Lim Kit Siang

Anwar: Christian threat is Umno propaganda

S Pathmawathy | Mar 28, 2012

Pakatan Rakyat condemned the latest move to instil fear of the threat of Christianisation in the country, blaming it as tactic by Umno to “frighten” the Muslim Malay majority.

“I want to state, the all mighty in Malaysia is Umno – Umno is in charge of religion, Umno is in charge of the finances – so if the allegations (of attempt to spread Christianity) is true, that means it is Umno that failed to strengthened the faith of the Muslims,” said opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

“What I can confirm is that this is nothing other than a disgusting political manoeuvre to use religion to frighten the people,” Anwar said.

Speaking at a press conference at Parliament today, Anwar pointed out that if a movement exists to threaten the faith of the Muslims, then there are adequate legal measures that can be taken for transgressing the law.

He was responding to a letter on a seminar organised by the Johor Education Department the coming Saturday titled ‘Pemantapan Aqidah, Bahaya Liberalisme dan Pluralism Serta Ancaman Kristianisasi Terhadap Umat Islam. Apa Peranan Guru?’ (Strengthening Faith, Dangers of Liberalism and Pluralism and the threat of Christianity towards Muslims. What is the Role of Teachers?).

The letter addressed to primary and secondary schools heads in the Johor Baru district, required two religious teachers from 55 schools in the district to attend the seminar.

Drawing similarities to past claims of proselytisation of Muslims, Anwar said that the relevant authorities have failed to furnish evidence.

Last year, the Selangor Islamic Department gatecrashed an event organised by Harapan Komuniti at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church’s (DUMC) Dream Centre based on a tip-off alleging proselytisation among attendees.

Jais found 12 Muslims among the crowd but the organiser had denied any allegations of trying to proselytise Muslims, stressing that it was a fundraising dinner for the HIV support group.

Prior to that a controversy broke after several DAP leaders were accused of hatching a plot with pastors to establish Christianity as the country’s official religion.

Not proper to ‘politicise religion’

PAS vice-president Husam Musa, who was also at the leadership council meeting, reminded the government that it is not proper to “politicise religion”.

“If we are truly concerned, we would provide more for missionary work, heighten awareness and correct faith. We would stop corruption and mismanagement,” said Anwar, adding that such seminars would only create tension between faiths.

“We will advise Muslims in the country to be wary on this issue. As Pakatan (and) as Muslims (we) will continue to adhere to Islamic principles (and) maintain excellent rapport and working relationship,” he said.

DAP’s parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said the seminar is at odds with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s call for “moderates of the world to unite against extremists”.

“This is creating suspicion and distrust among the religions. The Christian leaders have called for proof because they made it clear about their sensitivities and the need to maintain religious harmony,” said Lim.

Such programmes will only “lead to greater racial polarisation”, he said, urging for quick measures to be taken to resolve the issue.