Lim Kit Siang

What a load of rubbish

— Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 16, 2012

APRIL 16 — This is what we learnt today. We learnt that Najib Razak is in his element when making promises. He will sound like a true believer when you give him the floor, as they did in Parliament today.

He promised “more reforms”. I love it that he assumes that his replacement laws are reforms and that Idris Jala’s sleight of hand EPP, ETP and GTP qualify as real change.

He will do away with the Publishing and Printing Presses Act and amend the Sedition Act, he said, but left out a time frame. This is a superb tactic given that it is likely this is the last Parliament session before the polls!

Najib is a prime minister who will say anything and pretend to do something to win our votes. He said today that the era of the “government knows best” is over. Are you sure?

Now the majority of Malaysians, or at least those staying near Gebeng, don’t want the toxic Lynas investment, so why is the Najib administration still shoving this project, which will make some Aussies super rich, down our throats? If the era of “government knows best” is over, then why aren’t they listening to us?

Because Najib is the sound-bite PM.

We also learnt that Dr Mahathir Mohamad is troubled that Abu Sahid Mohamed may be making an inordinate amount of money from the sale of Maju Expressway, which links KL with Putrajaya and Cyberjaya.

In case the good doctor forgot, he was the PM who made it possible for Abu Sahid to become the “entrepreneur” he is today. Dr Mahathir gave him the Perwaja Steel project and it was the Mahathir administration that gave Abu Sahid the concession for MEX, not to mention the RM976 million grant to build the highway.

It is a bit late to lament about the sale of the project, which is expected to net Abu Sahid up to RM1 billion.

As I like to say, another “project” by Barisan Nasional.