Is Najib prepared to establish a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for subversion of the law and perversion of the course of justice?

How long is the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to remain “blind deaf and mute” to the mounting pressures for a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan for subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of justice?

The latest Open Letter by former senior police officer, Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar copied to the Prime Minister has brought the long-simmering scandal of serious allegations about the complicity of the chief legal officer of the land in the subversion of the rule of law and the perversion of the course of the justice to the centre of national and international attention.

Mat Zain revealed that on February 19, 2009, he had briefed and passed evidence to Najib over Gani and Musa’s “misconduct” in fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” incident 13 years ago.

Musa was the investigating officer in the Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy I case while Abdul Gani led the prosecution. Mat Zain was the investigating officer in the black-eye incident.

Mat Zain said he was prepared to give “no holds barred” testimony under oath before a judicial tribunal when and if it is informed.

This is another “new lead” justifying the establishment of such a tribunal, as last week, the former Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) chief Datuk Ramli Yusof also volunteered to testify before such a tribunal against Gani and Musa, accusing both of gross abuses of power and misuse of the Anti-Corruption Agency to fix him and his men after a probe into a shady kingpin arrested by his team.

In his Open Letter today, Mat Zain said that both Gani and Musa were never investigated for “evidence fabrication” and had only been cleared of “abuse of power” allegations.

Would Najib prove Mat Zain right who predicted that the Prime Minister would not establish a judicial tribunal as Gani and Musa’s convictions would prove that Anwar had been victimised during the 13-year-old case which led to Anwar’s jail sentence?

Mat Zain said: “When this happens, not only would Gani and Musa face the possibility of imprisonment of up to 21 years, the government’s credibility would also be destroyed.”

Najib should heed Mat Zain’s warning that the Prime Minister could be held for criminal misconduct if he chooses to continue to ignore or hide other people’s crime which is already within his knowledge.

Najib should come to Parliament to personally state whether he is prepared to initiate action for the establishment of a Judicial Tribunal into the serious allegations of the subversion of the rule of law and perversion of the course of justice made against Gani and Musa by former top police officers in the land.

10 Replies to “Is Najib prepared to establish a judicial tribunal to investigate serious allegations against AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan for subversion of the law and perversion of the course of justice?”

  1. How long is the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to remain “blind deaf and mute” …… perversion of the course of justice?

    Answer: Until the NFC cows go home to One Menerung?

  2. With GE13 around the corner, Najib is unlikely to establish a judicial tribunal. He knows full well that BN votes will go sour if both Gani and Musa are found guilty of “evidence fabrication”.

  3. “…Najib should heed Mat Zain’s warning that the Prime Minister could be held for criminal misconduct if he chooses to continue to ignore or hide other people’s crime which is already within his knowledge….”

    As a layman, can there be any learned person out there who can advise what recourse does the people have when you have a PM who helps to hide other people’s crime for reasons best known to himself? When a Chief Justice strays, the PM can set up a tribunal to impeach the CJ. Likewise the PM also has the authority to set up tribunals to investigate the AG and the IGP. But what happens when the PM himself needs to be investigated by a tribunal? Who pushes this button? I know Parliament can do something but we all know that is a futile exercise since BN has the majority in Parliament and going by history, the motions will not even get past the Speaker.

    The other option of course is the ballot box but that
    too is very iffy as being the incumbent, the PM has the advantage of office to favour his campaigns.

    So are we resigned to have a PM who will not act against his most senior law enforcement officers even though their acts too blatant to be ignored? And we also cannot take action against the Pm who won’t act?

  4. Najib, just do the right thing!

    Otherwise, Malysai would b d laughing stock whilst gani & musa would be d laughing hyenas.

    This would b a slap in d face, no, a kick in the groin, yes, a punch in d solar plexus for malaysian justice. How can a law enforcement chief collude with chief prosecutor to frame evidence & defraud justice?

    There is no moral fibre left in malaysian public service, let alone sanity; politicans have gone amok.

  5. Those two guys know everything about Najib and he knows they are guilty of very heinous crimes but dare he act?

    No! He will resort to ‘elegant silence’ and ‘selective amnesia’ of his two predecessors. He may even deny everything. He has been in denial mode ever since all the skeletons started to crawl out of the closet.

  6. Actually jib has nothing more to lose. Regaining 2/3 majority in GE13 is a near impossibility. And that in itself would be enough to knock jib off his seat. And going by prevailing indications and writings on all walls, umno (BN is actually umno in disguise) will do worse than it did in GE12. How much worse? Now that is a 24m dollar question. So the fact is at this point in time jib is as good as fried. By GE13 jib will turn into a piece of over-fried meat – stiff and rock hard.

    So jib, my advise to you: Go for broke! Expose the AG. Expose the IGP. Expose dr mamak. Expose the anwar sodomy conspiracies and the black eye incident. Expose all those mistakes which you had rather lamely apologised for. Mind you. You will still be kicked out. But at least you would be leaving your post as a hero unlike dr mamak and sleepy head, both of whom left under compulsion.

    So jib, do something for the nation and for yourself. Remember this: “Ros Ros Cantik”. You dont want this to change into something else, do you?

  7. Najib will not establish a judicial tribunal.It’s like commit suicide on oneself.If he does so,ros ros cantik would be over roasted-no more cantik or in fact has never ever been-since all the time has only been gemuk garang and cartoon!!

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