists…..he likes to brag and blame others.
    Vast majority Malaysians voters hate Mahathir.
    He knows that too. He is not a fool.
    One side of his brain tells him he has to keep talking to protect his sons.
    The other side tells him….to keep saying how great a PM he was.
    Keep talking same things…one day all will believe.
    That’s always UMNO b ways in capturing votes.
    That tactic does not work today.
    What do you want Mahathir to do?….cry again and ask Malaysians for forgiveness that he stole ….RM100 billion from us and get arrested?
    No siree….his mind has to keep contradicting…keep flip flopping…where Najib keep copying his ideas…..but have no brain …and as easy to be exposed.
    Najib’s grey matters……very poor.
    He needs guidance. Mahathir does not need anyone to teach him anything. That’s the differences between the master and student…..both liars and flip floppers.
    It is now two clowns performing.
    Why stop them?…..enjoy.

  5. If Mahathir is compared to Captain Ahad…who is so obsessed to kill Moby Dick….he will lead his members{crews} all to hell and be defeated at 13th GE…except one candidate by the name of Iskemel.
    Who do we compare Moby Dick to??..Anwar or PutraJaya?

  6. “The main reason why Pak Lah got the biggest majority was that the people were rejoicing at the exit of Mahathir. Malaysia is today what Africa was 20 years ago. Malaysia is fast becoming a frontier town with gunslingers around.”

    How true it was on the above statement. I still remember I was rejoice when PAk Lah return with the best majority ever and I am happy I am one of them that made that happen. But as hope on this Mr. Clean faded away, I have changed and vote PR last election and I will firm on this ever until there is regime change.

  7. Monsterball: Don’t you know that Moby Dick is the new nickname given to the minister from Sabah who is involved in a relationship with a mamak actress ?

    “My name is Dick, Moby Dick”

  8. /Where will Umno and BN get their votes from? From the over 60s who are not that large number? Those who have crossed over to the other GOOD side are not likely to come back to BN. Umno and BN will also get votes from the instant Malaysians — the immigrants who came and were given MyKads./

    Could it be one day just like Sabah where the true Malaysians become the minority group.We have to stop this from happening by voting out unpatriotic Umno/BN goons in the Ge13.

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