Show BN the door

— Gomen Man
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 18, 2012

MARCH 18 — We should punish Umno/Barisan Nasional for their arrogance and must pay heed every time their politicians show their arrogance and let other Malaysians know about it.

And it is even more imperative that we act decisively when those who portray their arrogance and deign to lecture us are anything but role models. Just listen to Najib Razak and Muhyiddin Yassin.

Today, the PM says that his government’s reforms will fail if states under the Opposition are not back in the BN fold. What a sham.

Look, his so-called reforms are dead, and have been for some time. Fearful of losing his party warlords, there have not been any open tenders, or move to push Malaysia up the income level, or more transparency in government procurement.

And let us not talk about Pemandu and Idris Jala. This is the man who supposedly turned around Malaysia Airlines and look at where the carrier is now. Pemandu have come out with a wish list of projects and their estimates are so incredible that most senior civil servants roll their eyes whenever anyone mentions Pemandu.

Our national debt is more than 55 per cent of the GDP, the highest it has ever been. It would seem the crony capitalism of the Mahathir years is back.

But Najib still is in la la land and now says that his transformation programme will be in jeopardy if Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan do not return to BN control. We can tolerate grandstanding but we should not accept lies.

Selangor and Penang are more efficiently run and have undergone more significant transformation than any BN-run state, with better surpluses and stronger foreign investor interest. Kelantan is among the poorest states because the federal government has deprived the state of funds, including oil royalty.

If anything, it is the Opposition-run states which have shown an appetite for reform, whether through the Freedom of Information Act, etc.

But Najib is prepared to lie to former Malay civil servants and that is his prerogative. We don’t have to put up with these lies anymore.

Now let me discuss his deputy. The man dismisses the threat of Bersih 3.0 and says that demos don’t change anything. Serious? Why did his boss push through the lame duck Peaceful Assembly Act if not for pressure from Bersih 2.0? Why did Najib change the Internal Security Act if not for pressure from Bersih 2.0?

But we should not be surprised about Muhyiddin. The guy rarely talks sense. It is a wonder he is still a national leader given his legal troubles with a group of Singapore investors back in the days when he was the Johor MB. Just Google Stamford and Muhyiddin.

He was also the agriculture minister when Shahrizat Jalil’s family hit the jackpot aka the NFC project.

17 Replies to “Show BN the door”

  1. Mama mia! Altantuya is finally visiting us during this GE 13.

    Nothing Malaysian immigartion can do about it. Ghosts dont need passport. Anyway Altantuya has no fingerprints left. All blown to smithereens.

    Let’s welcome Altantuya’s ghost this Cheng Beng (All Souls’ Day).

    Nothing u can do stop her visit, mama Rose.

  2. Their skin has growed very thick, shamless. They lie with eye wide opened.

    Try fliping todays papers, star front page: Karpal Sigh photo, wow! finaly Karpal get front page.

    Then, Muyiddin talk about Anwar deny RPK on wikileak forum. Right about denying RPK, how about debate between Najib and Anwar?

    Then, PM offer 100 scholarships for Indian, what about chinses, Malay and others, what about 1 malaysia, why must we boxed into races? why make this 5 yrs events? why this still marketable?.

    By fliping the papers, it tells, we are not matured enough to show BN the door.

  3. According to a recent international survey, the cost of living in KL/Malaysia is now 70% of New York’s. But our income is only 30% compared to that of NY. So much for Najib’s/BN’s transformation.

    Some of those transformation initiatives are sound ideas in theory. But the problem is in the implementation. As long as you have vested interest of cronyism amongst the powerful UMNO warloads and their BN sidekicks, a former leader still wielding considerable power supporting these culture of cronyism under the guise of the NEP, endemic corruption at the highest level and racism slanted policies, nothing will change.

    And if the people are stupid enough to give this BN Govt further free rein to run this country, they have only themselves to blame. The recent “finger in your face” by Indonesia with regards to the maid issue is a manifestation of their growing economic power and the reduction in dependency to send their people to work overseas. Resource rich Myanmar is opening up and initial signs are they are serious about competing with the other countries in the region and it would not be surprising to see them catching up or even surpassing Malaysia in economic growth in the not too distant future. Do not underestimate them. In the “80s when I first visited China, I could not even buy decent batteries for my camera and cellophane tape was a luxury. We all know where China is today compared to Malaysia. Thailand and Vietnam are already surging ahead. No need to mention that little red dot down south. From university rankings, quality of life, standard of living, public transport, per capita income etc they have surpassed Malaysia.

    Give BN any more time and by 2020 we will be exporting maids to Indonesia and Myanmar and construction workers to Thailand and Bangladesh.

  4. PR wins the next GE and UMNO/BN will be history.
    However, Malaysians must go all out to canvas the rural folks to cast their votes for PR.
    Do that by whatever means that are available.
    A vote for the PR is a vote for a brighter future.
    A vote for the BN is a vote for DOOM!

  5. Najib’s theme now to the non-Malays is this: You must give me the two-thirds majority so that I can proceed with my transformation plans. Anything less than two-thirds, and you will end up with Muhyiddeen as the next PM. I know you all don’t want that to happen, so please please give me the two-thirds I need to fend Muhyiddeen off.

    My message to Najib is this: We don’t want you and we don’t want Muhyiddeen. We don’t want anyone from UMNO. We don’t want to give you simple majority or two-thirds. We want to consign you to the Opposition bench so that you can have a taste of your own medicine.

  6. There is no point giving money to the Chinese schools, but given they are more than happy just take it anyway. To the Chinese money for education was not the real issue. They can always find the money for education. What the Chinese want is a proper policy that assist them in continue their 6 years mother tongue education. They have been facing the problem of lacking enough primary school teachers. The education minister and his official know the problem and they also know how to solve the problem but they just take it easy and close their eyes on it.

    They are not keen to solve the problem as it was their policy not to encourage the Chinese to send their children to Chinese school. They may say the right of mother tongue education is guaranteed but they refuse to help on policy matter.

    It is simple just train enough teachers but they would not do that.

    They are many people who wants to be Chinese Primary school teachers but can not get to the training school. This was done by purpose.

    The Chinese get very upset though all the years MCA has one minister in the education department, but who ever is this minister has no power to act. MCA is seen to be a puppet of UMNO. The current Wee also talk the same and he is weak and can not promise the Chinese to solve the problem. They will always say form this task force or that super task force to look into the problem, but they are never sincere.

    There is no pint to form any task force as the problem is very simple. Just get those people who wants to be Chinese primary school teachers and trained them up as simple as that.

    The giving out money here and that will not buy the Chinese votes. What Chinese want is clear policy to train enough teachers.

  7. The real reason to rid of UMNO-Perkasa/BN is that nothing they say makes much sense. Najib say don’t forsake your future but PR has already proven they can govern better in Penang, Selangor, even in Perak for shor while etc. Najib says reform would be jeopardise if they don’t win big BUT since PR got into power, we have seen unprecedented change even by UMNO-Perakasa/BN (have anyone seen them build so many Chinese and Tamil schools even though its still small or hand out as much money and housing benefits since 308).

    What the UMNOputras are saying is that they have done wrong but we the rakyat cannot hold them accountable for it but just allow them self-correct at whatever pace they are comfortable with. They are saying they know better and we are just not bright enough to decide for ourselves. They are saying we already have the best that we deserve and that everyone else in the world is better is NOT their fault but in fact ours first if there is any..

  8. Y show UmnoB/BN d DOOR? Asked ah CHEAT kor
    He said: YEAH, come out of d DOOR, receive $$$ from me, n WALK with ME; GUA ada $$$ 2 give all of U, U vote me n give me 2/3 MAJORITY in d next GE, OK no

  9. Having realized that the Chinese cannot be bought easily, Najib is concentrating on the Indians to provide him the votes to win. He also knows that Indians can be easily bought. Give them a measly ang pow just before elections and A LOT OF PROMISES, the illiterate and poor rural Indians would fall for these ruses.

    The icing on the goodies cake is the NAMBIKAI (trust) that he demands from the Indians who are being hoodwinked and betrayed by the MIC.

    He hands out a once in a lifetime RM500 ringgit ang pow to the poor from the taxpayers’ money but very happily splurges about RM400 thousand on his daughter’s engagement ceremony, about RM60 thousand on his birthday party.

    His wife the notorious publicity seeking FLOM lavishes millions on diamonds, Birkin hand bags and designer garments. She claims to have saved the money for her extravagance from her younger days. What a lot of bull.

    The only way to stop all these wayang kulit shows is to show UMNO/BN the exit. All Malaysians irrespective of ethnicity should kick them out during the 13th GE. Even the UMNOputras, fed up of the corruption, nepotism, cronyism and daylight robbery would want to get rid of these parasites living on the hard earned money of the rakyat. The urban Chinese and educated Indians would gladly show UMNO/BN the door.

    Only the poor, rural Malays, Chinese and Indians might be fooled into voting for UMNO/BN because of the daily doses of propaganda by the UMNO/BN controlled MSM. Even this could turn out to by a myth.

    For a better future let us show Najib and his gang of thieves that we have had enough of their looting, arrogance and veiled apartheid policies.

    Boot them out in the 13th GE.

  10. How can fellows who always have their backs to the wall show UMNO Baru to the door? PKR fellows are never united. PAS fellows are always frightening others with their Hudud Laws. Anwar is hiding somewhere, or visiting foreign countries. Everyone (including me) wants to be an opposition MP, so as to metamorphose into a frog, and then earn millions by jumping ship. DAP is busy with godfathers and warlords. Watch out PKR, you could end up being the biggest clowns of Malaysia.

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