Dr M: Now a good time for polls

The Malaysian Insider
Apr 15, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, April 15 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak should call for a general election while he is confident of victory, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.

The former prime minister also said that time was running out before Najib would be forced to hold national polls mandatorily.

“If we think we can win, we can call the election. If the people give us a good support, that’s the time to call the election,” Dr Mahathir was quoted as saying in a Bernama Online report.

“Even now, it looks good,” he continued.

Prime Minister Najib is expected to call for an early general election soon to allow Barisan Nasional (BN) to take advantage of the positive mood following a slew of cash handouts and a civil service pay increase.

The Malaysian Insider understands the election may be held as early as June with Parliament expected to be dissolved in mid-May.

The window within which Najib retains control over the timing of the election is now narrowing.

“I think it (election) won’t be too long into the future because there isn’t much time left; we only have until middle of next year,” Dr Mahathir said today.


21 Replies to “Dr M: Now a good time for polls”

  1. Mahathir is just doing what he does best – rambling in complete self denial that his opinions no longer bear relevance to modern Malaysians wanting a change in the stale and ineffective BN. As always he speaks with such wanton disregard for the people’s demands for clean fair elections … So obvious he advocates a kotor GE13 and is encouraging BN to try to grapple a win no matter the cost and however the means.

    Mahathir should get over it – his era is over.

  2. if the people give us support = bangla, Burmese, indon, Nepalese, cambodian, Filipino and paki.

    country is going to the dogs and this statesman is still thinking about continue skimming and plunder.

    8 over decades has gone without him realizing the country is heading to the dooms.

  3. Of course, before or still better, without electorial reforms it is a good time for corrupt UMNO to hold polls!!!!! That is foremost in Mamak’s mind. UMNO/BN must retain Putrajaya or Mamak will have to flee the country.

  4. What Mahathir is really saying……for better or worst Najib should get it over with it.
    You know Mahathir.
    He is a twister no one can twist better than him.
    Najib’s head is on the block……not his.
    Rosmah has the final say…..not Mahathir.

  5. “Hurry Up!”
    “We havent got all day.”

    That was dr mamak’s message. The situation looks good now, he added.

    Now in perspective dr mamak actually meant this. Umno is in a lot of sheeeet and time is running very short. And things can only get worse further down the road. For umno there is really no time which may be considered as good time for holding the election. So do it now!

  6. Anyone with their head screwed on right knows Najib has to go in June and simply has no choice to the matter. Why Mahathir has to open his mouth as if Najib cannot do so without his permission?

    It clearly show there is division between Najib & Mahathir and the result of the election is crucial. Najib cannot simply win by a narrow margin. Not only will PR not accept it, UMNO-Perkasa/BN will not either.

    Its most probable that Najib’s career is at its near end..

  7. He is 85 years old and afraid longer delays may cost him not able to cast a vote…when judgement day and time is up for him.
    The delays is now causing him some stress he cannot bear….and so…this actor talk as he likes …twist as he likes.

  8. He has been stripped naked for the world to see through all his lies but still got the cheek to talk as if he has done nothing wrong! Qther than ‘SHAMELESS’ I cannot think of a better word to describe him. Some years ago, a Singapore minister’s corrupt deeds was found out. You know what happened to him? Yes, he was too ashamed to face people; he comitted sucide. Here in Bolehland, things are very different. PMs, Ex-PMs, ministers, deputy ministers openly continue to plunder the nation dry but are held in high esteem by their party members.

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