Just who are the traitors?

— Spencer Gan
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 07, 2012

APRIL 7 — I note that Perkasa today called Bersih’s Ambiga Sreenevasan a traitor. I am afraid that the tables have been turned on its head in this country and the despicable and corrupt are now dishing out labels liberally.

But I do wonder whether the majority of us would consider a law-abiding activist a traitor or would they consider her a TRAITOR?

1. Someone who allegedly received kickbacks totalling RM144 million from a French defence company for agreeing to purchase two submarines. It is a fair assumption that the person/persons who received the money were not influenced by the utility of the purchase.

Asia Sentinel quoting French legal sources said that a Hong Kong company headed by Razak Baginda and his father received RM144 million from the French defence company. There is some evidence that the money was funnelled to Najib Razak who was the defence minister then. Is this a treacherous act? I wonder.

2. Individuals in the Prime Minister’s Department and senior government officials who have been giving foreigners documentation to allow them to vote in the coming elections. Citizenship is a privilege and it is the height of treachery for this privilege to be given away as if it were a Barisan Nasional T-shirt.

3. Traitors steal from their fellow citizens and don’t respect the rule of law. In this category is the Malaysian Cabinet. I am being generous but I don’t believe that even one minister is living on his Cabinet salary.

They have funnelled contracts, APs to family members, nominees. Some of them are being “kept” on monthly retainers by big business and in return, they influence decision-making so that their business partners win contracts, most often through direct negotiation.

4. Are the people behind Bersih traitors or the editors of mainstream media who have sold not only their profession down the drain but have sold their soul for cash and a Datukship?

5. Traitors are politicians who were voted in under one banner but who jump ship at the sight of money being flashed at them.

6. Traitors are law enforcement officials and government leaders who refuse to set up an independent tribunal against the catalogue of serious charges against the Attorney-General.

Yes, there are many “traitors” amongst us. Just don’t think the people from Bersih qualify.


26 Replies to “Just who are the traitors?”

  1. In the brains of certain olang-utans, a traitor is anyone who refuses to acknowledge unmoputras as the supreme race. Thus thieves such as Mamakatiu, Tajudin and Shahreezuk are NOT, repeat NOT traitors

  2. where money is whoreshipped, it is seen as Halal even to those jokers who preached to the Masses by splitting the hair. At this stage, it has reached the same stage when Hitler was in power, or when Mao’s little Red Book becomes the guides no matter how illogical it has become. After 30 over years of brain Bashing under BTN programme, it is left to the Power that be to decide what is Good for the Society even if the whole world thought otherwise! How far are we from Zimbabwe? I think we may have already arrived there! They have reached a stage where all the easy money is taken for granted! MySHARE! Otherwise how would the Cow-gate operator had the gut to refuse even to resign? The coffer of the nation has been conveniently assigned hence She screamed: Why me? It is a game which continues to be played, only now some of the voters being given the token amount. It must be the hope of ALL Malaysians that such tokenism should not be allowed to sway the final votes. Those given should be told that such cash has been taken away from them for far too long! They have earned it as Malaysians, not something the Power that be is giving them out of love or kindness! It is THEIR CASH!

  3. LOL,
    People who buy defense weapons that cannot work properly but costing huge sums are traitors.
    Not only to the ordinary folks, but more importantly, to the armed forces who have to use them!!!!
    Now, about the Scorpene sub that could not dive!
    It’s well and good that it could not dive and the problem can be rectified without loss of life!
    What would happen if it couldn’t surface after diving??
    That would be a disaster.
    Either way it was a grave injustice to the men who risk their lives for the country to let them use weapons that are defective!!!!
    It just so happened that fortunately, very fortunately, it couldn’t dive and therefore, no loss of life was involved!!
    Another traitorous act was the issuing of citizenship to those who don’t deserve them in the first place, whether for monetary gain or other ulterior motives.
    Such a move would flood the country with foreigners who could be a serious security threat to the country.
    Just witness the recent event where some guards killed a foreigner and a bunch of his friends armed themselves and staged a riot?
    And to think that we have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of foreigners, legal as well as illegal around, it would not be too difficult for them to take over the country even!!!!
    And who are the traitors who made such things possible???
    Then, there are those who squander the hard earned money of the taxpayers either by siphoning it off to their cronies or themselves or kin; they are equally traitorous!
    Because by doing so they betrayed the trust of the citizens of this country who entrusted their hard earned money to them as trustees!
    As members of the Federal Government, the citizens expected them to be of a high moral standard but instead what do Malaysians get?
    Lying, cheating, corrupted, unscrupulous, immoral characters who bite the very hand that feeds them!!
    This is another traitorous act!!!
    But those trying to right such wrongs that are being wrought upon this country is DEFINITELY NOT THE ACT OF TRAITORS!

  4. What abt HE who knows NOT who 2 b Women, Family n Community Development Minister, n then grabs d post 4 himself? A he_she! TRAITOR?

    What abt HE who appoints LohSimah or Um mi as senator first n then as WFCD Minister? TRAITOR?

  5. There’s a difference between criticizing or even ridiculing someone whose politics one disapproves and labeling him/her “traitor”. The latter approach is “I’m not just going to beat you (as political rival) but I’m going to destroy you (as pitiless political foe) lest he/she destroys”. This is dangerous paranoia. It may be asked what is that person destroying that he/she be labeled traitor. Ambiga is after all advocating Free & Clean Elections. It is for cause of Democracy. However democracy – liberalism and human rights itself which an ex IGP likened to Communism- are viewed by some as a threat to the Political Party and Order representing a way of life, a set of norms based on superiority and dominance of a certain clan, tribe, race and in-group, with which their vested including financial interests are identified. To the extent that Ambiga threatens this political order, even a patriot will be labeled a traitor. It might be hoped that sufficient anger and scorn, suspicion and anxiety will be aroused by such labeling to intimidate and deter her from her course.

  6. The examples of people doing 1. to 6. cited by Spencer Gan as traitors to the nation are NOT traitors to those who label Ambiga as “traitor” and the reason for this is that they (1. to 6.) are all part and supportive of the political order and system structured opportunistically upon primacy of race, creed and religion the preservation of which is overarching and more important than fighting or addressing any abuse of power, corruption, subversion of rule of law, decline of educational standards etc. Anyone rejecting the norms and rules of the racial dominance/hegemony or purporting to uphold truth, morality and ethics, democracy, meritocracy or even national interests in a manner that threatens the survival of the political party or political order that upholds and stands for these norms (supposedly sanctioned by Social Contract) is a traitor! The word “traitor” is good. It is value laden (extremely negative); it is emotive, and stir men’s anger, suspicion, hatred against the person so accused and removes their capacity to rationalize if such accusation is deserved Because of its deep emotional content, the very word “traitor” itself is a wonderful political tool with which to manipulate people’s thinking to proceed on emotional than rational lines!

  7. It is often said that those who crow about our children receiving a better quality of education than those in the United States Germany and United Kingdom (as evinced by the thousands who scored 10As even if they could not pass the IB exams) are in a “state of denial”. A person can (deliberately) deny without being in a state of denial just like a person saying that the country is climbing up in human capital, value added chain, economic growth, democracy and tackling corruption better than rest of ASEAN need not have to believe in what he says!

    They know and are crystal clear of the score on how the country declines by reason of race based policies and politics but it is a compromise & sacrifice necessary because of the overarching importance of preserving the present race based political order so that elites could continue to forage on resources of the state and privileges. It is age old problem of selfishness of the few against the interest of the rest. It is as simple as that. Its not denial syndrome in sense that they actually believe what they say.They don’t but have to say for preservation of the political agenda that benefits them.

  8. A traitor is someone who possesses certain ‘traits’.

    Take for example BN. Its members’ ‘traits’ include the penchant for excessive intake of ‘vitamin C-or’. They also like to partake tremendous amounts of rich gravy when they are on the gravy trains and they have been on the trains for sometime.

    Indeed the Health Minister one Mr Lie, has repeatedly warned that excessive intake of vitamin C-or and rich gravies are bad for the health. It can cause their arteries to back-up, their blood to thicken with moolalas, their livers, kidneys and pancreas to go haywire, their eyes to pop out, they all go bald and they all talk cockerels.

    But hey, the members don’t care. They have been at it for 55 years and no health problems….yet. They all think they will live forever but are they going to get a surprise soon….their bodies malfunctions and they have to retire. They will then have all the time in the world to talk about and account for their traits, these traitors.

  9. T: The greatest trai tor, MMK, who enriched selected few n impoverished rakyat
    R: Rosepork’s backdoor grab of power n cheapo limelight
    A: Altan tuya S’s spirit still after her murderers
    I: International Scor pene fraud n seks skan dal
    T: Tiger show wife cheating pre si dent talking cock n bull
    O: O lord, more rubbish fr Perkosa n UmnoB
    R: Ra jak’s corrupt “Gua kasih U $$$, Lu kasih I votes, 2/3 majoriti”

  10. Malaysians know who are the Patriots and who are the Traitors.
    Najib has taken over Shahrizat ministerial post…sort of telling all UMNO b women….none is qualified to replace her.
    It’s one crook protecting another crook….shamelessly.

  11. Just who are the traitors?
    To be known to more voters
    The leaders who abuse the power they got
    They are the shameless lot
    In league with the spineless institutions
    Scandals of corruption after corruption
    Rural voters, wake up and be wise
    There is an answer to our cries
    PR rules states are under better control
    Voting in PR should be our goal

  12. Najib is the traitor that can twist and turn and accuses others as traitors.
    He is copying Mahathir’s style of talking.
    And like Mahathir…he forgets easily too.
    Planning how to bribe voters…create as many ghosts to vote for him….BERSIH 3 will be a nightmare to him.
    Altantuya coming out again….double nightmares.

  13. Now I get it…. The 3 macc murderers are not charged but promoted because they are patriots, having disposed of the traitor TBH. Jibby is also a patriot for getting rid of the Mongol spy, while Hasan Ali is trying to be a patriot by getting rid of the Christian traitors

  14. This is the problem. When one uses a word (say, ‘traitor’) there must be match between what the speaker intends it to mean and what the hearer understands it to mean. Here there may be a disjunct/disconnect. Speaker intends “traitor” to mean any one whose words and conduct is critical of, adverse against the elected government and race hegemonic political order/feudal patronage culture established by the UMNO led government for last 5 decades whereas the hearer like Spencer Gan understands the word as meaning “traitorious” to against interest of nation and its peoples of all races and whatever political affliation or creed. There could not be a dialogue as the understanding of the word is not the same between speaker and listener. Just like how Human Rights can be construed to be Communistic! No point of debate/discussion cos there’s no common ground. Shouldn’t waste time.

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