Why women are marching on March 18

— Ivy Josiah
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 17, 2012

MARCH 17 — Tomorrow, a coalition of organisations called Wanita Suara Perubahan will gather at the Padang Astaka in Petaling Jaya. The staff, members and volunteers of the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) will also be marching proudly as part of Wanita Suara Perubahan with thousands of women from all over Malaysia demanding a clean government.

We will all be wearing white gloves. The gloves represent clean hands and symbolise clean government and as the country prepares for next general election, we want our elected representatives to commit to ensuring a clean government for Malaysia.

We want our political leaders to accept and realise the demands of women, which include: a government free from corruption, the introduction of a decent living wage, a better quality of life, an end to gender-based violence, the repeal of laws that restrict public assemblies and the establishment of free and fair elections.

Our demand for a corruption-free and accountable government is critical, as women are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of corruption, racism, exploitation, divisive politics and a curtailment of civil liberties. Millions of ringgit have been misspent that should have been used to ensure adequate housing, health, transportation, education, living wages and environmental protection. Women suffer the consequences of unjust laws as well as poor enforcement of laws relating to personal safety and gender-based violence.

● A clean government does not squander money.

● A clean government includes its citizens in decision-making through genuine and open consultation.

● A clean government ensures the impartiality and efficacy of public institutions, including the judiciary, the anti-corruption watchdog and the police force.

● A clean government ensures the safety of its citizens from gender based violence.

● A clean government ensures that citizens can exercise their right to assemble peacefully.

● A clean government has a mandate to govern only when elections are free and fair.

* Ivy Josiah is executive director of WAO.

9 Replies to “Why women are marching on March 18”

  1. Connie Ong was murdered in 2003 in the Bangsar Shopping Mall car park.After almost 10 years have all public car parks installed CCTV to implement all angle surveillance? I think good governance must include such a measure to deter crimes.This measure should also cover all the busy roads and streets in the cities.A good government must be run by competent and people centred politicians who always bear in mind the interest of the people.But alas,folks why kind of government do we have for the past 55 years?Why is this beloved nation of ours still struggling to make progress when others in the region have surpassed us ?

  2. Don’t FORGET under UmnoB/BN dis is a very seksed-up nation, parliament too, so besides white gloves (= clean hands), don’t forget 2 distribute n wear K ON d oms (= protected guys n dolls; like our neighbor up north)
    HAPUSKAN corruption n S T D, A I D S

  3. Women,don’t also forget to bring brush,mop n detergent to clean Putrajaya’s tuan office tomorrow.Please make sure you brush those dirty areas or the tenants completely clean before you go home.We will wait for you for dinner at home.

  4. Women are important constituency as they make up ½ o the voters. Traditionally women are concerned principally with narrower gender issues such as equality vis-à-vis men than broader national governance issues. In this regard they don’t have much to complain about BN with a record of legislations on marriage, guardianship & even constitutional amendment promoting equality – except occasionally sexist “bochor”remarks by BN’s ministers. Against this backdrop, the proposed gathering on 8th March at the Padang Astaka in Petaling Jaya by Wanita Suara Perubahan in conjunction with the staff, members and volunteers of the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) will be a milestone because of the paradigm shift of these women groups from mere gender issues to broader national issue of clean government! This is a development the BN will be concerned with. Their wearing of white gloves represents clean hands and symbolises clean government! Zahid’s remarks that “he ‘wouldn’t be able to feel his wife if he touched her with gloved hands’” already drew flak as sexists. This is a test for both women and the authorities. I’d like see how many women would actually come out to march. Is this assembly sanctioned by police permit? If not I’d like to see if police would dare arrest women with white gloves or shoot them with chemical laced water cannons. This will cause uproar.

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