Tribunal will show A-G’s hand in Altantuya trial, says Mat Zain

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 26, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, March 26 — Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim today continued to pressure the prime minister to investigate the Attorney-General for alleged abuse of power, arguing that a tribunal will prove Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s “manipulation” in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial.

PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak had on Friday said there was no need to probe claims against the A-G made by Mat Zain and former Bukit Aman commercial criminal investigations chief Datuk Ramli Yusoff, saying they were mere allegations.

But Mat Zain claimed today a tribunal would “expose the wrongdoings of Abdul Gani in manipulating, hiding material evidence” in the Altantuya trial.

The A-G’s manipulation, said the ex-cop, was evident with the change in prosecutors in the trial, where deputy public prosecutor Datuk Sallehuddin Saidin was replaced by Datuk Tun Majid Hamzah.

Mat Zain said the reason given by Abdul Gani back then was that Sallehuddin had an “intimate relationship” with the presiding judge as they were “badminton partners”, and that that might affect the trial process.

“If the close ties betwen judge Mohd Zaki and Sallehuddin are being questioned, why did Gani Patail hide his personal relationship with Mohd Zaki and as well as Tun Majid’s ties with the judge?

“Mohd Zaki was a judicial commissioner (JC) under Abdul Gani in 2005. Tun Majid, like Sallehuddin had close ties with Mohd Zaki as they were working together in Perak in 1987, and then the A-G’s chambers,” Mat Zain said today in an open letter addressed to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar.

He said that if Abdul Gani had really wanted to be fair and impartial, he would have ensured that another judge presided over the Altantuya murder trial.

“By withholding material evidence, it is an offence under Section 415 of the Penal Code, and Gani cannot do this,” added the ex-cop.

Mat Zain also claimed that former trial suspect Abdul Razak Baginda had signed an affidavit relating to the case in 2007, but the contents of the affidavit were never challenged by the A-G.

“Mohd Zaki released him without calling for his defence, as though his affidavit was not challenged.

“When Razak Baginda was freed, Gani Patail did not want to file an appeal even though there were a lot of calls to do so.”

Mat Zain also alleged that a tribunal would shed some light into instances of power abuse and manipulation of facts in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II trial and 1998 “black eye” incident involving the A-G and former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

He accused the two of stealing Anwar’s blood samples for DNA tests in the Sodomy II trial and using it against him.

Mat Zain stressed that these were merely parts of a “no holds barred” testimony that he is prepared to give in front of the tribunal, should it be formed.

“The issue of a tribunal will not go away as long as both Abdul Gani and Musa Hassan are not brought to justice. Their transgression…is too serious to be forgiven.”


6 Replies to “Tribunal will show A-G’s hand in Altantuya trial, says Mat Zain”

  1. “Mohd Zaki was a judicial commissioner (JC) under Abdul Gani in 2005. Tun Majid, like Sallehuddin had close ties with Mohd Zaki as they were working together in Perak in 1987, and then the A-G’s chambers,” Mat Zain said today in an open letter addressed to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar.

    Hahahahaha.All are party friends.Altantuya will join the party section soon.

  2. Ask anyone on the street, “Who has the power to grant permission to issue C4 explosives?” Everybody knows the answer.

    Anyway, nobody believes Altantuya’s trial WAS NOT manipulated.

  3. It appears that Najib has to protect a lot of people – JJ, Isa, the former IGP, Shahrizat, AG, the list goes on.

    Is he obliged to do so or are they squeezing his …. . One might conclude that he has skeletons in his cupboards. (‘Which UMNO leader does not have problems?’).

  4. I admire and respect Mat Zain persistently pressuring PM for actions.
    He is one ex cop that trying to protect the good name of the Police Force…being given a bad name by corrupted few.
    Malaysians are fully aware…Najib will never act on his requests.
    Only through a change of Govt. can be expect real justice for all.
    Right now…all righteous influential personalities and PR politicians can keep on shouting and exposing ..who is Najib….and what he is and let people judge….true or false.
    Altantuya???..why it seems she was not in Malaysia at all….with all her visiting and leaving Malaysia record …all wiped out…YET there is a dead body..blown into pieces.
    Take note…Immigration record gone…using C4 bomb…and anyone believe is the work of those two policemen being accused is an idiot.
    Najib will never allow his chosen top police be charged at all.
    It spells the end of him…if he does it.

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