KLPAC insists Singapore ballet application was rejected

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 05, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, April 5 — The KL Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) maintained today it had submitted a permit application for the Singapore Dance Theatre (SDT) to federal authorities a month ago, refuting a federal minister’s claim that it had not done so.

KLPAC executive producer and co-founder Datuk Faridah Merican explained in a statement here that the application was “personally” submitted to Puspal, or the Central Agency for the Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artists, on March 7 by KLPAC production manager Freddy Tan.

Tan, she said, was subsequently “advised” by a Puspal officer last Wednesday that the application had been rejected for two reasons – costuming and foreign performers.

“This was most unusual because we had applied for performances by the Singapore Dance Theatre on two previous occasions and both were approved,” Faridah said.

“In fact, we have always found Puspal to be most helpful and understanding.”

It is believed that the two reasons given by Puspal were not communicated in great detail to Tan.

Faridah said that following the permit rejection, an appeal was submitted on the same day.

But despite this, she confirmed that the ballet performance, titled “Ballet Illuminations”, originally scheduled for April 6 and 7 at KLPAC, had to be cancelled.

“This has resulted in many disappointed patrons and in much expense incurred by both the SDT and KLPAC,” she said.

Earlier today, Information, Communications and Culture minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim refuted reports that the performance had been cancelled due to indecent attire, claiming instead that Puspal had never received KLPAC’s permit application.

The federal lawmaker insisted instead that he too loves ballet and said on his Twitter timeline that, “as someone responsible for culture, I would strongly urge that this ballet performance be on in Kuala Lumpur.”

The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday that the SDT had been denied a permit to perform here this weekend owing to their “indecent” costumes.

MyDance Alliance president Bilqis Hijjas said the decision by Puspal was “deplorable” and would hurt Malaysia’s reputation as a reliable host for cultural shows.

Bilqis said Puspal had approved dances featuring classical tutus before — even at government-run theatre Istana Budaya as late as this year — and asked why the agency was “so inconsistent” in applying its guidelines.

“KLPAC, by comparison, is a private business on private ground, with paying audiences who were well aware of what they were coming to see, and not one of whom would have been distressed by the costumes,” she said.

But SDT artistic director Janek Schergen has dismissed the discussions as speculation, noting that “The Nutcracker,” one of the shows it was to have performed, was “one of the most respected, classic and family-friendly dances there are”.


8 Replies to “KLPAC insists Singapore ballet application was rejected”

  1. CSL cannot talk about islamic issue because his bigger brother,Ibrahim of the head Perkosa will bite off his kuku bird.Then he will not only feel upset for himself but also for Angelina Yam.This idiot,the only one and good thing about him is-bang as hard and long enough as one can while still in the comfortable office.F U MCA!

  2. If it was officially rejected, show us the rejection letter or chop to confirm it. Show us the application made on March 7 and shame the d.vil.

    Whilst other countries mara (advance) bravely into the 21st Century, 1Malaysia berundur (retreat), gostan back to centuries past.

    This must be one of the ‘Transformation’ Najib frequently talks about.

  3. This is what happens when BN puts that sleepy dopey dinasour Rais up there in the turnstile of the nation’s progress and growth. He ain’t no catalyst. He is a real incompetent minister who does a better job humouring mankind with his clown antics and smart alec 2 cents worth of his shallow useless views. Rais please quite and stop embarrassing Malaysians. Malaysians are not like you. Malaysians also don’t like you.

  4. They forgot to pay duit kopi. They forgot this is bolehland not kiasuland. Also in bolehland, the people can get a hard on watching ballet, swimming, gymnastic, women tennis, track & field events.

    Duit kopi is the lubrication to the corrupted machinery in bolehland. Remember that next time when applying for any permits in bolehland.

  5. No one in his right mind would believe that KLPAC HAD NOT submitted the permit application! Either the so-called M I N I S T E R is an idiot or he thinks that the public are idiots.

    Some people are so “HOLY” and “PURE” to find the costumes too eye-poking?

    Ha ha ha, for all you know, these are the very same people who secretly enjoy their hugh porn collection behind closed doors!


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